Carter Page 'collaborating & conspiring with Russia' warrant shows


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
Goofy was all in.

Revealed: Pre-election FBI memo says Carter Page was ‘collaborating and conspiring with the Russian government’


21 JUL 2018 AT 19:08 ET

A memo newly obtained by the New York Times says otherwise. The memo was prepared for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and was just released by the Department of Justice under a Freedom of Information Act request...
Goofy was all in.

Revealed: Pre-election FBI memo says Carter Page was ‘collaborating and conspiring with the Russian government’


21 JUL 2018 AT 19:08 ET

A memo newly obtained by the New York Times says otherwise. The memo was prepared for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and was just released by the Department of Justice under a Freedom of Information Act request...

Recycling OLD news. Carter Page was doing no such thing. In FACT he's ex-Navy Intel, was used as a SOURCE by the FBI several times BECAUSE of his business in Russia, and STILL has not be charged with anything close to espionage. TRY to stay current.
They used fake information to get a FISA warrant, several times....anyone who signed off on that needs to be prosecuted....
This nothing burger is getting juicier and fatter by the day.

But as usual Trumpsters are yelling fake news and fake information. They rather believe their alternative facts.
This nothing burger is getting juicier and fatter by the day.

But as usual Trumpsters are yelling fake news and fake information. They rather believe their alternative facts.

The FBI used uncorroborated sources from the hilary clinton campaign to petition several judges to get FISA warrants to spy on Trump and his people...... the biggest political scandal in our history, and it makes Watergate a kids game...
Goofy was all in.

Revealed: Pre-election FBI memo says Carter Page was ‘collaborating and conspiring with the Russian government’


21 JUL 2018 AT 19:08 ET

A memo newly obtained by the New York Times says otherwise. The memo was prepared for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and was just released by the Department of Justice under a Freedom of Information Act request...

Recycling OLD news. Carter Page was doing no such thing. In FACT he's ex-Navy Intel, was used as a SOURCE by the FBI several times BECAUSE of his business in Russia, and STILL has not be charged with anything close to espionage. TRY to stay current.

Carter Page was told by the FBI that 2 Russian spies were trying to recruit him and use him for information.

What did Carter Page do about it? Continued to meet with them, and even went as far as to go out of his way to get them the information they wanted. Have you ever watched him do an interview?

Carter Page and intelligence in the same sentence is about as wrong as it gets.

Goofy was all in.

Revealed: Pre-election FBI memo says Carter Page was ‘collaborating and conspiring with the Russian government’


21 JUL 2018 AT 19:08 ET

A memo newly obtained by the New York Times says otherwise. The memo was prepared for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and was just released by the Department of Justice under a Freedom of Information Act request...

Recycling OLD news. Carter Page was doing no such thing. In FACT he's ex-Navy Intel, was used as a SOURCE by the FBI several times BECAUSE of his business in Russia, and STILL has not be charged with anything close to espionage. TRY to stay current.

Carter Page was told by the FBI that 2 Russian spies were trying to recruit him and use him for information.

What did Carter Page do about it? Continued to meet with them, and even went as far as to go out of his way to get them the information they wanted. Have you ever watched him do an interview?

Carter Page and intelligence in the same sentence is about as wrong as it gets.

He worked for the FBI in the past...... this is a total scam..... Those FISA warrants were illegally obtained to spy on Trump.... people need to be arrested on this.
This nothing burger is getting juicier and fatter by the day.

But as usual Trumpsters are yelling fake news and fake information. They rather believe their alternative facts.

Do tell, leftard? The pedo Podesta brothers are being given immunity in the Paul Manafort case and they got millions from Russia to lobby for the lifting of sanctions and they worked for the Hildebeast. Carter Page was used as one of the excuses to have FISA warrants put on anyone working on Trump's campaign and they KNEW that Page was no Russian agent. Only a butthurt leftard moron would believe that an election that was rigged for the corrupt Hildebeast was swung by Russian bots using Facebook. Russian bots don't have even half the dirt on Hildebeast that anyone that has followed the Clintons since their days of raping and pillaging in Arkansas while working for the deep state to launder\ drug money and protect the Mena airport drug running of cocaine.
Goofy was all in.

