Cargill fires 180 muslims from meat processing plant

Telling how many 'Christians' are devoid of concern and compassion when another religion is disadvantaged

Conservative Christians tend to hate Muslims, so that's hardly surprising, however, I don't see how these people were disadvantaged in any way. It sounds to me as if their employer was rather accommodating.
Not true. Muslims can be redeemed through receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior - Islam cannot. Conservative Christians hate Islam, not Muslims, Bro. I feel sorry for Muslims. They think they serve God when they don't. There is no reward for serving Islam. Only hell - which as an unbeliever you don't believe in but they do.
Telling how many 'Christians' are devoid of concern and compassion when another religion is disadvantaged

Conservative Christians tend to hate Muslims, so that's hardly surprising, however, I don't see how these people were disadvantaged in any way. It sounds to me as if their employer was rather accommodating.
Not true. Muslims can be redeemed through receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior - Islam cannot. Conservative Christians hate Islam, not Muslims, Bro. I feel sorry for Muslims. They think they serve God when they don't. There is no reward for serving Islam. Only hell - which as an unbeliever you don't believe in but they do.
Muslims remind me of those fucking zombies in Jim Jones compound/prison.
Not a rational thought among them.
Just brainwashed fools.
Telling how many 'Christians' are devoid of concern and compassion when another religion is disadvantaged

Conservative Christians tend to hate Muslims, so that's hardly surprising, however, I don't see how these people were disadvantaged in any way. It sounds to me as if their employer was rather accommodating.
Not true. Muslims can be redeemed through receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior - Islam cannot. Conservative Christians hate Islam, not Muslims, Bro. I feel sorry for Muslims. They think they serve God when they don't. There is no reward for serving Islam. Only hell - which as an unbeliever you don't believe in but they do.
Muslims remind me of those fucking zombies in Jim Jones compound/prison.
Not a rational thought among them.
Just brainwashed fools.

Interesting, I feel the same way about you and some others here
Islam is not a religion. It's cult of violent misogynists who because they can't ever succeed at anything want to take mankind back to the seventh century. That's what they want the USA to look like in fifty years.
They are well on their way to destroying Britain and many European countries hence the rise of Nationalism throughout Europe.
I remember back in the day applying for a job as a young teenager. One of the interview questions always asked back then was "will you be available to work on Sundays; if a shop dared to risk the ire of the community by being open on Sundays. If you answered "no", the employer couldn't not hire you. But it did set you apart from other prospective hires that could make in in anytime of the week...This was back when people took going to church quite seriously and that was taken for granted that nearly everyone did that weekly...

My point being that go ahead and allow the muslims back in on this particular issue. Make employers observe their 1st Amendment right. However, also allow employers to ask the question in an interview "will you be able to complete every normal work day without needing special time for prayer breaks?" If the answer is "no" then the prospective employer knows where to put your application in the large stack in front of him with people who are willing to work through the day without 5 breaks to kneel and face Mecca. Eventually, the Muslims if they want to feed themselves, will either create industries on their own that allow 5 times a day prayer breaks, or they will just silently turn towards Mecca during their two 15 minute breaks and lunch hour to pray. They could pray before work at dawn, first 15 minute break, lunch, second 15 minute break, then again in the evening after work. That equals 5.
I remember back in the day applying for a job as a young teenager. One of the interview questions always asked back then was "will you be available to work on Sundays; if a shop dared to risk the ire of the community by being open on Sundays. If you answered "no", the employer couldn't not hire you. But it did set you apart from other prospective hires that could make in in anytime of the week...This was back when people took going to church quite seriously and that was taken for granted that nearly everyone did that weekly...

