Career Ender??!

Wolf Blitzer nailed it. Rubio is toast.

OMG! How racist is that?

It's very racist. Rubio is Cuban, so Lakhta said toast. If Rubio was black, Lakhota would have said burnt toast.

You see, the left likes to say they aren't racists, but they really are and it comes out in their posts and words and actions. Like Biden and his "Put you all in chains" comment.

They are the party of racism, that's why they constantly bring it up. I know everyone has heard how the spouse who constantly accuses the other of cheating is actually the guilty one, well the same applies here as well.

I caught that also, I'm wonder why racist assholes seem to care more about skin color than about the person. Racism is such a shitty view of life.
Senator Marco Rubio did something so horrific CNN labeled it Wednesday a potential “Career-ender.” While giving a response to O’s SOTU address, Rubio drank from a bottle of water. Shocking!!! Didn’t catch the Rubio clip? Tha...t’s a shame, CNN ran it 34 times yesterday. MSNBC 155 TIMES! No lie.

Rubio just needs to switch parties. After all, one prominent Dem once left a young woman to die after driving off a bridge. Yet the media dubbed him “The Liberal Lion of the Senate.” Another Dem lied while under oath as President. The press affectionately called him “Elvis,” “The Big Dog” and “The Comeback Kid.” And then there’s the Dem President who launched his political career in the home of Bill Ayers, attended for 20 years the church of Jeremiah Wright and joined the socialist “New Party” in 1996. No career-ender here. Of course none of these three did anything as serious as drinking from a bottle of water.

So nice job CNN. You too MSNBC. Pravda would have been so proud!

Thanks pp

yes, i agree talking about him being dry mouthed during his long winded speech is absolutely ridiculous, but you are just fueling the fire by taking what some right wing rag is telling you say... about the left wing rags reporting on water intake, INSTEAD of discussing what rubio actually said imho.
Senator Marco Rubio did something so horrific CNN labeled it Wednesday a potential “Career-ender.” While giving a response to O’s SOTU address, Rubio drank from a bottle of water. Shocking!!! Didn’t catch the Rubio clip? Tha...t’s a shame, CNN ran it 34 times yesterday. MSNBC 155 TIMES! No lie.

Rubio just needs to switch parties. After all, one prominent Dem once left a young woman to die after driving off a bridge. Yet the media dubbed him “The Liberal Lion of the Senate.” Another Dem lied while under oath as President. The press affectionately called him “Elvis,” “The Big Dog” and “The Comeback Kid.” And then there’s the Dem President who launched his political career in the home of Bill Ayers, attended for 20 years the church of Jeremiah Wright and joined the socialist “New Party” in 1996. No career-ender here. Of course none of these three did anything as serious as drinking from a bottle of water.

So nice job CNN. You too MSNBC. Pravda would have been so proud!

Thanks pp

I'll make it easy for you guys on the right.

See, everyone knows that Rubio is - or was - one of the frontrunners for 2016. His rebuttal was basically a first look, a debut for those unfamiliar with him.

He blew it and he blew it big. The water thing was awkward to the point of silliness, but wiping away the sweat on his temple and the whatever around his mouth, plus the body language in general was definitely not what people want to see from their President. He looked nervous and lacked confidence.

The right's excuses are that he was dehydrated and that public speaking is hard. Well, then he won't last past the first day on the campaign trail, will he?

As for the words he said, they've all been said before - and America voted against them.

Looks like the right needs to run someone else. I suggest they run Rand Paul and get the Failboat underway.
Another racist picking on a sweaty Cuban American for taking a drink of water. You lefties are pathetic!

...and sooooo scared of Rubio!
"I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's terrifying, man."
Senator Marco Rubio did something so horrific CNN labeled it Wednesday a potential “Career-ender.” While giving a response to O’s SOTU address, Rubio drank from a bottle of water. Shocking!!! Didn’t catch the Rubio clip? Tha...t’s a shame, CNN ran it 34 times yesterday. MSNBC 155 TIMES! No lie.

Rubio just needs to switch parties. After all, one prominent Dem once left a young woman to die after driving off a bridge. Yet the media dubbed him “The Liberal Lion of the Senate.” Another Dem lied while under oath as President. The press affectionately called him “Elvis,” “The Big Dog” and “The Comeback Kid.” And then there’s the Dem President who launched his political career in the home of Bill Ayers, attended for 20 years the church of Jeremiah Wright and joined the socialist “New Party” in 1996. No career-ender here. Of course none of these three did anything as serious as drinking from a bottle of water.

So nice job CNN. You too MSNBC. Pravda would have been so proud!

Thanks pp

Rubio did a fine job and it is too bad that there is so much focus on the water break. That is pretty much the nature of the news. The incident was kinda weird though.

People really do not want to have in-depth news. Newspapers are dying. We get our news from the internet. people post little quips on twitter. People waste time on message boards regurgitating what they heard on Rush Limbaugh. In other words people choose not to think. That is why that somewhat comical grab for water had so much play.

President Obama also did a fine job in his speech.

I believe referencing Pravda is a bit much. IMO CNN is less biased then FOX news or MSNBC for that matter. Although 34 times seems like overkill, when you run a 24 hour news channel there will be a lot of repeat news. MSNBC ran the incident over four times as much as CNN for some perspective.
I'll make it easy for you guys on the right.

See, everyone knows that Rubio is - or was - one of the frontrunners for 2016. His rebuttal was basically a first look, a debut for those unfamiliar with him.

He blew it and he blew it big. The water thing was awkward to the point of silliness, but wiping away the sweat on his temple and the whatever around his mouth, plus the body language in general was definitely not what people want to see from their President. He looked nervous and lacked confidence.

The right's excuses are that he was dehydrated and that public speaking is hard. Well, then he won't last past the first day on the campaign trail, will he?

As for the words he said, they've all been said before - and America voted against them.

Looks like the right needs to run someone else. I suggest they run Rand Paul and get the Failboat underway.

The water thing was inconsequential. The problem with the entire episode is that he came across as a kid in high school. Maybe he can improve upon that in the future, maybe not.
Would someone PLEASE post a deflection? This thread requires immediate deflection.

Isn't that what you just did?

It would be awesome if what he had to say was actually 'the story'.
Instead, his taking a drink of water is 'the story'.

Perhaps if the speech was a response to the SOTU instead of a canned response...

But you're right, the Rubio "water gate" scandal is much ado about nothing. His race is much more of a stumbling block to his getting the GOP nomination in 2016 than a sip of water.


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LOL, you can't rebut his speech so you attack the person. Typical Left-wing hate mongering. Over water, too funny :)
LOL, you can't rebut his speech so you attack the person. Typical Left-wing hate mongering. Over water, too funny :)
There's nothing to rebut. All he offered up was a jumbo recycled turdburger with a side of crispy platitudes watered down with a swig of Absolut from a Po Springs plastic sippy.
Wolf Blitzer nailed it. Rubio is toast.

Funny CNN had no problem with Barry and his pack of incompetant boobs in State letting four men die in Benghazi yet Blitzer says Rubio is toast for taking a drink of water??

Excuse while I stand over here and LMAO.

I most certainly did not deflect. The OP and the first reply are both perfect examples of deflection.

Bloviating journalists with 24 hours to fill aside........the dude looked liked a doofus. His career isn't ended.....but his appearance is not something he can point to as a positive.

As to nutters claiming that "libs can't dispute what he said so they make fun of him"...or "they are scared"..........nutter, please!

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