Carter Page Met with Known Russia Spies, Warranting an investigation

The GOP is the party of 1000 fake investigations

Monica Lewinsky was more bull shit than any of this.

Right now the corrupt GOP have gone on Fake Fox news to say Hunter paid Joe rent, when he never did. A 100% lie
Then The republicans went on fake Fox News and fabricated some lie about a Biden crime family, when they have no evidence at all and the magic whistleblower never existed at all.

The republicans do this shit 1000x and then you cry when the FBI investigates some guy that the FBI had been watching for years, that was not even in the Trump campaign, and met with shady Russians.

what an absolute joke

The GOP have lost the right to complain about investigations after all the fraud investigations they have had.
You're a fucking LUNATIC!!!!!!
How does Carter Page get his reputation back?

If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth.

Trump tried to do that with his Big lie of election fraud that never happened.

You people are a total joke

The GOP is the party of complete hypocrisy
You're a fucking LUNATIC!!!!!!
I love posting facts and destroying you

The GOP is the party of fake investigations
Now you people freak out when somebody that was watched by the FBI for years, then met with very shady russians in Russia gets investigated.

You people have lost the right to complain about investigations.
Your Lies have consequences, deal with it
The FBI had been watching Carter Page as a potential Russian Spy since 2013.
Carter Page left the trump campaign.
Then he made mysterious trips to Russia and had contact with shady Russians

Then he got investigated.
cry about it.

The investigation of Carter Page was completely warranted because he met with known spies and he wasn;t even in the Trump campaign.

This is 100% fact. Deal with it

The FBI had been watching Page as a potential Russian spy since 2013, long before Page was mentioned in the dossier of dirt on the Trump-Russia connection compiled by former British intelligence operative Christopher Steele over the summer and fall of 2016.

Can you come up with a source that isn’t far left in their bias and also not regarded as mixed in telling the truth or lying? Also, why did you come up with a five year old source that is outdated, much has happened to the story since then. You are being dishonest in my opinion.
The fact is, Clinesmith was caught and punished, yet to this day Page has never been charge after being on the FBI’s radar since 2009.

If Page was a spy, I think he deserve the death penalty, and I am no fan of Page but the FBI was wrong on this one and Clinesmith getting probation is proof, he should have been fired, Page in prison.
Can you come up with a source that isn’t far left in their bias and also not regarded as mixed in telling the truth or lying? Also, why did you come up with a five year old source that is outdated, much has happened to the story since then. You are being dishonest in my opinion.
The fact is, Clinesmith was caught and punished, yet to this day Page has never been charge after being on the FBI’s radar since 2009.

If Page was a spy, I think he deserve the death penalty, and I am no fan of Page but the FBI was wrong on this one and Clinesmith getting probation is proof, he should have been fired, Page in prison.
its 5 years old because that was when this stuff happened.

There are 100 sources on this go look

If you deal with spies the FBI will watch and investigate you, that is their job. If you work for the CIA they watch you to make sure you are not dirty. That is standard operating procedure.

All the republicans are crying because they investigated this guy. So what, they investigated him. Big deal. deal with it.
Then the GOP has had 1000 fake phony investigations. As we speak the GOP has manufactured 2 mega lies about Hunter paying rent that never happened and some fabricated fake whistleblower that never existed.

Its laughable. the GOP have violated all ethics in investigations, then they cry when some shady guy gets investigated after he meets with Russian spies.
The FBI had been watching Carter Page as a potential Russian Spy since 2013.
Carter Page left the trump campaign.
Then he made mysterious trips to Russia and had contact with shady Russians

Then he got investigated.
cry about it.

The investigation of Carter Page was completely warranted because he met with known spies and he wasn;t even in the Trump campaign.

This is 100% fact. Deal with it

The FBI had been watching Page as a potential Russian spy since 2013, long before Page was mentioned in the dossier of dirt on the Trump-Russia connection compiled by former British intelligence operative Christopher Steele over the summer and fall of 2016.

Translation: You know Biden is tanking badly for 2024 so deflect, deflect, deflect.
Nice try...but only a meer 10 years late. And it's been dis-proven for 9 and a half years.

Carter page worked for the CIA. He was a good guy.
How much was he paid?
What was his position?
Did he get benefits?
Page was not in the campaign anymore
Page was being watched by the FBI since 2013, before anything Trump because they thought Russia might recruit him to be a spy
Page mysteriously disappears to Russia then meets with n\Known shady russians.

