Capitol Police drag disabled protesters away without wheelchairs during Trumpcare protests

does my lack of love bother you? I know it rubs alot of folk the wrong way...they cannot even speak out against it.
does my lack of love bother you? I know it rubs alot of folk the wrong way...they cannot even speak out against it.
Great to see you online, I know people in their 70's who still only read the newspapers and refuse to even try to learn the internet.. 50's is the new 80's :lol:

15 reps? in a row? with no rest?

If you can do 15 reps straight with 250 at 82 years old (or at 30yrs old!) you're a freakin' beast.

I am in my mid fifties, weigh 180 and bench 235 for 5x5. my one rep max is 255.
At 82 years old I can bench press 250 15 times....will one of you deport me? Sassy?

Sounds like you need committed. But if you want deported contact Immigration

Why do you find the need to personally attack Sassy, this is the behavior of Trump when he feel cornered..?

You're kidding me, right? Your fellow loons are constantly nipping at my ankles and when they get their teeth kicked in they are suddenly the victims?

Take you, you start a thread moaning about disabled people getting arrested after disobeying an order. Then are flabbergasted when people point out they broke the law and guess what? It doesn't matter if they are disabled. There are consequences for one's poor judgement.
yes thanx....I believe most my age see it my way. We know more than them because we have more experience.
This will only get worse. Reportedly there were drops of blood on the floor.




Police Haul Off Protesters, Some With Disabilities, From Mitch McConnell's Office

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