My point being that go ahead and allow the muslims back in on this particular issue. Make employers observe their 1st Amendment right. However, also allow employers to ask the question in an interview "will you be able to complete every normal work day without needing special time for prayer breaks?" If the answer is "no" then the prospective employer knows where to put your application in the large stack in front of him with people who are willing to work through the day without 5 breaks to kneel and face Mecca. Eventually, the Muslims if they want to feed themselves, will either create industries on their own that allow 5 times a day prayer breaks, or they will just silently turn towards Mecca during their two 15 minute breaks and lunch hour to pray. They could pray before work at dawn, first 15 minute break, lunch, second 15 minute break, then again in the evening after work. That equals 5.
First an employer is not legally allowed to hire or not based on an applicant's religious convictions.
So that won't work.
Second point is Cargill will never in a million years EVER hire back these rag heads. NEVER!
Third point is these rag heads will NEVER get another job unless they create their own.
"I see on your application Cargill fired you for refusing to come to work".
Here's little known secret: If you work for a company like Cargill and you are fired for whatever reason future employers can access a database which lists your previous employers and what your work history is. Tax returns tell everything.
If you attempt to 'forget' to mention you were fired from a business like Cargill forget ever being hired.
You can't fire someone for observing a religious conviction. Sorry. And I didn't say employers were allowed to discriminate based on a person's availability to work because of religion. I only said they can ask for their own management purposes. If their company needs to ship on Sundays to stay competitive and stay alive as an industry, hiring a bevy of devout regular Christian church goers would destroy the company. It is legal to prefer one applicant over another for their ability to do the minimal functions required of the position offered.

And, like I said, the 5 times a day prayer thing for Muslims can be taken care of before & after work, the two 15-minute breaks and the lunch break.

Problem solved.
Anyway. I'm guessing the HR people at Cargill are taking a serious look at who they hire to replace the rag heads.
How about some hard working legal Latinos?
I'd hire them in a minute over sand monkey muslims.
because they walked off to go pray. I think this will be a big cause for progs in 2016

Cargill fires about 180 Somali workers after prayer dispute

that must make you feel warm all under, bigot boy
What the hell is "bigoted" about reporting that a bunch of self-righteous scumbags decided they are going to force their cultish rules on the person who was decent enough to give them work?

Abide by the rules or get the hell out!

Another example of followers of Satan's Cult trying to force themselves on the rest of us. :blsmile:
because they walked off to go pray. I think this will be a big cause for progs in 2016

Cargill fires about 180 Somali workers after prayer dispute

that must make you feel warm all under, bigot boy
What the hell is "bigoted" about reporting that a bunch of self-righteous scumbags decided they are going to force their cultish rules on the person who was decent enough to give them work?

Abide by the rules or get the hell out!

Another example of followers of Satan's Cult trying to force themselves on the rest of us. :blsmile:
The entire pretense of this issue is linked to the Kim Davis lawsuit. In case that needed to be pointed out to anyone..
It's in colorado.
Doesn't matter. If you walk off the job you're fired. Especially when its 200 people leaving at the same time. Cargill has been around the block. Their lawyers know the laws of that State. You can be sure they knew their rights before they did it.
Telling how many 'Christians' are devoid of concern and compassion when another religion is disadvantaged, whether the action is legal or not – particularly when it comes to Muslims; if Christians had been likewise terminated for exercising their faith you'd be screaming bloody murder.
Christians will work any day of the year. There is nothing that says they can't work a specific day.
So go stick your hatred of the one religion that allows to speak whatever is in that empty head of yours without fear of retribution where the sun don't shine.
because they walked off to go pray. I think this will be a big cause for progs in 2016

Cargill fires about 180 Somali workers after prayer dispute

I have employees that complain because they're working Sunday mornings and not able to go to church. My answer....find a job where you don't work on Sunday mornings.

Company made a reasonable accommodation in this instance, Workers thought they should all be able to go pray at the same time and shut down production. Company disagreed. Employees are now free to go find a job where their desire to go all pray at the same time will be acceptable to said company.

Why is this a problem to anyone with an IQ over 4?
because they walked off to go pray. I think this will be a big cause for progs in 2016

Cargill fires about 180 Somali workers after prayer dispute

that must make you feel warm all under, bigot boy
Start a business and let your employees walk off the job when they want, THEN get back to us. Socialist girl.

Said business would stay afloat as long as someone else paid the bills. It would have zero chance of turning a profit.
By the time they stop, get out of their meat aprons, gloves, boots, etc., wash and pray, that is a lot of time away from work.

Instead, why don't they pray twice before and after work. It is permitted.

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