Capitol Police Deny David Bailey is Killer of Ashli Babbitt. What Goes On?

Watch for a request from Ashli's family for legal donations to sue the capitol police and personal civil suit for the murdering rent a cop.....

Suing the police will get them exactly nowhere. Although Asli was unarmed, one police officer died and more than 150 were injured, some of them seriously, and two officers committed suicide due to PTSD in the wake of the attacks, so the officer can very reasonable say that he feared for his life and for the lives of those people in the Senate Chamber.

If indeed a Secret Service Agent shot her in the performance of his duty to protect those members of the House under Secret Service protection, that law suit will be tossed in a heart beat. My viewing of the video just prior to the shooting shows:

The family has absolutely no case whatsoever.
The only one to die that day was CNN still misleading you or are you just a liar?.....there is a 12 year veteran of the MPD sitting in jail because she made a mistake and fired her gun thinking it was her taser....its happened before...but this capitol cop and BLM supporter intentionally murdered Ashli an unarmed protester and he gets protected by Pelosi and the media...if she was wearing a BLM mask and she were black you would be signing a different tune and you know it.....
"The only one to die that day was Ashli"

You're fucking deranged, con. In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, 4 people died there that day.

A fraction of the people who died in leftist violence last year that you don't care about sick fascist fuck.

And unlike the leftist violence, not one death at the capital was ruled intentional
Officer Brian Sicknick's murder was QUITE intentional.
His own mother says not but we know your feelings feel like you “know” better.

Yes, bodecea wants him to have been murdered which is to her proof
Watch for a request from Ashli's family for legal donations to sue the capitol police and personal civil suit for the murdering rent a cop.....

Suing the police will get them exactly nowhere. Although Asli was unarmed, one police officer died and more than 150 were injured, some of them seriously, and two officers committed suicide due to PTSD in the wake of the attacks, so the officer can very reasonable say that he feared for his life and for the lives of those people in the Senate Chamber.

If indeed a Secret Service Agent shot her in the performance of his duty to protect those members of the House under Secret Service protection, that law suit will be tossed in a heart beat. My viewing of the video just prior to the shooting shows:

The family has absolutely no case whatsoever.
The only one to die that day was CNN still misleading you or are you just a liar?.....there is a 12 year veteran of the MPD sitting in jail because she made a mistake and fired her gun thinking it was her taser....its happened before...but this capitol cop and BLM supporter intentionally murdered Ashli an unarmed protester and he gets protected by Pelosi and the media...if she was wearing a BLM mask and she were black you would be signing a different tune and you know it.....
"The only one to die that day was Ashli"

You're fucking deranged, con. In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, 4 people died there that day.

A fraction of the people who died in leftist violence last year that you don't care about sick fascist fuck.

And unlike the leftist violence, not one death at the capital was ruled intentional
Officer Brian Sicknick's murder was QUITE intentional.
Boy this didnt age well.

And his mother said same yet feelings riot libs gotta lie to fuel the next real riot
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Watch for a request from Ashli's family for legal donations to sue the capitol police and personal civil suit for the murdering rent a cop.....

Suing the police will get them exactly nowhere. Although Asli was unarmed, one police officer died and more than 150 were injured, some of them seriously, and two officers committed suicide due to PTSD in the wake of the attacks, so the officer can very reasonable say that he feared for his life and for the lives of those people in the Senate Chamber.

If indeed a Secret Service Agent shot her in the performance of his duty to protect those members of the House under Secret Service protection, that law suit will be tossed in a heart beat. My viewing of the video just prior to the shooting shows:

The family has absolutely no case whatsoever.
The only one to die that day was CNN still misleading you or are you just a liar?.....there is a 12 year veteran of the MPD sitting in jail because she made a mistake and fired her gun thinking it was her taser....its happened before...but this capitol cop and BLM supporter intentionally murdered Ashli an unarmed protester and he gets protected by Pelosi and the media...if she was wearing a BLM mask and she were black you would be signing a different tune and you know it.....
"The only one to die that day was Ashli"

You're fucking deranged, con. In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, 4 people died there that day.
That's not true if it were you should be able to name them....I'll wait....
Are you ever not an uninformed dumbfuck?

