Carly Fiorina is open to legal status for adult illegal immigrants, citizenship for their kids

Bush/Fiorina 2016 - ideal ticket for the Democratic Party. Neither one are real Republicans.
Give up!

More 'brown' people are coming to your jobs!! More happy brown faces taking a chance on the American dream while they work with you.

Aren't you republicans happy? You are spreading freedom to more people--and you don't have to bomb their dictators!
"Former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina said Monday that adult illegal immigrants should not receive a path to citizenship under an immigration fix, but said she is open to giving their children citizenship.

Mrs. Fiorina, who is running for the GOP presidential nomination, also said she could support giving those who “have come here illegally and stayed here illegally” legal status.

“I think legal status is a possibility for sure,” Mrs. Fiorina said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “I think their children maybe can become citizens.”

“But my own view is that it isn’t fair to say to people who have played by the rules … that you know it just doesn’t matter,” she said of giving citizenship to adult illegal immigrants."

I agree. Give the adults legal status (after a hefty fine and back of the line), never citizenship. They can't vote, that's their punishment for coming here illegally.

Maybe the kids can become citizens ... meaning, get rid of anchor babies. Yup.
We would deport the Steve McRacialists now rather than the illegals.

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