Revealed: Pre-election FBI memo says Carter Page was ‘collaborating and conspiring with the Russian government’


21 JUL 2018 AT 19:08 ET

A memo newly obtained by the New York Times says otherwise. The memo was prepared for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and was just released by the Department of Justice under a Freedom of Information Act request...

Recycling OLD news. Carter Page was doing no such thing. In FACT he's ex-Navy Intel, was used as a SOURCE by the FBI several times BECAUSE of his business in Russia, and STILL has not be charged with anything close to espionage. TRY to stay current.

Carter Page was told by the FBI that 2 Russian spies were trying to recruit him and use him for information.

What did Carter Page do about it? Continued to meet with them, and even went as far as to go out of his way to get them the information they wanted. Have you ever watched him do an interview?

Carter Page and intelligence in the same sentence is about as wrong as it gets.

He worked for the FBI in the past...... this is a total scam..... Those FISA warrants were illegally obtained to spy on Trump.... people need to be arrested on this.

Yeah I mean it's obvious that he knows how to handle himself and has great communications skills!


Pretty obvious you didn't watch the video, nor have you ever watched him do a live interview.
This nothing burger is getting juicier and fatter by the day.

But as usual Trumpsters are yelling fake news and fake information. They rather believe their alternative facts.

Because this is a very old story. And there's STILL no evidence of any Carter Page "collusion". He was an OFFICIAL ASSET of US Intelligence in fact and aided the FBI in MANY investigations. It IS a very tasty (and sometimes funny) nothing burger.
Goofy was all in.

Revealed: Pre-election FBI memo says Carter Page was ‘collaborating and conspiring with the Russian government’


21 JUL 2018 AT 19:08 ET

A memo newly obtained by the New York Times says otherwise. The memo was prepared for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and was just released by the Department of Justice under a Freedom of Information Act request...

Recycling OLD news. Carter Page was doing no such thing. In FACT he's ex-Navy Intel, was used as a SOURCE by the FBI several times BECAUSE of his business in Russia, and STILL has not be charged with anything close to espionage. TRY to stay current.

Carter Page was told by the FBI that 2 Russian spies were trying to recruit him and use him for information.

What did Carter Page do about it? Continued to meet with them, and even went as far as to go out of his way to get them the information they wanted. Have you ever watched him do an interview?

Carter Page and intelligence in the same sentence is about as wrong as it gets.

When you spend time in Russia and you have BEEN in the Intel biz as Page had been, the agencies are CONSTANTLY warning you about contacts. There's nothing hinky or sketchy at ALL about that. In fact, since Page is DOCUMENTED as an Intel asset -- those warnings COULD have been requests for any information he HAD about those contacts if they were persons of interest. Absolutely no there there as things stand 10 months AFTER this "news" --- that aint news to folks following the story.
Carter Page and intelligence in the same sentence is about as wrong as it gets.

That's your opinion. The allegations are SO DAMN wrong, they are funny. Including the one in the dossier about Page being offered about $3Bill in Russian Gasprom stock to work with them. That's fucking hysterical. So he's perfectly within his rights to OPENLY RIDICULE this witch hunt against him that is ruining him financially and personally. Look up his bio. Naval Intelligence. Used as an US Intel ASSET for years before all this blew up.

MSNBC is lying their asses off to the public in that piece. Because CERTAINLY they knew the reason Page "was on Intel radar possibly 2 years before" is BECAUSE he was a valued source of information from Russian. The FBI ADMITS this. There was no story. Just being snarky like MSNBC does when it gives you HALF the story.
Carter Page and intelligence in the same sentence is about as wrong as it gets.

