Career Ender??!

Yet there is a thread over 4 pages long talking about this supposed inconsequential sip of water?
I don't care....

The look on his face while he snuck that drink of water was priceless
Obama and Clinton lie to the world and you guys don't care but you will go on and on about a guy taking a drink of water. Amazing.
Obama and Clinton lie to the world and you guys don't care but you will go on and on about a guy taking a drink of water. Amazing.

How much time did we waste on a blowjob?

Rubio deserves at least a days worth of ribbing

Look at the time we spent on Bush ducking a shoe
Obama and Clinton lie to the world and you guys don't care but you will go on and on about a guy taking a drink of water. Amazing.

How much time did we waste on a blowjob?

Rubio deserves at least a days worth of ribbing

Look at the time we spent on Bush ducking a shoe

And how much time have we spent on Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch????
Obama and Clinton lie to the world and you guys don't care but you will go on and on about a guy taking a drink of water. Amazing.

How much time did we waste on a blowjob?

Rubio deserves at least a days worth of ribbing

Look at the time we spent on Bush ducking a shoe

And how much time have we spent on Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch????

NFL dedicated a day to Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch got more press than she deserved

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Jesus you lefties are looney.

Its 2013 and your jumping on Rubio?? WOW when can we expect those 200 LSM reporters to decend in Florida to dig up dirt on him??

If I were you. I'd be more worred about who the Dems are gonna run in 2016. Hell. they got nobody but aged Hillary. 2008 was her year and they threw her under the bus for the half black community organizer.

Yep. Think I would worry about which loser your parties gonna run rather than anyone the Reps may send out.

uh, Rubio gave the GOP response to the SOTU. Why would he deserve an exemption from criticism?

Mitch Daniels gave it last year and he wasn't running for POTUS.

I doubt Rubio will be running either. But, whatever floats your boat there pard.

You are probably right saying/thinking that Senator Rubio probably is not entertaining thoughts for a 2016 Presidential run.

He is mature enough to realize that one Senate term qualifies for a presidential run only in the minds of delusional communist organizers.

Plus, so far there has not been a potential Republican Vice Presidential running mate who, following the racist and degrading example of the joke of Capital Hill, Vice Perpetrator Joe Biden a Republican equivalent who would say that Senator Rubio is clean well-spoken and articulate Hispanic guy, who speaks with no Hispanic accent.

A racist and addle-minded, best-before-1957 joke for Vice Presidential running mate is essential, as history shows.
Jesus you lefties are looney.

Its 2013 and your jumping on Rubio?? WOW when can we expect those 200 LSM reporters to decend in Florida to dig up dirt on him??

If I were you. I'd be more worred about who the Dems are gonna run in 2016. Hell. they got nobody but aged Hillary. 2008 was her year and they threw her under the bus for the half black community organizer.

Yep. Think I would worry about which loser your parties gonna run rather than anyone the Reps may send out.

uh, Rubio gave the GOP response to the SOTU. Why would he deserve an exemption from criticism?

I do wish people would focus on what Romney err Rubio (hard to tell the difference) said instead of Water-Gate though. Basically, more coal and less renewable resources; more wealth for business owners, less pay and benefits for those who put their shoulders to the wheel, and cut everything that doesn't blow up your enemy and "re-invent" (read 'cut') medicare. Same old, same old.

The water thing was awkward and boy I bet he wishes he had that one back. His race is a much bigger stumbling block to the 2016 nomination than drinking the water.

If a nation does not use to its best advantage of the gifts that Providence/Nature/God/Fortune provided, but instead, tilts at windmills, chases seemingly impossible dreams of running transportation with solar panels and wastes its efforts to demonize coal and natural gas, instead of using its scientific brains to develop a CLEAN burning coal, that nation will always be the economic slave of ideologically opposed masters whose greatest desire is the destruction of those who pay untold billions for something that they have themselves.

America has more oil than all the Arab economic masters of America.

It is time to tell them to go screw themselves, and develop and use what America already has.

And speaking of water, the left wing nuts seem to be under the impression that Senator Rubio's one single sip of water endangered his political career should be mindful that many of the greatest in politics had to suffer far greater setbacks than the sin/crime/indiscretion/guilt of taking a sip of water, succeeded on the merit of their ideas, not on appearances.

But, like the old saying goes, small things amuse small minds.
Jesus you lefties are looney.

Its 2013 and your jumping on Rubio?? WOW when can we expect those 200 LSM reporters to decend in Florida to dig up dirt on him??

If I were you. I'd be more worred about who the Dems are gonna run in 2016. Hell. they got nobody but aged Hillary. 2008 was her year and they threw her under the bus for the half black community organizer.

Yep. Think I would worry about which loser your parties gonna run rather than anyone the Reps may send out.

uh, Rubio gave the GOP response to the SOTU. Why would he deserve an exemption from criticism?

Why should Obama deserve an exception from criticism?

Obama had the "bully pulpit" and the slobbering, slimy, slippery and slavish adoration admiration, affection and approval of the skunks and skanks and sloths in the main stream media.

Try to step up and deliver your point of view after the most powerful person in the world and not have a dry mouth.

The only people who condemn Senator Rubio for taking a sip of water are the ones whose mouths are never dry because of the stuff coming from Obama's nether regions.

I most certainly did not deflect. The OP and the first reply are both perfect examples of deflection.

Bloviating journalists with 24 hours to fill aside........the dude looked liked a doofus. His career isn't ended.....but his appearance is not something he can point to as a positive.

As to nutters claiming that "libs can't dispute what he said so they make fun of him"...or "they are scared"..........nutter, please!

I respectfully disagree.
The OP was about what the OP was about.
Would someone PLEASE post a deflection? This thread requires immediate deflection.

Isn't that what you just did?

It would be awesome if what he had to say was actually 'the story'.
Instead, his taking a drink of water is 'the story'.

I heard some of what he had to say. It was nothing more than a warmed over version of the Romney/Ryan agenda.

That agenda was rejected.

What did he offer that wasn't just the same old fare?


Would love to answer that question!

All I hear about is him drinking water!
Would someone PLEASE post a deflection? This thread requires immediate deflection.

If his lies don't end his career, why would his flop sweat and obvious not-ready-for-prime-time fumbling?

The right has very low standards. Rubio is a shoo-in.
NY Carbineer
I heard some of what he had to say. It was nothing more than a warmed over version of the Romney/Ryan agenda.

That agenda was rejected.

What did he offer that wasn't just the same old fare?


Thing is, the GObP/Rs don't think they lost on substance.

That's why they'll just go on losing.
So a guy can ejaculate on an interns dress in the Oral Office, leave a women in his car at the bottom of a river or have an all male prostitution ring out of his house and keep his career. But by gawd don't take a drink of water during a speech. Some of you people are nucking futs!
So a guy can ejaculate on an interns dress in the Oral Office, leave a women in his car at the bottom of a river or have an all male prostitution ring out of his house and keep his career. But by gawd don't take a drink of water during a speech. Some of you people are nucking futs!
Nobody is ending his career

You do something that looks get laughed at

Clinton should have been mocked......impeachment was overkill
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Obama tactics are used by media....
Destroy your opponent at every opportunity.
The media being an extension of the Obama administration is following orders.

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