Capitol Police snub McConnell and McCarthy at ceremony

If they don't represent anyone but themselves, why did the Jan 6th thugs carry "Trump" flags and when charged in court say they were answering trump's call?

Guess you'd have to ask them. A serial killer can buy a Trump flag and carry it around and proclaim he's a Trump supporter, that doesn't reflect jack shit on Trump or anyone else that supports him. If you lack the intelligence to understand that simple concept sounds like a problem you need to work on. It's what you idiots try to do all the time, those who can be led around by their noses fall for it, most others do not. :dunno:
Guess you'd have to ask them. A serial killer can buy a Trump flag and carry it around and proclaim he's a Trump supporter, that doesn't reflect jack shit on Trump or anyone else that supports him. If you lack the intelligence to understand that simple concept sounds like a problem you need to work on. It's what you idiots try to do all the time, those who can be led around by their noses fall for it, most others do not. :dunno:
So can ANTIFA, BLM and THE FBI do the same and have done the same. I was at a rally where both the KKK and ANTIFA tried to blend in and infiltrate a peaceful Trump rally prior to starting some shit once they had gained access. Saw it with my own eyes. Just more proof that The DNC is nothing but Nazis and their henchmen are nothing but STAZI.

No one, and I mean NO ONE at that Trump rally who was actually there to see Trump wanted those people there. The Police had to eventually save the KKK and ANTIFA as they were getting their asses kicked after they tried to disrupt the rally.
Explain it to the 130 Officers who were injured that day trying to hold off a raging Republican mob

Yeah, too bad there were no barriers put in place, and no national guard. Nancy didn't give a fuck about them, they were dispensable in her little scheme, put only hundreds of capitol police up against a crowd that size, she has no shame.
What I know for a fact. HUNTER IS A TOTAL MESS DRUG ADDICT. AND if BIDEN retired or left, What ever transgressions, crimes of his would disappear off this web site, Because its not about Hunter, its abought damaging his father through his son.
You mean Nancy should have realized how violent Republicans are?
yeah, not like those peace loving Democrats

Floyd was not shot by an armed guard while he was busting through at a barricaded doorway in the Capitol building during a riot.

Such a weak defense you have there, it's all your fault.

If the Capitol protestor was not heeding police commands and posed a threat to law enforcement, then I was consistent in supporting law enforcement in that situation. Many of the 2020 protestors sited Michael Brown. Brown went for the officer’s revolver, was shot, the city was burnt and looted but somehow the Left was against that one.
Love the Lefty Threads on Damage Control since Elon Musk took over Twitter and showed us how Obama and Democrat Fascist Goons censored free speech and manipulated Social Media to interfere in our elections and rig them in their favor.

This is more of the same and represents nothing but a deflection.
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