Carter Page Met with Known Russia Spies, Warranting an investigation

The FBI was watching him since 2013.

Carter Page met was Russian Spies and made mysterious trips to Russia, so they investigated him. Deal with it

You people are still going mental because they had a legitimate investigation into Carter Page

You lying fuck, his trips were not mysterious, he made annual trips to Russia to teach at a university. And he was debriefed by the CIA after every trip.

I don't know if he was in the CIA or not, but if he was, the FBI wouldn't be privy to this until and if they arrested him. The entire situation is fascinating but also an extremely important tale.of caution.

That's what Clinesmith was convicted for, he altered an email from the CIA confirming Page worked with the CIA, to it saying he wasn't. That altered email was presented to the FISA court as fact, when it was pure commie bullshit.

he was not in the CIA

The FBI was watching him since 2013, then he made mysterious trips to Russia and met with shady Russians, then they investigated that.
Everything is legit.
Trumpers just can't handle A republican being investigated.

No one said he was IN the CIA, he was a human source FOR the CIA. Take your commie propaganda and shove it.

If my memory serves, McCain then gave the dossier to Perkins and Coie Law Firm for Hillary to use.

The bitch laundered money through Perkins and Coie to pay for the damn thing, she already had it. She was busted by the FEC for doing so. She should have criminally charged.

he had left the campaign.
he wasn't even in the campaign

Then he mysteriously disapears to Russia and meets with shady russians.

They had been watching him since 2013.
Investigation 100% warranted.

They investigated him. Deal with it

You can tell that lie as often as you wish, doesn't make it true.

they knew sincd 2009 he was working with the CIA
Who knew? The FBI did not know until Carter Page went public that he was an asset for them, and that is when the FBI had their assigned lawyer to inquire with the CIA whether what Page claimed was true or not.

3 Fisa warrants had already taken place, before the CIA confirmed in a letter that Page indeed was an asset of theirs between 2009 and 2013 I believe.

And the FBI agents working the case were not told by the FBI attorney who got notified....he was later charged with lying by Durham, for changing the CIA letter before sending it to the fbi....which led the FBI to believe he was NOT an asset.
This entire thread is an unhinged rant by YOU as usual.. do you realize that the CIA and FBI are constantly checking up on all our overseas assets? thats just standard procedure to ensure someone is not a double agent.

( from ABC news)


Durham found that the FBI acted too hastily and relied on raw and unconfirmed intelligence when it opened the Trump-Russia investigation.

He said at the time the probe was opened, the FBI had no information about any actual contact between Trump associates and Russian intelligence officials.

He also claimed that FBI investigators fell prone to “confirmation bias,” repeatedly ignoring or rationalizing away information that could have undercut the premise of their investigation, and he noted that the FBI failed to corroborate a single substantive allegation from a dossier of research that it relied on during the course of the probe.

“An objective and honest assessment of these strands of information should have caused the FBI to question not only the predication for Crossfire Hurricane, but also to reflect on whether the FBI was being manipulated for political or other purposes,” the report said, using the FBI's code name for the Trump-Russia probe. “Unfortunately, it did not.”

your such a whiny bitch. how many time does someone have to beat a fact through your head?
the FBI were wrong. The so called Russian sources were all BS in the Trump investigation... and you want to sit here and pretend it wasnt a political attack...

Theres a lot of liberal posters here I may not agree with, but at least a lot of them have a capability to be rational... you on the other hand thrive on gloating in your idiocy... its a wonder to behold.
I’m fact the CIA and sometimes the FBI routinely uses diplomats and politicians and even business types as “assets” to gain Intel. That doesn’t make them “agents”.

If you have contact with “interesting” folks overseas they want to know what you know.

You are not obligated in any way.

Page was in contact with Russian Intel types as far back as 2013. They made some attempt to recruit HIM as an asset (but found him too stupid and insignificant).

The CIA noticed and investigated. That put him on their radar.

When he popped up in a Presidential campaign of course they were interested in who he was talking to and what was said.

He ultimately got fired by the Trump campaign BECAUSE his Russian contacts became public knowledge
From the article you linked...

The investigation was launched in May 2019 by Trump’s former Attorney General William Barr – a probe that Trump and his right-wing allies repeatedly predicted would “investigate the investigators” and lead to bombshell indictments of those who scrutinized the former president. Four years later, Durham’s investigation yielded one minor conviction, two losses at trial and a probe that fell short of the lofty goals set by the former president.

Durham only secured one conviction: the guilty plea of a low-level FBI lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, who avoided jail after admitting to doctoring an email about a surveillance warrant. Durham’s other two prosecutions – against a Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer and the primary source for the Trump-Russia dossier – ended with embarrassing acquittals.
Who knew? The FBI did not know until Carter Page went public that he was an asset for them, and that is when the FBI had their assigned lawyer to inquire with the CIA whether what Page claimed was true or not.

3 Fisa warrants had already taken place, before the CIA confirmed in a letter that Page indeed was an asset of theirs between 2009 and 2013 I believe.

And the FBI agents working the case were not told by the FBI attorney who got notified....he was later charged with lying by Durham, for changing the CIA letter before sending it to the fbi....which led the FBI to believe he was NOT an asset.
the fbi knew since 2009

try again
Who knew? The FBI did not know until Carter Page went public that he was an asset for them, and that is when the FBI had their assigned lawyer to inquire with the CIA whether what Page claimed was true or not.

3 Fisa warrants had already taken place, before the CIA confirmed in a letter that Page indeed was an asset of theirs between 2009 and 2013 I believe.

And the FBI agents working the case were not told by the FBI attorney who got notified....he was later charged with lying by Durham, for changing the CIA letter before sending it to the fbi....which led the FBI to believe he was NOT an asset.

Still False
A new post doesn't change that.

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