  • Rosanne Boyland
  • Benjamin Philips
  • Kevin Greeson
  • Ashli Targetpractice

Police said 34-year-old Rosanne Boyland of Kennesaw, Georgia, 55-year-old Kevin Greeson of Athens, Alabama, and 50-year-old Benjamin Phillips of Ringtown, Pennsylvania also died on Wednesday.

They died of medical emergencies, police said, but did not detail the causes of death
None of these people died on the 6th at the capitol...the media used their deaths to fool tools like Faun.....

This should make it crystal clear just how stupid and gullible you fools really are:

The fact that you are relying on known liars at the NY times shows all of us how foolish you are....they have had to retract nearly every report they printed on the events of 1-6-21.....
Uninformed dumbfuck, even you posted how 4 people died there that day. Now you're chasing your own tail.

I never said they died at the capitol on that day and neither has anyone else...that's the point dummy....
So you are ignorant of the FACT that they died at the
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.

According to the only standard that matters to you, what works for your fascist political propaganda
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Suppose you rob a bank. The security guard takes a shot at you but he missed and killed the bank manager.

Who's going to be charged with murder?

Now that's a totally bogus analogy. Note how you don't apply that to the leftist protestors who killed more than twenty people, fascist hypocrite.

And in this case, you are a total liar, you don't even know how the cop died because they refuse to tell us.

Yet, you don't hold leftists accountable for people who died while they were just committing criminal acts like looting and starting fires.

Which was my point, Nazi
"Killed over 20 people"?

Have not heard of any, why don't you post something up?

Here you go. 19 dead in just 14 days. Now you will show yet again your total lack of manhood and fail to acknowledge that you were wrong and you got the link showing that

1. Perp arrested, charges pending.
2. Unrelated.
3. Unrelated.
4. Self defense.
5. Run over by FedEx truck? Why is that in this list?
6. Trying to stop purse snatchers.

You getting the picture here? None of these are related to the protests.
Since she died in the commission of a crime, all of those who took part in the crime with her should be legally responsible for her death.

Trespassing?? LOL That's what most of those folks are charged with. Trespassing.

That's the underlying charge of anyone caught on surveillance video inside the capitol building. Other have specific charges including burglary, destruction of government property, and assault with a dangerous weapon.
There is no "underlying charge," NAZI. The term is meaningless.
Faun is a very angry liberal cuckold male unable to break the dominance of his wife and angrily lashing out at strangers here. Be a man twerp
So...all you can say is a personal attack on a fellow poster. I bet he appreciates your surrender.
Since she died in the commission of a crime, all of those who took part in the crime with her should be legally responsible for her death.

Trespassing?? LOL That's what most of those folks are charged with. Trespassing.

That's the underlying charge of anyone caught on surveillance video inside the capitol building. Other have specific charges including burglary, destruction of government property, and assault with a dangerous weapon.
There is no "underlying charge," NAZI. The term is meaningless.
THere's that word again.....Cha-Ching!
Watch for a request from Ashli's family for legal donations to sue the capitol police and personal civil suit for the murdering rent a cop.....

Suing the police will get them exactly nowhere. Although Asli was unarmed, one police officer died and more than 150 were injured, some of them seriously, and two officers committed suicide due to PTSD in the wake of the attacks, so the officer can very reasonable say that he feared for his life and for the lives of those people in the Senate Chamber.

If indeed a Secret Service Agent shot her in the performance of his duty to protect those members of the House under Secret Service protection, that law suit will be tossed in a heart beat. My viewing of the video just prior to the shooting shows:

The family has absolutely no case whatsoever.
The only one to die that day was CNN still misleading you or are you just a liar?.....there is a 12 year veteran of the MPD sitting in jail because she made a mistake and fired her gun thinking it was her taser....its happened before...but this capitol cop and BLM supporter intentionally murdered Ashli an unarmed protester and he gets protected by Pelosi and the media...if she was wearing a BLM mask and she were black you would be signing a different tune and you know it.....
"The only one to die that day was Ashli"

You're fucking deranged, con. In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, 4 people died there that day.