There is plenty of smoke here to warrant investigation.
You conviently leave that out

Worse still the republicans have had 100+ fake bullshit investigations that proved nothing, they are the party of BS investigations.

You people can;t handle your own medicine at all.

The shit the GOP pulls was done to them, and you people cry like babies. Obviously you can't handle your own medicine. You people are a joke.

It's documented that the FBI lied to the FISA courts to get a warrant to investigate Page, so no they didn't have plenty of evidence.

Following the standards used for Page would mean the FBI spying on Hunter and by exstention everyone he has any contact with and people they have contact with, in other words 10's of thousands of people.
its 5 years old because that was when this stuff happened.

There are 100 sources on this go look

If you deal with spies the FBI will watch and investigate you, that is their job. If you work for the CIA they watch you to make sure you are not dirty. That is standard operating procedure.

All the republicans are crying because they investigated this guy. So what, they investigated him. Big deal. deal with it.
Then the GOP has had 1000 fake phony investigations. As we speak the GOP has manufactured 2 mega lies about Hunter paying rent that never happened and some fabricated fake whistleblower that never existed.

Its laughable. the GOP have violated all ethics in investigations, then they cry when some shady guy gets investigated after he meets with Russian spies.

2 questions

Who was the "shady Russian" Page meet with that the FBI used to get a FISA warrant?
Who set up the meeting Page had with this "shady Russian"?

These should be easy question for you.
2 questions

Who was the "shady Russian" Page meet with that the FBI used to get a FISA warrant?
Who set up the meeting Page had with this "shady Russian"?

These should be easy question for you.
Very easy for me.
look right here
plenty of shady russian contacts

Russia even said Carter Page "was an idiot" who was just trying to get money

Sept./Oct. 2016 – According to ABC News, Page travels to Hungary to hold high-level foreign policy meetings with senior Hungarian officials, exchanges that eventually draw the attention of congressional investigators, given Hungary’s role as a Russian intelligence hub. In September, Page has a 45-minute meeting with with Jeno Megyesy, a senior adviser to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Megyesy confirmed to ABC that he met Page at the request Reka Szemerkenyi, Hungary’s ambassador to the U.S. at the time. Page had met with Szemerkenyi herself at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2016. And he also met her in Budapest in September, and then again in Washington, D.C., in October 2016.

When questioned about his Hungary meetings by the House Intelligence Committee, Page says that he could not recall with whom he met, or whether he met with any Russians while in Hungary:

Dec. 8 through 13, 2016 – Just one month after the election, Page travels to Russia again, telling state-operated RIA Novosti news service, “I am meeting with business leaders and thought leaders.” But he would later testify before the House Intelligence Committee that on this trip, he had private meetings with both Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich and Rosneft investor relations chief Andrey Baranov. Page adds that an unnamed banker attended his lunch with Baranov.

Thanks for playing

Carter Page was very shady and the FBI did their job and investigated him. Deal with it, which you can't.
Look at all the evidence.
The Durham investigation was supposed to bring down the house, but it produced nothing. Durham needed to manufacture bull shit to justify his 4 year long investigation that produced nothing.

The Durham investigation was more corrupt than the investigation into Carter Page, who is a liar and possibly very dirty, meeting with very dirty people and lying about.

Thanks for playing you lose again
If my memory serves, McCain then gave the dossier to Perkins and Coie Law Firm for Hillary to use.
that’s not accurate. Perkins Cole was merely the go between money launderer for Clinton and the DNC to pay Steele.

The FEC in fact found them guilty of illegal campaign fin laws for this.
Trump tried to do that with his Big lie of election fraud that never happened.

You people are a total joke

The GOP is the party of complete hypocrisy
The story of Hunter Biden’s computer was covered up by the FBI and called Russian disinformation. If that story been accurately reported the election would have likely been won by Trump.

Plus Hunter will waltz away basically scot-free with perhaps a light slap on the wrist so his aging father can run again rather than face charges of influence peddling and using Hunter as the bag man.

The FBI had been watching Carter Page as a potential Russian Spy since 2013.
Carter Page left the trump campaign.
Then he made mysterious trips to Russia and had contact with shady Russians

Then he got investigated.
cry about it.

