Capitol Police snub McConnell and McCarthy at ceremony

Republican leadership is ultimately responsible for Congressional Republicans who continue to lie about 1/6, who continue to defend the 1/6 domestic terrorists, and who continue to lie about about the 2020 election being stolen.

You mean like they "lied" about Hunter's laptop NOT being Russian disinformation? That kind of "lie"? Honestly, Democrats have reached the point where they are so indoctrinated that even evidence doesn't matter if it is contrary to their teachings.

They had access to national guard

They could have put up a standard barrier.

Chriswray, pelosi, and homos in MAGAdrag...

Another cocksucking leftwing hate hoax...

Q-anon is 100% pure leftwing homo fraud group...
It's like a steady flow of MAGAt sexual fantasies.
Republican leadership is ultimately responsible for Congressional Republicans who continue to lie about 1/6, who continue to defend the 1/6 domestic terrorists, and who continue to lie about about the 2020 election being stolen.
Those so-called Republican leaders showed their outrage on the evening of Jan 6
But once the dust settled and they saw that their party and President would take the blame for the attack, they quickly moved to minimize and downplay the event.

We need to just move on
100% pure hypocrisy.

1/6 videos


Pelosi mansion SF aka paul's gay whore coke house

Notice too that the

Zionist 911 W "Biden republicans "

Are cool with censoring pelosi videos, including kevin mccarthy
You mean like they "lied" about Hunter's laptop NOT being Russian disinformation? That kind of "lie"? Honestly, Democrats have reached the point where they are so indoctrinated that even evidence doesn't matter if it is contrary to their teachings.
Oh the desperate MAGAts are trying to deflect to Hunter's soggy laptop. Can links to his "dick pics" be far behind?
It's like a steady flow of MAGAt sexual fantasies.

It is hard to fathom who is dumber, you or a SUB.

You both parrot lies you never question, and are incapable of noticing and understanding the posts of the poster smacking you with truth...
You mean like they "lied" about Hunter's laptop NOT being Russian disinformation? That kind of "lie"? Honestly, Democrats have reached the point where they are so indoctrinated that even evidence doesn't matter if it is contrary to their teachings.

There was nothing on Hunters Laptop about the Jan 6 attack

Nice diversion though…

<sob> But….but…..What about Hunters Laptop? :206:
And it's her copy to do with what she wants. Despite what you believe, your orange god's speech isn't holy scripture.

No kidding, but tearing it up on camera is childish and grandstanding. I don't expect other child-like minded adults to understand.
The brave policemen who risked their lives to hold back and divert an angry Republican mob?

Yeah, like I said, the ones that stood back and watched what happened while doing nothing.

Where was the national guard? Why were the crowds not kept hundreds of yards from the building?

Think it'll ever happen again? lol

They had access to national guard

They could have put up a standard barrier.

Chriswray, pelosi, and homos in MAGAdrag...

Another cocksucking leftwing hate hoax...

Q-anon is 100% pure leftwing homo fraud group...
This MFer, is such, a friggin', pervert!

There was nothing on Hunters Laptop about the Jan 6 attack

Nice diversion though…

<sob> But….but…..What about Hunters Laptop? :206:

The point is not about Hunter's laptop. The point is that Democrats call anything a "lie" that they don't agree with, regardless of facts. That goes for the Jan. 6th riot, Russian collusion, you name it.
I will be honest here, I don't necessarily blame them. I mean, people were trying to break into a room they were not suppose to be in, with government officials in there

But for me it seemed odd there was no investigation. Now imagine a police officer on the street shooting down an unarmed woman, especially if the woman was Black. The media would swarm in demanding social justice and assume it was systemic racism, even if that woman was trying to break into a building like the woman at the Capital. The media would plaster the name of the police officer all over the place as death threats would sweep in towards the officer and his family.

Conversely, the media kept the name of the police officer at the Capital a secret for a very long time, as long as they could. And there was no accusations of racism or sexism or excessive police force. And there was not even an investigation. Why would they not at least do an investigation? Instead, they just gave the guy a medal for shooting down an unarmed woman.

CORRECT me if am wrong, but was the woman POUNDING at the window of the last door/ barrier, before a teaming mob would have access to the leaders of the United States of AMERICA? COULD the man defending the door had a different choice? The whole thing was an out of control disaster.

It was a time of terror as Nancy and other progressive Democrats can attest because of the horned wooly man.

Many of them feared for their lives even though they weren't even inside the Capitol building.

Those unarmed peaceful protestors must be put in their place because those that represent all of us at the Capitol don't put their pants on the same way we do so they deserve much more protection than they provided to the people they represent during the ongoing continuing riots they've caused across the nation for years now.

Can't keep those peasants in their place if they think they deserve the same protections as their leaders.


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The Capital Cops thatsaved the Republican baseball team and shot and killed Jamed Hodgkinson deserved a medal. The Capital Cops who did such a poor job in protecting the Capital and ended up shooting and killing an unarmed citizen deserved to be fired but the world is upside down in the diminishing mind of the president.
A Leftist already tried to shoot down the entire GOP Congress years ago, seriously injuring one Congressman, yet the media would imply the unarmed woman was the worst threat to democracy since the start of the Republic.

I'm serious when I say the GOP should arm themselves.
NO one thought she was the worst anything, a little wacked maybe? Yet definitely caught up in the madness of the hour.

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