That's your opinion. The allegations are SO DAMN wrong, they are funny. Including the one in the dossier about Page being offered about $3Bill in Russian Gasprom stock to work with them. That's fucking hysterical. So he's perfectly within his rights to OPENLY RIDICULE this witch hunt against him that is ruining him financially and personally. Look up his bio. Naval Intelligence. Used as an US Intel ASSET for years before all this blew up.

Watch his interviews. Anyone that would believe him has got to start having some inner-self discussions. Some people will get jobs in intel just because they have a certain background and can speak the language they need.
Carter Page doesn't seem to be the brightest bulb in the room.... more like a ''useful idiot'' to the Russians.... but in Trey Gowdy's interview today on Fox News Sunday, when Bret was talking about Page saying he had not been indicted on anything, Trey Gowdy said, ''not yet'' but Bret continued over that comment and changed the topic.... so, maybe Gowdy knows more than he is saying about this....???

Carter Page and intelligence in the same sentence is about as wrong as it gets.

That's your opinion. The allegations are SO DAMN wrong, they are funny. Including the one in the dossier about Page being offered about $3Bill in Russian Gasprom stock to work with them. That's fucking hysterical. So he's perfectly within his rights to OPENLY RIDICULE this witch hunt against him that is ruining him financially and personally. Look up his bio. Naval Intelligence. Used as an US Intel ASSET for years before all this blew up.

MSNBC is lying their asses off to the public in that piece. Because CERTAINLY they knew the reason Page "was on Intel radar possibly 2 years before" is BECAUSE he was a valued source of information from Russian. The FBI ADMITS this. There was no story. Just being snarky like MSNBC does when it gives you HALF the story.

A poster at the dailywire pointed out that this is likely why the press went into complete, insane, hysterics over the Helsinki Press Conference..... they likely got the word that the FISA warrant documents were going to be dropped so they had to create such hysteria they could hide what was released behind the outrage........
Carter Page and intelligence in the same sentence is about as wrong as it gets.

That's your opinion. The allegations are SO DAMN wrong, they are funny. Including the one in the dossier about Page being offered about $3Bill in Russian Gasprom stock to work with them. That's fucking hysterical. So he's perfectly within his rights to OPENLY RIDICULE this witch hunt against him that is ruining him financially and personally. Look up his bio. Naval Intelligence. Used as an US Intel ASSET for years before all this blew up.

MSNBC is lying their asses off to the public in that piece. Because CERTAINLY they knew the reason Page "was on Intel radar possibly 2 years before" is BECAUSE he was a valued source of information from Russian. The FBI ADMITS this. There was no story. Just being snarky like MSNBC does when it gives you HALF the story.

A poster at the dailywire pointed out that this is likely why the press went into complete, insane, hysterics over the Helsinki Press Conference..... they likely got the word that the FISA warrant documents were going to be dropped so they had to create such hysteria they could hide what was released behind the outrage........
No, that was not it....

President Trump's actions at the NATO summit, doing Putin's business by bashing our allies in public, insisting Russia should be part of the G7, speaking badly behind Teresa May with a news outlet there,

and the Friday indictment against the Russian Military Intelligence, spelled out so clearly of their interference and law breaking, (note gowdy said the President even got a higher top secret briefing on it than he did, and even in his briefing, there was solid proof of this interference and Putin ordering it), and the president in Hellinsky praising Putin after knowing, for a FACT that Putin did order it, was an absolute disgrace....

And this made the right wing and left wing media go nuts, and more than half of America go nuts.... FOX was part of this disgust in the President from several of their hosts and so was Newt Gingrich another big fan of the president.....prior to his comment....are they FAKE NEWS now to you guys too?
Nunes' #releasethememo and spygate falls completely flat with the release of this FISA warrant....

Nunes was suppose to recuse himself because he was a part of the Trump Campaign transition team.... he claimed he did recuse himself, due to that... but hells bells he is bending over backwards to interfere with this oficial investigation which he should have no part of....

Much like Mueller removing Strzok, when he did due to Strzok's perceived appearance of bias in his emails, Ryan as Speaker should have made Nunes stick to his initial recusal due to his appearance of bias.

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