A fraction of the people who died in leftist violence last year that you don't care about sick fascist fuck.

And unlike the leftist violence, not one death at the capital was ruled intentional
Fuck off, traitor.

Interfering with your fascist right to beat people up and take their shit, huh Nazi?
Another fascinating post going on with the N word.
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.

According to the only standard that matters to you, what works for your fascist political propaganda
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Suppose you rob a bank. The security guard takes a shot at you but he missed and killed the bank manager.

Who's going to be charged with murder?

Now that's a totally bogus analogy. Note how you don't apply that to the leftist protestors who killed more than twenty people, fascist hypocrite.

And in this case, you are a total liar, you don't even know how the cop died because they refuse to tell us.

Yet, you don't hold leftists accountable for people who died while they were just committing criminal acts like looting and starting fires.

Which was my point, Nazi
"Killed over 20 people"?

Have not heard of any, why don't you post something up?

Here you go. Now you will show yet again your total lack of manhood and fail to acknowledge that you were wrong and you got the link showing that

"your total lack of manhood"....? On social media? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
He's not very good with insults. Plus, he's one of the guys who felt inadequate when I told them what I do for a living.
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.

According to the only standard that matters to you, what works for your fascist political propaganda
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Suppose you rob a bank. The security guard takes a shot at you but he missed and killed the bank manager.

Who's going to be charged with murder?

Now that's a totally bogus analogy. Note how you don't apply that to the leftist protestors who killed more than twenty people, fascist hypocrite.

And in this case, you are a total liar, you don't even know how the cop died because they refuse to tell us.

Yet, you don't hold leftists accountable for people who died while they were just committing criminal acts like looting and starting fires.

Which was my point, Nazi
"Killed over 20 people"?

Have not heard of any, why don't you post something up?

Here you go. Now you will show yet again your total lack of manhood and fail to acknowledge that you were wrong and you got the link showing that

"your total lack of manhood"....? On social media? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
He's not very good with insults. Plus, he's one of the guys who felt inadequate when I told them what I do for a living.
I see.
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.
The mob didn't kill anyone despite the left and media lies
Wrong. She died during the commission of a crime. The people committing the crime are responsible.
The cop that shot her even though she wasn't armed, wasn't a threat, and did nothing but try to go through a broken plastic window? I guess we no longer arrest protestors but SHOOT them instead. Fair enough----lots of anti-fa and blm terrorists "protesting" and trespassing among many worse crimes---OPEN SEASON SAY YOU?
That wasn't a protest, it was an insurrection. There is a difference. One is a crime, the other is a Constitutional right.

Do you know which is which?
They were there protesting most of the Thousands upon thousands that were there. They went to congress to protest congress-------don't know why this is a hard concept. This is what our founders intended.
Assaulting the Capitol is what our founders intended?

In which reality?
Our founders knew that it was human nature for politics to become corrupt-----------they expected ours to do so as well. WHEN not IF our government became corrupt---our founders wrote extensively about the american populace needing to go after them hence the real reason for the right to bear arms. You should read up especially on the writings of my favorite founder and athesit Thomas Jefferson and of the men around him.
So, is that a twisted way of saying "yes" without really saying it? Because I'm pretty sure staging an insurrection because they weren't happy that they lost the election isn't what they had in mind.
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.

According to the only standard that matters to you, what works for your fascist political propaganda
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Suppose you rob a bank. The security guard takes a shot at you but he missed and killed the bank manager.

Who's going to be charged with murder?

Now that's a totally bogus analogy. Note how you don't apply that to the leftist protestors who killed more than twenty people, fascist hypocrite.

And in this case, you are a total liar, you don't even know how the cop died because they refuse to tell us.

Yet, you don't hold leftists accountable for people who died while they were just committing criminal acts like looting and starting fires.

