Car slams into counter protesters in Charlottesville, Va.

The progressives and anarchists win again, congratulations assholes, you got what you wanted.
This guy when caught will be another right wing whackjob similar to Dylan Roof, David Duke, Donald Trump, or Alex Jones.

These people actually have the thought in their head they are going to force their racism on the rest of the population, that THIS is their moment. It's disgusting.

So the guy plowing into people with a car is "similar to" Donald Trump. There it is ladies and gentlemen, the left want incidents like this just to stir up more hatred for President Trump.
Think of the death of a fellow liberal as an exceptionally late-term abortion and your feelies will be soothed.

I know I view it as a reduced carbon footprint. When libturds die the world becomes a cooler place.

We don't know if this was a dem or not.

Saw the vid and saw the car...the car is illegal in Virginia with that heavy tinting.
This guy when caught will be another right wing whackjob similar to Dylan Roof, David Duke, Donald Trump, or Alex Jones.

These people actually have the thought in their head they are going to force their racism on the rest of the population, that THIS is their moment. It's disgusting.

And when this conservative miscreant is caught most on the reprehensible right will defend him as not being a terrorist – when in fact his was indeed an act of rightwing terrorism.
On the news a few minutes ago, they reported that the people the car plowed into were actually counter protesters, who were protesting the white supremacists.

Because this situation is still fluid, I'd recommend waiting until more information becomes available. They say that they think the driver has been taken into custody.

Before we say who is to blame, lets wait and find out.
This guy when caught will be another right wing whackjob similar to Dylan Roof, David Duke, Donald Trump, or Alex Jones.

These people actually have the thought in their head they are going to force their racism on the rest of the population, that THIS is their moment. It's disgusting.

And when this conservative miscreant is caught most on the reprehensible right will defend him as not being a terrorist – when in fact his was indeed an act of rightwing terrorism.

Neither one of you loons knows who this moron was, stop pretending
On the news a few minutes ago, they reported that the people the car plowed into were actually counter protesters, who were protesting the white supremacists.

Because this situation is still fluid, I'd recommend waiting until more information becomes available. They say that they think the driver has been taken into custody.

Before we say who is to blame, lets wait and find out.
Wouldn't the counter protesters be the left wingers that were run over? I've only been watching bits and pieces on and off today so don't know who ran over who.

It was intentional, the car rammed at 40 miles an hour???, hit about 15-20 people, crashed into the two cars in front of it, and then backed up and sped away while cops were standing on the side of the road and didn’t do anything.”

FFS! All them cop cars around there, on the side roads and they can't spare 4 to chase to down this car.
TBD. Anyway.
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The progressives and anarchists win again, congratulations assholes, you got what you wanted.

Do you really believe the assholes were the protesters who were run over by a patriot? It seems you're not alone, there are others who've posted above who are as fucked up as you. Don't you find it odd (of course not) that the tactic by white nationalists was an act of domestic terrorism?
well--------why was the murderer NOT CAUGHT-------anyone?------could he have been caught but
his identity became a "national secret"?

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