Capitol Police drag disabled protesters away without wheelchairs during Trumpcare protests

Y'all lefties pretended to love the Capital Police last week after they killed a Sanders supporter who shot five republicans. What happened?
They have the same opportunity everyone before them had.

I think I told you this before but I did my internship in a home for pregnant girls recovering from addiction..
They have clean babies unless if they relapse.

These women were required to get their GED, and get on welfare .. to get them ready to walk out with a healthy baby and a way to take care of themselves.

Some of these girls went back out and used, some got their shit together and got a job or went back to school for a BA, or a trade..

Like I said adoption should be the last choice, most social services focus on getting the kids back with the parents..
what percentage came out clean?

Well leaving the home about 90% with clean babies.. I got to see a few born

Have you ever seen a crack baby? These babies will cost the tax payers their whole life because of health problems.. A horrible thing to see..

But the GOP love to cut these services to women, it interferes with their rich friends tax cuts.
Progressives should pay for other progressives in need… leave the rest of us out of it, we'll Pay for our own shit.

So if you saw a starving person or animal , you would just walk away..?

I wouldnt...I'd call a progressive.
Whats your phone number?
And Arrested...

Beginning to look like Puttin Country..

Freedom of Speech

Protesters arrested outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office - The Washington Post

June 22, 2017 12:23 PM EDT - Several people were arrested during a protest led by people with disabilities, opposing the newly announced Senate health-care bill on June 22.

Should have tased em a couple times.

You could wake up tomorrow disabled and alone,God forbid I wouldn't want that to happen to you... BUT.. like these people in the video fighting to keep the crappy healthcare and little money they get to survive every month..

Taking money from the disabled and giving it to the rich Tax Cuts.. Why is that ok with you?

I did a little home health care while putting myself through is very minimal what they get.
They should protest their governor then. The US Government is not the place to demand a handout.

They were protesting McConnell
And Arrested...

Beginning to look like Puttin Country..

Freedom of Speech

Protesters arrested outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office - The Washington Post

June 22, 2017 12:23 PM EDT - Several people were arrested during a protest led by people with disabilities, opposing the newly announced Senate health-care bill on June 22.
Big deal, Progressive in a wheel chair is just being treated equally as a Progressive without a wheel chair...This is a good thing.

Wow really?

You MF's are always screaming for equal treatment.
Then when you get it you piss and moan.
And Arrested...

Beginning to look like Puttin Country..

Freedom of Speech

Protesters arrested outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office - The Washington Post

June 22, 2017 12:23 PM EDT - Several people were arrested during a protest led by people with disabilities, opposing the newly announced Senate health-care bill on June 22.

Should have tased em a couple times.

You could wake up tomorrow disabled and alone,God forbid I wouldn't want that to happen to you... BUT.. like these people in the video fighting to keep the crappy healthcare and little money they get to survive every month..

Taking money from the disabled and giving it to the rich Tax Cuts.. Why is that ok with you?

I did a little home health care while putting myself through is very minimal what they get.
They should protest their governor then. The US Government is not the place to demand a handout.

They were protesting McConnell
Did it go over your head that I think they should be protesting their State Government? The Federal Government is not empowered to distribute largess to individuals, groups of people, or even special interests.
Being disabled does not give anyone the right to break a law or disobey a lawful order.

That dog won't hunt

What law did they break Sassy...?
Free Speech.

Everyone knows free speech is for Republicans only. Just like having a private server. Or turning over your emails. Only Democrats need to do that. Republicans are exempt.

They even took away a blind man. I'm sure Republicans are saying "Get some eyes".

Yeah...because commiecare works so well.
Laura Hillier died of leukemia while waiting for hospital bed despite having a donor | Daily Mail Online

just more hyped up lying by a dying leftist party.


That melody has way too much pride,integrity and love of Country to represent the death of the DNC!!!

I think this would be more appropriate.

And Arrested...

Beginning to look like Puttin Country..

Freedom of Speech

Protesters arrested outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office - The Washington Post

June 22, 2017 12:23 PM EDT - Several people were arrested during a protest led by people with disabilities, opposing the newly announced Senate health-care bill on June 22.
Big deal, Progressive in a wheel chair is just being treated equally as a Progressive without a wheel chair...This is a good thing.
Did anyone see the size of that guy....345 if he was a pound.

Of course the were Physically removed. Is there any other way to remove them? Virtually maybe? I'm sure they were treated well wherever they went. They couldn't stay there forever, and they had their moment in the sun.
Getting removed has always gone hand in hand with blocking doorways, hallways and streets. The fact that the left has resorted to using disabled people is more disgusting.
I dont think they will be thrown into general population or beaten as they might be in Cuba, that other liberal pinnacle of light, but rather they will probably be released rather quickly. Once again, more proof its good to live in the USA! thanks for the thread ;)
if this nation cannot make healthcare EASILY affordable for all then I will simply never associate the word GREAT with it again...ever. Why this is so difficult has me highly highly doubting this nation...and I was born here. Come on....DEPORT me.

Of course the were Physically removed. Is there any other way to remove them? Virtually maybe? I'm sure they were treated well wherever they went. They couldn't stay there forever, and they had their moment in the sun.
Getting removed has always gone hand in hand with blocking doorways, hallways and streets. The fact that the left has resorted to using disabled people is more disgusting.
I dont think they will be thrown into general population or beaten as they might be in Cuba, that other liberal pinnacle of light, but rather they will probably be released rather quickly. Once again, more proof its good to live in the USA! thanks for the thread ;)

Yep...they got exactly what they were looking for.
Maybe the best strategy would be to throw out the press and lock the doors to McConnell's office.
It'd be interesting to see how long they hung around.
Gutting Medicaid which over 60 percent of nursing home residents need is bizarre. Contradicts pro life in the very least.

And they think it is funny to make fun of the people hurting and worried about their future , I find their attitude to be appalling.

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