Which was my point, Nazi
"Killed over 20 people"?

Have not heard of any, why don't you post something up?

Here you go. 19 dead in just 14 days. Now you will show yet again your total lack of manhood and fail to acknowledge that you were wrong and you got the link showing that

What's that whistling noise? Creep's manhood fizzling away
Because I didn't answer quickly enough for you? We Democrats work, Son.
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.

According to the only standard that matters to you, what works for your fascist political propaganda
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Suppose you rob a bank. The security guard takes a shot at you but he missed and killed the bank manager.

Who's going to be charged with murder?

Now that's a totally bogus analogy. Note how you don't apply that to the leftist protestors who killed more than twenty people, fascist hypocrite.

And in this case, you are a total liar, you don't even know how the cop died because they refuse to tell us.

Yet, you don't hold leftists accountable for people who died while they were just committing criminal acts like looting and starting fires.

Which was my point, Nazi
"Killed over 20 people"?

Have not heard of any, why don't you post something up?

Here you go. 19 dead in just 14 days. Now you will show yet again your total lack of manhood and fail to acknowledge that you were wrong and you got the link showing that

What's that whistling noise? Creep's manhood fizzling away
Because I didn't answer quickly enough for you? We Democrats work, Son.
I'm still chuckling over someone measuring manhood thru social media posts. :heehee:
Officer Brian Sicknick's murder was QUITE intentional.
Boy this didnt age well.

The official diagnosis will not be enough to make the communists tell the truth.
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.
In what city? Seattle or Portland, or both?
The insurrectionists were in DC.
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.

According to the only standard that matters to you, what works for your fascist political propaganda
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Suppose you rob a bank. The security guard takes a shot at you but he missed and killed the bank manager.

Who's going to be charged with murder?

Now that's a totally bogus analogy. Note how you don't apply that to the leftist protestors who killed more than twenty people, fascist hypocrite.

And in this case, you are a total liar, you don't even know how the cop died because they refuse to tell us.

Yet, you don't hold leftists accountable for people who died while they were just committing criminal acts like looting and starting fires.

Which was my point, Nazi
"Killed over 20 people"?

Have not heard of any, why don't you post something up?

Here you go. 19 dead in just 14 days. Now you will show yet again your total lack of manhood and fail to acknowledge that you were wrong and you got the link showing that

What's that whistling noise? Creep's manhood fizzling away
"manhood fizzling away"...? On social media? :heehee:

You're going all out again to serve leftist men, huh? Men being dubious, like Creep who asked for a link, got it then ran away and hid instead of just saying wow, he was wrong.

I can't believe you morons didn't know about all the deaths from BLM, antifa and leftist rioting. You need to stop just believing fake news
Again, we Democrats work.
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.

According to the only standard that matters to you, what works for your fascist political propaganda
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Suppose you rob a bank. The security guard takes a shot at you but he missed and killed the bank manager.

Who's going to be charged with murder?

Now that's a totally bogus analogy. Note how you don't apply that to the leftist protestors who killed more than twenty people, fascist hypocrite.

And in this case, you are a total liar, you don't even know how the cop died because they refuse to tell us.

Yet, you don't hold leftists accountable for people who died while they were just committing criminal acts like looting and starting fires.

Which was my point, Nazi
"Killed over 20 people"?

Have not heard of any, why don't you post something up?

Here you go. 19 dead in just 14 days. Now you will show yet again your total lack of manhood and fail to acknowledge that you were wrong and you got the link showing that

What's that whistling noise? Creep's manhood fizzling away
"manhood fizzling away"...? On social media? :heehee:

You're going all out again to serve leftist men, huh? Men being dubious, like Creep who asked for a link, got it then ran away and hid instead of just saying wow, he was wrong.

I can't believe you morons didn't know about all the deaths from BLM, antifa and leftist rioting. You need to stop just believing fake news
Again, we Democrats work.

Interesting article....notice that 9 out of the 25 were protesters themselves. I'm touched by Kaz's concern over them.

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