Capitol Police snub McConnell and McCarthy at ceremony

How come you didn't have your defenses up when that bully started punching you? It's the Speakers fault that Trumpybear sent his MAGAMOB Riot Squad to the Capitol to disrupt the Certified EC Vote counting process.

I'd have extended my hand, then pulled it back, pointed and laughed at them with a sneer, shaking my head saying "No way traitor!"
mmm .. the best example of left wing babbling I've seen all morning... :rolleyes:
View attachment 735395

It was a time of terror as Nancy and other progressive Democrats can attest because of the horned wooly man.

Many of them feared for their lives even though they weren't even inside the Capitol building.

Those unarmed peaceful protestors must be put in their place because those that represent all of us at the Capitol don't their pants on the same way we do so they deserve much more protection than they provided to the people they represent during the ongoing continuing riots they've caused across the nation for years now.

Can't keep those peasants in their place if they think they deserve the same protections as their leaders.



Explain it to the 130 Officers who were injured that day trying to hold off a raging Republican mob
View attachment 735395

It was a time of terror as Nancy and other progressive Democrats can attest because of the horned wooly man.

Many of them feared for their lives even though they weren't even inside the Capitol building.

Those unarmed peaceful protestors must be put in their place because those that represent all of us at the Capitol don't their pants on the same way we do so they deserve much more protection than they provided to the people they represent during the ongoing continuing riots they've caused across the nation for years now.

Can't keep those peasants in their place if they think they deserve the same protections as their leaders.



Jacob chansley is a leftwing homo failed actor who lives at home with his leftwing zionist mommy...

Q-anon is fraud thought up by homO the community HATE HOAX organizer
Yep, videos of people walking in past the police were shown. Where are your pics from? Could be anywhere. :dunno:
Anywhere on the Capitol grounds.

Look at the nice police officers letting the tourists in.
The point is not about Hunter's laptop. The point is that Democrats call anything a "lie" that they don't agree with, regardless of facts. That goes for the Jan. 6th riot, Russian collusion, you name it.

It's really quite pointless to even go back and forth with these idiots, it's the same thing, over and over and over again, ad nauseam. It's all they got. Decades of leftist violent protests and riots, billions of dollars in destruction and 100's of deaths. But a few hundred dumbasses (we don't even know if there were plants that started the breaking in, they would have been allowed to walk) are allowed to break into one of the most secure buildings in the world, and they'll latch onto that and beat it until there's nothing left to beat. They'll be using this to put people who had nothing to do with it on the defensive for the next 10 years +, cause that's their MO, and as I said previously, they have nothing else. Don't let them use it, best to just ignore it completely. No one is responsible for anyone else's actions but themselves, period. Those who went into the capitol building that day are being prosecuted, they don't represent anyone but themselves, certainly not the millions of Americans who are fed up with the political bullshit going on in this country today who are doing the right things to try to change it.
It's really quite pointless to even go back and forth with these idiots, it's the same thing, over and over and over again, ad nauseam. It's all they got. Decades of leftist violent protests and riots, billions of dollars in destruction and 100's of deaths. But a few hundred dumbasses (we don't even know if there were plants that started the breaking in, they would have been allowed to walk) are allowed to break into one of the most secure buildings in the world, and they'll latch onto that and beat it until there's nothing left to beat. They'll be using this to put people who had nothing to do with it on the defensive for the next 10 years +, cause that's their MO, and as I said previously, they have nothing else. Don't let them use it, best to just ignore it completely. No one is responsible for anyone else's actions but themselves, period. Those who went into the capitol building that day are being prosecuted, they don't represent anyone but themselves, certainly not the millions of Americans who are fed up with the political bullshit going on in this country today who are doing the right things to try to change it.
If they don't represent anyone but themselves, why did the Jan 6th thugs carry "Trump" flags and when charged in court say they were answering trump's call?
Police officers who responded to the Jan. 6 Capitol attack and some of their family members pointedly declined to shake the hands of Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy as they accepted Congressional Gold Medals on Tuesday.

Officers shook hands with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer as they accepted the medals, but quickly moved past the House and Senate Republican leaders — despite McConnell outstretching his hand.
I don't blame them. To ignore with disdain and contempt without acknowledging those jerks is priceless.
Anywhere on the Capitol grounds.

Look at the nice police officers letting the tourists in. View attachment 735401

Yep, no barrier, no national guard, how many capitol police up against a crowd that size? What dumbass made that decision? Pelosi let them hangn out to dry, put their lives in jeopardy, but they'll 'snub' republicans. Not very bright, are they? :cuckoo:
You mean like they "lied" about Hunter's laptop NOT being Russian disinformation? That kind of "lie"? Honestly, Democrats have reached the point where they are so indoctrinated that even evidence doesn't matter if it is contrary to their teachings.
This fails as a red herring fallacy, a dishonest attempt to deflect from the thread topic.
In advance, they knew there was going to be protest at the Capitol. Who/why was National Guard assistance turned down? Was it McConnel and McCarthy?

After months of riots and calls for social justice and demonizing the police for shooting unarmed suspects and perpetrators who failed to heed police orders, J6 marked the first time Democrats cheered law enforcement for doing the very thing they protested throughout 2020.
Floyd was not shot by an armed guard while he was busting through at a barricaded doorway in the Capitol building during a riot.

mmm .. the best example of left wing babbling I've seen all morning... :rolleyes:

Such a weak defense you have there, it's all your fault.
Explain it to the 130 Officers who were injured that day trying to hold off a raging Republican mob

So now you want to support murdering an unarmed protestor and brutalizing's other unarmed protestors while refusing to acknowledge that all people across the country deserve the same protections our leaders think they deserve when terrorists are burning, looting, and murdering.

Nice to know.

When do the Capitol police start goose stepping while they march and and wear those nifty little arm bans with a swastika?

Sieg heil!!!


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It would have been better if they opened up with fire hoses and rubber bullets................
It would have been better had their not been FBI instigators on the outside urging the crowd to go inside while the Capital Police opened the door wide open for them prior to their turning on their invited guests to make a public spectacle of the whole thing so that Obama, Clinton and Biden could take advantage of yet another one of their cooked up schemes like Russian Collusion.
Couldn’t agree more about the behavior of McConnell and McCarthy after the Republican attack

They should resign in shame
Cute. No GOP representative invited, incited, or asked for that riot. But hey, be a dishonest little bitch - it’s what you’re known for.

Still waiting on your quote from Truth social where Trump said “exterminate the Constitution,” you wretched little worm.

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