Capitol Police snub McConnell and McCarthy at ceremony

Says ONLY MAGAt worshippers of the orange Florida man.
Did you take a Russian Collusion Dildo up the ass or what? How'd that work out for you man?
Butt Sore now that Twitter is revealing how you Nazis try to rig elections ban, silence and censor free speech?
Did you take a Russian Collusion Dildo up the ass or what? How'd that work out for you man?
Butt Sore now that Twitter is revealing how you Nazis try to rig elections ban, silence and censor free speech?
Notice how these lying progs never use the phrase "free and fair" elections anymore?
Police officers who responded to the Jan. 6 Capitol attack and some of their family members pointedly declined to shake the hands of Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy as they accepted Congressional Gold Medals on Tuesday.

Officers shook hands with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer as they accepted the medals, but quickly moved past the House and Senate Republican leaders — despite McConnell outstretching his hand.
I would've flipped them the bird!
If the Capitol protestor was not heeding police commands and posed a threat to law enforcement, then I was consistent in supporting law enforcement in that situation. Many of the 2020 protestors sited Michael Brown. Brown went for the officer’s revolver, was shot, the city was burnt and looted but somehow the Left was against that one.
I can only speak for myself and my opinion as those events unfolded between police and people of color over the years. That has been going on my entire 60+ years. Cop Camera's exonerate more police than they condemn, and would have been valuable in that case. I'm willing to accept the courts decision on all those cases. No person in their right mind supports looting, arson, and rioting.
Blatant snub by deceased Officer Brian Sicknik’s mother and others
Why the fuck should Sicknick get a medal?

It has already been proven that he died from a stroke, not for being some sort of fucking hero fighting crime, as the fakestream media has brainwashed idiots like you into believing.

When someone of his age and background dies from basal artery thrombosis, it's usually because of hardcore drug abuse. Specifically, the anabolic steroid, methamphetamine and cocaine abuse that is endemic among crooked cops.

And of course that is likely why his family refuses to let the toxicology report be released.
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What about them?
These were good people to you, weren't they?

And here's even more MAGAt sexual fantasizing.

What's the matter, no comment on Nance letting a few hundred capitol police attempt to control an overwhelming crowd? No national guard, no significant barriers, why does she hate them so? :dunno:

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