Career Ender??!

If I were Rubio, I would make sure I take a drink of water everytime I do an interview or a press conference. The Left will be so fixated on it. It is comical and pathetic how the Left has made such an issue out of drinking water.
Yeh it was awkward....
Did it merit the response.....

I bet the Libs feel they held back a bit...
All the late night shows,Comedy Central,all the shows on MSNBC....
They all beat this to death....

And the Lefties always bitch that the media is not run by liberals.
CNN ran it 155 times in one day! Now that they haven't been able to create a stir they are trying to claim that it was a joke! They lie like an Obama.
Rubio will see this clip a million times when he runs for re election....
The plan of the left will be to make Rubio look like a joke....
They do that then whatever Rubio has to say on issues wont ever be considered
by voters who are on the fence.
funny, i have not heard a word of what Rubio said in his speech, just that he interrupted it to take a drink of water ....

Here is a link to the full speech if your really interested in it.
Marco Rubio's GOP state of the union response ? full text and video (including water break) VIDEO - Boston Business Journal

It's full of responses to things he thought the president was going to say, but didn't. Pretty funny.

Also, it's full of lies.
The plan of the left will be to make Rubio look like a joke....
They do that then whatever Rubio has to say on issues wont ever be considered
by voters who are on the fence.

Rubio looks like a joke...people laugh

Best thing for Rubio is to laugh along with them
Lakhota brayed like a jackass:

Wolf Blitzer nailed it. Rubio is toast.
Yeah, maybe you should listen to what Van Jones had to say instead. If Rubio wins the Republican nomination in 2016, the only thing that will save the Democrat, most likely Hillary is massive voter fraud...the Democrat Party specialty. Hillary has no chance against an articulate, intelligent, warm friendly person like Rubio who is young. Hillary is old, and cold as ice and too arrogant.

Now you trust Van Jones? :lol:
OMG! How racist is that?

It's very racist. Rubio is Cuban, so Lakhta said toast. If Rubio was black, Lakhota would have said burnt toast.

You see, the left likes to say they aren't racists, but they really are and it comes out in their posts and words and actions. Like Biden and his "Put you all in chains" comment.

They are the party of racism, that's why they constantly bring it up. I know everyone has heard how the spouse who constantly accuses the other of cheating is actually the guilty one, well the same applies here as well.

Those Lefty's and their dog whistles!
It's the only way we can get Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin to come!
Senator Marco Rubio did something so horrific CNN labeled it Wednesday a potential “Career-ender.” While giving a response to O’s SOTU address, Rubio drank from a bottle of water. Shocking!!! Didn’t catch the Rubio clip? Tha...t’s a shame, CNN ran it 34 times yesterday. MSNBC 155 TIMES! No lie.

Yes, lie.

The reason why MSNBC's total is 155 is because Rachel Maddow had an animated .gif of it repeating down in the corner of the screen while she was doing a whole 5 minute story on Rubio.

You people are so fucking dishonest.

ETA: 12 minute story.
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Here you go, everyone - play the first 10 seconds and see for yourself:

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