Captain America’s ‘heterosexual virility’ lamented by Vanity Fair

If there happens to be a gay character in a movie, I see no problem with it.
However, since the LGBT community insists on having them in the movies, let's start with:
The flaming gay male superhero can have his secret identity be as a:
1. Florist.
2. Interior decorator.
3. Fashion designer.
His superhero outfit: Hot pink.
The lesbian superhero can start out as your typical butch:
1. Short men's style haircut.
2. Men's clothing.
3. Gruff sounding.
4. Anti-male.
Her superhero outfit: Grease stained coveralls.
As for those who would complain, well...I've seen plenty of both types of the above throughout the years, thus they are a realistic example of some types of gay people (of course, not that subtle, not noticeable types exist). But hey, superhero movies are about outlandish characters anyway.

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