The investigation of Carter Page was completely warranted because he met with known spies and he wasn;t even in the Trump campaign.

This is 100% fact. Deal with it

The FBI had been watching Page as a potential Russian spy since 2013, long before Page was mentioned in the dossier of dirt on the Trump-Russia connection compiled by former British intelligence operative Christopher Steele over the summer and fall of 2016.

that’s not accurate. Perkins Cole was merely the go between money launderer for Clinton and the DNC to pay Steele.

The FEC in fact found them guilty of illegal campaign fin laws for this.

Paul Singer ordered the dossier.
Look at all the evidence.
The Durham investigation was supposed to bring down the house, but it produced nothing. Durham needed to manufacture bull shit to justify his 4 year long investigation that produced nothing.

The Durham investigation was more corrupt than the investigation into Carter Page, who is a liar and possibly very dirty, meeting with very dirty people and lying about.

Thanks for playing you lose again
You are making the usual mistake Democrats do by listening to your liberal media. They are lying to you as usual and like a good sheeple you will believe any crap they feed you.

The basic conclusions reached by the Durham report mirror the thesis of my book Get Trump: namely that good people have been willing to do bad things in order to prevent Donald Trump from being elected (or reelected) as president. These good people honestly believe that the noble (at least in their view) end in “getting” Trump and preventing him from being president justifies ignoble means, including mendacity and violation of long-established principles.

There can be no doubt that the Durham report is correct in having concluded that government officials – from the top down – viewed the evidence (or lack thereof) through the prism of resolving all doubts against Trump and in favor of his opponents. This was not so much a partisan bias, favoring Democrats over Republicans, because some of the worst offenders are Republicans who honestly believe that the Trump presidency endangered the national security of the United States.

They have the right to hold such a belief, whether correct or incorrect, but as the Durham report made clear, they had no right to distort the facts, the law and the principles in an effort to prevent the perceived danger from materializing, It was Justice Louis Brandeis who understood the dangers of this approach a century ago, when he warned “The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.” Many of the people involved in the wrongdoing documented by the Durham report were well-intentioned. But they had little understanding of the consequences of their actions.

These consequences include applying a double standard based on who the individual is, rather than what he has done. The Bible cautions people who administer justice not to “recognize faces.” This is the origin of the blindfold over the eyes of the statute of justice. But the Durham report establishes that many of those charged with doing justice peeked under their blindfolds and saw that the person involved was Donald Trump. They recognized his face and they applied the double standard of justice or injustice to him.

Reasonable people can and do continue to believe that Trump poses dangers to democracy. I'm not here to argue that they are wrong. Indeed I plan to vote against him for the third time, because I share some of their concerns. But what these well-intentioned people did poses a far greater danger to the rule of law and our constitutional system than anything Trump has done or is likely to do. Their benighted, even if well-intentioned, actions threatened to establish dangerous precedents that lie around like loaded guns, ready for the hand of any tyrant who is ill-intentioned.
Very easy for me.
look right here
plenty of shady russian contacts

Russia even said Carter Page "was an idiot" who was just trying to get money

Sept./Oct. 2016 – According to ABC News, Page travels to Hungary to hold high-level foreign policy meetings with senior Hungarian officials, exchanges that eventually draw the attention of congressional investigators, given Hungary’s role as a Russian intelligence hub. In September, Page has a 45-minute meeting with with Jeno Megyesy, a senior adviser to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Megyesy confirmed to ABC that he met Page at the request Reka Szemerkenyi, Hungary’s ambassador to the U.S. at the time. Page had met with Szemerkenyi herself at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2016. And he also met her in Budapest in September, and then again in Washington, D.C., in October 2016.

When questioned about his Hungary meetings by the House Intelligence Committee, Page says that he could not recall with whom he met, or whether he met with any Russians while in Hungary:

Dec. 8 through 13, 2016 – Just one month after the election, Page travels to Russia again, telling state-operated RIA Novosti news service, “I am meeting with business leaders and thought leaders.” But he would later testify before the House Intelligence Committee that on this trip, he had private meetings with both Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich and Rosneft investor relations chief Andrey Baranov. Page adds that an unnamed banker attended his lunch with Baranov.

Thanks for playing

Carter Page was very shady and the FBI did their job and investigated him. Deal with it, which you can't.

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