Carly Fiorina against equal pay for women, doubles down on GOP lies about WH equal pay



Carly Fiorina Challenges Valerie Jarrett Over Unequal Pay For Women In White House [VIDEO]

“I am struck by the fact the president hasn’t really led in this regard. He’s not paying women equally by his own measures in his own White House,” Fiorina told Jarrett.

Jarrett started. “So, first of all the first question and last question, let’s weave them together: in the White House women do earn equal pay for equal work.”
A secretary doesn't get paid the same as the Secretary of State. Republicans are hoping the GOP base is too stupid to know the difference. So far, it's paid off.

So I'm watching this show this morning that had on Lily Ledbetter and right wing spokeswoman, Amy Holmes. Everyone knows the Lily Ledbetter act is all about equal pay for equal work.

They were talking about Jennifer Lawrence who said she is paid less than her male co-stars. She said maybe her agent should have negotiated harder. Amy then went on to say that it's Jennifer's fault and so we don't need equal pay for equal work.

Lily said that she only found out she was paid less from an anonymous tip. That where she worked, she was told that if anyone talked about their pay they could be fired. And the Act, makes that pay public. The only reason Jennifer found out that she was paid less was from the Sony email hacks.

Lily also pointed out that women getting paid less for the same work alters their benefits and affects them over their entire lives.

When women, the majority of Americans, find out that Carly doesn't believe in equal pay for equal work, will they still vote for her? Would you? I want my wife to get paid what she is worth. It helps us both. Conservatives are clearly sick.

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