Captain America’s ‘heterosexual virility’ lamented by Vanity Fair

The dude's name is "Captain America", and he was a former Army soldier. There is no way in hell he's not gonna reminisce about chasing tail. Almost all military guys do.
Nothing screams strong and virile male like whining about how queers are taking over your D&D.
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Captain America has been around for 75 years, and someone takes offense because he and Bucky, his childhood friend were reminiscing about chasing skirts?

Did they seriously think they were going to change Caps sexual preferences after all that time?

One person wrote a fanciful review of the film expressing a personal fantasy that she had regarding the sexuality of a movie character.

That is what has happened here. Do you grasp the uselessness of your outrage?
Captain America has been around for 75 years, and someone takes offense because he and Bucky, his childhood friend were reminiscing about chasing skirts?

Did they seriously think they were going to change Caps sexual preferences after all that time?

One person wrote a fanciful review of the film expressing a personal fantasy that she had regarding the sexuality of a movie character.

That is what has happened here. Do you grasp the uselessness of your outrage?

Which is what I'm referring to.

Are you having problems with comprehension again?
Captain America’s ‘heterosexual virility’ lamented by Vanity Fair

Not one gay moment in the entire movie, and now Disney's catching heat for it. The LGBT movement is pushing past legalizing their lifestyle, past tolerarance, past acceptance, past same sex-marriage, past gender confused people in the restroom, now they want more.

Now they want EVERY character in EVERY movie to be homosexual, or at least ambiguous about their sexuality. A strong, virile, heterosexual male character is an enemy in their eyes, and the LGBT is now going to whine about it every time one shows up in a movie.

LGBT has become an organized pressure group, with people who have paid jobs, making very good money, to push the LGBT agenda. So now, after they have won everything they could ask for, they will still keep asking for more. Because there isn't a pressure group in the world that voluntarily says "We won!" and folds up the tents and goes home. There's money to be made, power to be grabbed, people to destroy. The day will never come when they've had enough.
What we need is a govt agency to assign roles based on actual population stats so nobody is offended
Everyone knows Cap is gay. They only changed the name to super soldier serum because super soldier semen wasn't kid friendly.
This wasn't my doing, it was the LGBT people who started this with the story in Vanity Fair. I just posted it here as yet another example of how LGBT wants to outlaw heterosexual males, especially if they're white and Christian. It's already legal to not give us a job, a promotion, a government contract, or a place in college in favor of less qualified people who are not white males.
One person wrote a fanciful review of the film expressing a personal fantasy that she had regarding the sexuality of a movie character.

That is what has happened here. Do you grasp the uselessness of your outrage?
The author was not expressing a personal fantasy, she was upset there was any heterosexual romance in the movie. She wanted it out and / or she wanted ambiguity for the gay crowd to fantasize about.

This is not about one author’s fantasy. This woman covers TV and movies for Vanity Fair on a regular basis. You think she is not endorsed by the magazine? The magazine has over one million readers and online viewers as well. They wanted to get a message out. It is their outrage, not ours. But you are too dense to piece this together. Or just dishonest. Your choice.

Is This the One Flaw in the Otherwise Great Captain America: Civil War?
Never fear. Our brave new global society without borders will see the end of all this strife. Muslims and South American criminals will cut a broad, bloody swath right through the middle.of all this nonsense.
This wasn't my doing, it was the LGBT people who started this with the story in Vanity Fair. I just posted it here as yet another example of how LGBT wants to outlaw heterosexual males, especially if they're white and Christian. It's already legal to not give us a job, a promotion, a government contract, or a place in college in favor of less qualified people who are not white males.

Okay, I'm going to pick on this one bit of hyperbole. The OP links to a Washington Times article (the newspaper owned by the Moonies) that complains about how a Vanity Fair article muses about fan-fic of Cap and Bucky being gay...

There is a supposed gay subtext to characters like Captain America and Bucky or Batman and Robin, or the Green Arrow and Speedy, of an older hero and his younger male sidekick. This isn't even a new idea. One of the major complaints of Dr. Fredrick Wertham (sp) in his book "Seduction of the innocent" was that this gay context existed.

Frankly, I would be more worried heroes like Batman and Cap were taking their young wards into war zones and criminally infested neighborhoods than doing the gay stuff with them.

So this isn't even a new idea. the whole Cap/Bucky slash fic has been out there for a while.
The author basically said, "There is no place for explicit, unambiguous, heterosexuality in the movies. I am offended that Captain American and his friend are not gay lovers. I am offended that they talk about chasing girls. I am offended that a heterosexual man kissed a heterosexual woman, and two heterosexual men nodded with approval. I am now just as intolerant of heterosexuality as you once were of homosexuality. We shall extract our revenge, by driving heterosexuality out of the popular culture, and replace it with a culture where every character is homosexual, bisexual, or gender neutral, or gender confused."

And I'm calling it on this day, May 9, 2016, they will get what they want, perhaps in less than a year, a culture without explicit, unambiguous heterosexuality. Mark today's date on your calendar, with "Blackrook told you so!"
Captain America has been around for 75 years, and someone takes offense because he and Bucky, his childhood friend were reminiscing about chasing skirts?

Did they seriously think they were going to change Caps sexual preferences after all that time?

People have been making innuendoes about Captain America's sexual orientation since the 1940's. Probably because of panels like this...


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