Capitol insurrection hearings.

You seem to think I give a rip if Trump is gone forever, I really don't, I didn't care much for him personally, but I liked his America first policies and great economy. You America last MFs can go have a freaking party in North Korea for all I care. You really don't deserve to breath free air.


Coming from an intellectual giant like you that means nothing.
You're just another hate filled brain dead Republican.

As for America first, don't make me laugh. His folly with China sent the farming community broke and he had to subside them to stop banks for closing.
There's socialism right there dickhead.

You know nothing but hate. A grown man hating half the population because you ignorantly assume they are communist.
You're a blight on the human race. As ignorant as a row of cats watching tv.
Take your crap somewhere else and get yourself educated you fool.
Well when you're right you're right, 1/6 was nothing compared to the nation wide riots. There was much more destruction and loss of life from you commies So STFU you commie bitch.


Aren't you a nice piece if shit.
Still defending the insurrection because teump lost?
Go cry into your MAGA hats you big sook.
As if you have the authority to tell someone anything. Considering the massive cost of the socialist education system, every time an ignoramus like you opens you big mouth, I can't help feeling were in for a massive refund on you.
Coming from an intellectual giant like you that means nothing.
You're just another hate filled brain dead Republican.

As for America first, don't make me laugh. His folly with China sent the farming community broke and he had to subside them to stop banks for closing.
There's socialism right there dickhead.

You know nothing but hate. A grown man hating half the population because you ignorantly assume they are communist.
You're a blight on the human race. As ignorant as a row of cats watching tv.
Take your crap somewhere else and get yourself educated you fool.

You ignorant commies don't believe in education, you believe in indoctrination, thank God I completed school before you commies started infiltrating.

You ignorant commies don't believe in education, you believe in indoctrination, thank God I completed school before you commies started infiltrating.

Thank God? How was he responsible for you being a big brain dead slug?
I be surprised if you could count past ten without taking your shoes off.
You. Educated? In your dreams boy.
Aren't you a nice piece if shit.
Still defending the insurrection because teump lost?
Go cry into your MAGA hats you big sook.
As if you have the authority to tell someone anything. Considering the massive cost of the socialist education system, every time an ignoramus like you opens you big mouth, I can't help feeling were in for a massive refund on you.

Keep slinging your commie buzz words and I'll keep laughing at your worthless ass.

Still laughing at your worthless commie ass.

Of course you are. I can hear your teeth grinding with frustration.
You come on here swearing your head like a idiot expecting to intimidate me. That's only to cover your ignorance and lack of education.
Try Again boofhead.
Trespassers and murderers should be investigated.
Do you agree?
I know Trump eluded implying he was directly involved and through his followers to the wolves to save his cowardly ass. But maybe, just maybe, we could find out the truth from others. Say, Trump's buddy Stone, who was at the Capitol coordinating efforts with the militia leaders while Trump was giving his pep talk to the fools who thought they could murder Pence and change the election results. The spearhead Force was not there, they were already at the Capitol talking with Stone. I'd have to call that treason. All this because an egomaniac named Trump became our president.
While I am pumping up my tires for my daily bike ride, I have the “capitol insurrection hearings” playing on my TV with the sound turned off. This is the best way to take in what is happening.

Throughout the hearing I've been doing the same as you except I haven't pumped bike tires, have avoided outside activity due to the desert's heat, and have only turned on the TV to either watch baseball or be entertained watching YouTube.
I know Trump eluded implying he was directly involved and through his followers to the wolves to save his cowardly ass. But maybe, just maybe, we could find out the truth from others. Say, Trump's buddy Stone, who was at the Capitol coordinating efforts with the militia leaders while Trump was giving his pep talk to the fools who thought they could murder Pence and change the election results. The spearhead Force was not there, they were already at the Capitol talking with Stone. I'd have to call that treason. All this because an egomaniac named Trump became our president.
Which makes it ok for Democrat politicians to allow weekend murder sprees.
How stupid are you LibBots?

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