Carter Page Met with Known Russia Spies, Warranting an investigation

This entire thread is an unhinged rant by YOU as usual.. do you realize that the CIA and FBI are constantly checking up on all our overseas assets? thats just standard procedure to ensure someone is not a double agent.

( from ABC news)


Durham found that the FBI acted too hastily and relied on raw and unconfirmed intelligence when it opened the Trump-Russia investigation.

He said at the time the probe was opened, the FBI had no information about any actual contact between Trump associates and Russian intelligence officials.

He also claimed that FBI investigators fell prone to “confirmation bias,” repeatedly ignoring or rationalizing away information that could have undercut the premise of their investigation, and he noted that the FBI failed to corroborate a single substantive allegation from a dossier of research that it relied on during the course of the probe.

“An objective and honest assessment of these strands of information should have caused the FBI to question not only the predication for Crossfire Hurricane, but also to reflect on whether the FBI was being manipulated for political or other purposes,” the report said, using the FBI's code name for the Trump-Russia probe. “Unfortunately, it did not.”

your such a whiny bitch. how many time does someone have to beat a fact through your head?
the FBI were wrong. The so called Russian sources were all BS in the Trump investigation... and you want to sit here and pretend it wasnt a political attack...

Theres a lot of liberal posters here I may not agree with, but at least a lot of them have a capability to be rational... you on the other hand thrive on gloating in your idiocy... its a wonder to behold.
Nope, you people whine and cry and cry some more over the investigation of Carter Page.
It is one of your biggest cries in politics, after fake election fraud, and all the fake HRC investigations

It was a big nothing burger.

Carter Page left the Trump campaign so who even gives a fuck that they investigated him.

Carter Page is also a potential spy that was on the FBI's radar for years and he repeatedly met with shady Russians and the Russians were aware that he was "an idiot" (in their words) and looking for money.

that means he is highly suspicious and a person of interest everytime he runs off and meets with shady Russians.
he was being watched by the FBI since 2013.

Just because he is an informant, doesn't mean he is not dirty.
the FBI was watching him long before anything Trump occured.

You people are really going mental over this !

He was an informant dude. Quit spreading lies and disinformation.
The Page FISA was renewed 3 times, and Horowizt found 17 lies made by the FBI to the FISA courts inexchange for the Page warrant.
Durham did not have criminal evidence that could stand up in court to prosecute them, otherwise he would have done so.
If you constantly call the Russian embassy, you will come under surveillance.

Paul Singer is a republican and owns Free Beacon that ordered opposition research on Trump.
haha constantly? haha

Cool, he backed another guy at the time…that’s not relevant to Clinton and the dnc hiring a foreign agent to pay for russian disinformation and start the russian hoax
Duh, Page no longer worked for the campaign when they got the FISA warrant, and Page had never met Donald Trump, nor had Page ever spoken with Donald Trump, and still has never done so, from what I've read Page said.

So, picking Page as someone to spy on connected closely with Trump or the Trump campaign, Page would be the he least likely person to pick....logic dictates.

The FBI agents had other reasons, it was not to spy on Trump, and his campaign....
of course he never worked for the campaign…he merely was an advisor and that’s when the obama admin lied to a court so they could spy
of course he never worked for the campaign…he merely was an advisor and that’s when the obama admin lied to a court so they could spy
Nope. He had already resigned being an advisor for the Trump campaign a few weeks earlier, if memory serves me. For certain, with no doubt, he had already resigned, due to reporting on his Russian relationships....again, if memory serves

Page definitely was no longer working as an advisor for the Trump Campaign when he got the first FISA Warrant....3 weeks, a month, or longer with him resigning....? That I am uncertain of, I just know it was after he had already done so.
Nope. He had already resigned being an advisor for the Trump campaign a few weeks earlier, if memory serves me. For certain, with no doubt, he had already resigned, due to reporting on his Russian relationships....again, if memory serves

Page definitely was no longer working as an advisor for the Trump Campaign when he got the first FISA Warrant....3 weeks, a month, or longer with him resigning....? That I am uncertain of, I just know it was after he had already done so.
they had numerous different warrants…al lies
The FBI had been watching Carter Page as a potential Russian Spy since 2013.
Carter Page left the trump campaign.
Then he made mysterious trips to Russia and had contact with shady Russians

Then he got investigated.
cry about it.

The investigation of Carter Page was completely warranted because he met with known spies and he wasn;t even in the Trump campaign.

This is 100% fact. Deal with it

The FBI had been watching Page as a potential Russian spy since 2013, long before Page was mentioned in the dossier of dirt on the Trump-Russia connection compiled by former British intelligence operative Christopher Steele over the summer and fall of 2016.

Are you this fucking stupid....the entire Russia Hoax was a hoax....there was nothing to it, and Carter Page was trapped by the FBI who knew he was innocent.....obama, biden, knew the whole thing was crap and they sent the FBI, the DOJ and the State Dept. to go after Trump....

You idiot....

Page was a focus of the 2017 Special Counsel investigation into links between Trump associates and Russian officials and Russian interference on behalf of Trump during the 2016 presidential election.[2] In April 2019, the Mueller report concluded that the investigation did not establish that Page coordinated in Russia's interference efforts.[5][6] In December 2019, the Inspector General for the Department of Justice, Michael E. Horowitz, issued a report on his inquiry into the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign and its ties to Russia.

Horowitz found fault with specific aspects of the FBI's conduct, including omissions of facts and false statements to the FISA court when applying for a warrant to conduct surveillance on Page.

In 2019, the Justice Department determined the last two of four FISA warrants to surveil Page were invalid.[7][8] Page has filed four lawsuits,[further explanation needed] all were dismissed by courts.

Are you this fucking stupid....the entire Russia Hoax was a hoax....there was nothing to it, and Carter Page was trapped by the FBI who knew he was innocent.....obama, biden, knew the whole thing was crap and they sent the FBI, the DOJ and the State Dept. to go after Trump....

You idiot....

Page was a focus of the 2017 Special Counsel investigation into links between Trump associates and Russian officials and Russian interference on behalf of Trump during the 2016 presidential election.[2] In April 2019, the Mueller report concluded that the investigation did not establish that Page coordinated in Russia's interference efforts.[5][6] In December 2019, the Inspector General for the Department of Justice, Michael E. Horowitz, issued a report on his inquiry into the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign and its ties to Russia.

Horowitz found fault with specific aspects of the FBI's conduct, including omissions of facts and false statements to the FISA court when applying for a warrant to conduct surveillance on Page.

In 2019, the Justice Department determined the last two of four FISA warrants to surveil Page were invalid.[7][8] Page has filed four lawsuits,[further explanation needed] all were dismissed by courts.

So your link says the FIRST TWO FISA warrants WERE VALID....?
The FBI had been watching Carter Page as a potential Russian Spy since 2013.
Carter Page left the trump campaign.
Then he made mysterious trips to Russia and had contact with shady Russians

Then he got investigated.
cry about it.

The investigation of Carter Page was completely warranted because he met with known spies and he wasn;t even in the Trump campaign.

This is 100% fact. Deal with it

The FBI had been watching Page as a potential Russian spy since 2013, long before Page was mentioned in the dossier of dirt on the Trump-Russia connection compiled by former British intelligence operative Christopher Steele over the summer and fall of 2016.

Your only problem is he was a human asset of the CIA. And the FBI knew it. The bullshit from the daily propagandist notwithstanding.


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