Carter and Obama trendy prez


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Neither paid their dues before they became the prez

Nixon and Reagan did
Neither paid their dues before they became the prez

Nixon and Reagan did

It's hard to peg Carter. In the heart of hearts he's a good man, but he never ever should have become President.

The tales of his micro managing are unreal. Russia is invading Afghanistan and ol Jimmeh is scheduling the tennis tournaments at the White House. YOWZAH!

He's gotten one thing right over the years. You have to have voter ID before the Carter Foundation will come in and monitor an election in any foreign country. To prevent fraud.


I'm down with the Jimmeh on this one.
I dont like trendy prez like Carter , Clinton and Obama that come out of noplace. I NEVER HEARD OF ANTY OF THOSE. before they became candidates for president.

Prefer candidates that have been in the arean.

Like Nixon and Reagan and George HW Bush
Carter and Obama trendy prez

Neither paid their dues before they became the prez

Nixon and Reagan did

Yeah.....ol' ReRon really made some serious contributions to The Country.


[ame=]B Movie - Gil Scott Heron - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Ronald Reagan in World War II Military Training Film - YouTube[/ame]

* * *

March/April 2000

"It was the winter of 1981 and the country was just beginning to feel the sharp edges of the Reagan revolution. Denis Hayes, head of the fledgling Solar Energy Research Institute, was walking through the halls of the Department of Energy when an acquaintance came up to him and said, "Has Frank lowered the boom on you yet?" The Frank in question was an acting assistant secretary, but the boom, it turned out, was falling from the top. President Reagan had once been General Electric's most camera-ready tout, and his administration viewed alternative energy with open scorn. "They're going to kill your study," the gray-suited informant warned Hayes, before slipping down the corridor.

The budget for the solar institute -- which President Jimmy Carter had created to spearhead solar innovation -- was slashed from $124 million in 1980 to $59 million in 1982. Scientists who had left tenured university jobs to work under Hayes were given two weeks notice and no severance pay. The squelching of the institute -- later partly re-funded and renamed the National Renewable Energy Laboratory -- marked the start of Reagan's campaign against solar power. By the end of 1985, when Congress and the administration allowed tax credits for solar homes to lapse, the dream of a solar era had faded. The solar water heater President Carter had installed on the White House roof in 1979 was dismantled and junked. Solar water heating went from a billion-dollar industry to peanuts overnight; thousands of sun-minded businesses went bankrupt. "It died. It's dead," says Peter Barnes, whose San Francisco solar- installation business had 35 employees at its peak. "First the money dried up, then the spirit dried up," says Jim Benson, another solar activist of the day."

I don't like fast-track presidents.

From FDR.

FDR paid his dues.

So did Truman.

So did Ike.

So did JFK.


as I dislike th SOB - sp di d LBJ,

So did Nixon.

So didFord.

Then Carter - a gov from a small state nobody heard of.

Reagan paid his dues.

So did George HW Bush.

Clinton - a nobody gov from a small state - not...

Much as it pains me to say this - George W Bush - a ceremonial gov - NOT (I still voted for because I despired Gores arrogance in 2000)


Romney - paid his dues.....................
Hmmmm, according to your barometer, Lincoln didn't. Mitt's running mate, Ryan, hasn't. How has Romney "paid his dues"? He is a former one term Governor. President Obama has more overall legislative experience than Willard. How does Bush I make your list, but Carter does not? Nobody ever heard of the state of Georgia? WTF?

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