Carley is a lady with class. See how she handles the unfriendly press.

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
I like she handles these nasty reporters. She is so classy. She makes them respect her but always keeps her cool.
For someone who is practically in love with sure haven't taken the time to learn how she spells her name. Thread after after post.....wrong.
That was one of the most soft ball interviews I've ever seen. And it was peppered with Fiorina's usual boilerplate nonsense.
Fantastic--Thanks for the link--I'll be passing this around everywhere.
That was one of the most soft ball interviews I've ever seen. And it was peppered with Fiorina's usual boilerplate nonsense.

Here is a HARDBALL version for you--LOL Chris Mathews-(HARDBALL)-you remember the tingly leg feeling guy probably had something different running down his leg--that probably could be described as warm and wet after Fiorina was done with him.

I thought she dealt with her firing at HP well. And the 30k terminations. She basically said, that it was those guys, hardworking, decent, good people who had to loose their jobs, or the whole company would go under. They got decent termination packages, and the company survived. Lots of companies didn't survive the dot com bust. And all of those employees had to hit the bricks without termination packages.
I thought she dealt with her firing at HP well. And the 30k terminations. She basically said, that it was those guys, hardworking, decent, good people who had to loose their jobs, or the whole company would go under. They got decent termination packages, and the company survived. Lots of companies didn't survive the dot com bust. And all of those employees had to hit the bricks without termination packages.

The company halved in value....

She was voted one of the worst CEO in History before she even looked at politics...

Portfolio's Worst American CEOs of All Time

19. Carly Fiorina
A consummate self-promoter, Fiorina was busy pontificating on the lecture circuit and posing for magazine covers while her company floundered. She paid herself handsome bonuses and perks while laying off thousands of employees to cut costs. The merger Fiorina orchestrated with Compaq in 2002 was widely seen as a failure. She was ousted in 2005.

THE STAT: HP stock lost half its value during Fiorina’s tenure.
I thought she dealt with her firing at HP well. And the 30k terminations. She basically said, that it was those guys, hardworking, decent, good people who had to loose their jobs, or the whole company would go under. They got decent termination packages, and the company survived. Lots of companies didn't survive the dot com bust. And all of those employees had to hit the bricks without termination packages.

The company halved in value....

She was voted one of the worst CEO in History before she even looked at politics...

Portfolio's Worst American CEOs of All Time

19. Carly Fiorina
A consummate self-promoter, Fiorina was busy pontificating on the lecture circuit and posing for magazine covers while her company floundered. She paid herself handsome bonuses and perks while laying off thousands of employees to cut costs. The merger Fiorina orchestrated with Compaq in 2002 was widely seen as a failure. She was ousted in 2005.

THE STAT: HP stock lost half its value during Fiorina’s tenure.

Is THIS all you've got? Maybe you aren't old enough to remember the tech sector crash of 2000--where 3 TRILLION dollars left our markets in the single month of NOVEMBER alone? No Tech company survived that rush. There were lay-offs in this industry EVERYWHERE. HEWLETT PACKARD survived it because Carly Fiorina was at the helm while many others went belly up.

What other candidates are running that we could bring up a TON more shit? How about all of them.

DONALD TRUMP our front runner--it would take me a month to dig up all his past shit, and you 6 months to sort through it all. Hillary Clinton--don't even go there.

There isn't a successful person alive, especially any within the current political class that doesn't have a skeleton in the closet that can be used against them. If you actually find one that doesn't--it just tells me they've never worked a day in their lives.

TOM PETERSON a former board member of HP who voted to fire Fiorina is now endorsing her for President
Ex-HP board member who voted to fire Fiorina endorses her

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I thought she dealt with her firing at HP well. And the 30k terminations. She basically said, that it was those guys, hardworking, decent, good people who had to loose their jobs, or the whole company would go under. They got decent termination packages, and the company survived. Lots of companies didn't survive the dot com bust. And all of those employees had to hit the bricks without termination packages.
She didn't quite explain that. Those firings came as a result of the merger with Compaq computers, a deal she was instrumental in getting. HP, by the way, weathered the "Dot com" bust quite nicely and was still a leading supplier of business servers. Fiorina got the notion that businesses would be moving toward main frame tandems as opposed to Linux boxes. That was a gamble she took despite the fact that the trends were showing something else. When stock prices started to go down because of her bad deal, she wanted to show profit, hence the firings. And that still didn't work, hence her being ousted. HP was able to get back on track and build the blade line of servers featuring Linux OSes. Fiorina came very close to killing one of the biggest American Tech firms.
She made mistakes, she dusted herself off and moved on. comparing her tenure against Hitlary in the senate and at sec state where Hitlary is mostly famous for ineptitude, incompetence, and callous disregard of the laws makes her mistakes look trivial. And the same with Trump. She bungled a merger that has made the company stronger. She never called for bankruptcy. She does not have a record of fraud and deceit like Trump.
What "callous disregard" for law are you talking about? Fiorina never admitted any mistakes either and got a 24 million dollar severance package. I am pretty sure that folks that worked a lot longer for the company, accomplished a lot more than her, were paid a lot less, got nothing near that when they were fired because of her actions.
Golden parachutes are a problem. Hers is not out of line compared what others have got. It is horrible, but what everyone else gets.
Hillary has shown contempt for the law from her term on the watergate committee, to rose law firm, whitewater, all the way up till the present when she had tip top secret information on an unsecured server. She is a habitual felon
"Carley is a lady with class. See how she handles the unfriendly press."

How she 'handles the press' in no way mitigates the fact that she's wrong on most, if not all, the issues.
Yeah she's qualified to serve pitchers of beer somewhere. Not much more. She fucked up at HP. I remember the debate, with David Packard on the other side opposing the deal as bad for the company. He was right, she was wrong. She got canned with a golden parachute. Then she fucked up a campaign for senate.
Is that really what we want in a president, a gold-digging vagina?

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