Car crashes into the second floor of a Southern California building

Car crashes into the second floor of a Southern California building


dont worry, i'm safe

If this is California, it may just be an art installation display.
Was there any credit given to the artist?


Indeed Emily --- when I read this story the first thing I thought of was the fake JATO car embedded in the cliff story.

I missed that story, Pogo, or "fake story" as it may be.

I guess if we wanted to add "Ford" to Mt. Rushmore, we could use this shortcut method. Just take a Ford truck and ram it in the side of the cliff!
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how can the second floor be the one that is crashed into? Why not the first floor instead?

God bless you always!!!

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how can the second floor be the one that is crashed into? Why not the first floor instead?

God bless you always!!!


It was an experimental Deep State car testing the latest CIA Anit-Grav technology. First developed with the Magic Bullet, they've now strengthened it enough to fly a car. Unfortunately they used Alex Jones for a test driver and he just had to go off the rails, looking for 'liburruls" he figured were on the second floor.
I'm gonna guess the car was doing 110 mph. Being that's how fast I need to drive into a medium strip then fly at 16 feet for 5 seconds
Another drunk driving and speeding illegal. The press will blame a white guy but that's more fake news.

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