Carter was a fine man!

My best wishes for Carter

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Internationally he was too much of an idealist and quite naive. His international failings with oil, Iranian hostages and Russia smelling weakness invading Afghanistan, much like other Dems who see war coincidentally occur under their watch; is what really hurt his legacy.

He loved his country and seemed to me to be the most honest president in my lifetime. I've never heard him speak and think "this guy is full of it" and I've watched many older videos. Reagan was a good actor, but Carter was legitimately honest.
Internationally he was too much of an idealist and quite naive. His international failings with oil, Iranian hostages and Russia smelling weakness invading Afghanistan, much like other Dems who see war coincidentally occur under their watch; is what really hurt his legacy.

He loved his country and seemed to me to be the most honest president in my lifetime. I've never heard him speak and think "this guy is full of it" and I've watched many older videos. Reagan was a good actor, but Carter was legitimately honest.
honest? I was in Germany with fully loaded F-4s ready to bomb Tehran back into the stone age, yet Jimmy decided to stand US down. Think of how many lives would of been saved if radical Islam was stopped that day?
Ii is his birthday today

So i

mr carter was the finest man, the finest christian, and a visionary president who looks much better in the rear view mirror of history.

"objects in the mirror are closer than they appear"
A lot of people don't realize about Jimmy Carter is that his running mate and lieutenant governor in Georgia was a fellow by the name of Lester Maddox who chased conservative blacks from his restaurant using a pickaxe.

Maddox served as a role model for the liberal restaurant owner in Lexington VA who chased out Sarah Sanders, and more recently, this fellow Mr. Primanti in Pittsburgh who chased out JD Vance and his supporters.
i will. Jimmy was not a bad guy. Not a villain. Not a traitor.

Better than W, homO, and Traitor Joe for certain.
on one of EMH favorite issues

mr carter was the most even handed and fair minded moderator before or since . camp david is a model negotiated peace. his nobel peace prize was earned.
I like Carter but his leadership skills suffered from the way I've seen in some of the people I've worked with. That being too much into the details and not seeing the forest for the trees.
He is was and always will be a nasty man who gives abortion a good name. He is a horrible person, a horrible president and an all around failure.

What I remember about Jimmy The Peanut Farmer Carter, is that he put price controls on oil which pissed off the Sauds, who stopped selling us ANY oil. He had already kneecapped our oil industry which led to horrible shortages. Even and Odd days where you were able to wait in line for hours to get gas. But even worse than that, heating oil was horrendously expensive. In the bitterness of winter many people either could not get heating oil at any price or it was too expensive. The son of a bitch told people to put on a sweater if they were cold. It wasn't HIS fault he fucked up the oil.

Then there was the astounding way he completely fucked up the Iranian Hostage crisis, leaving our people to be tortured by the Iranians for 444 days.

Carter isn't just a bad person he is an evil person.
i will. Jimmy was not a bad guy. Not a villain. Not a traitor.

Better than W, homO, and Traitor Joe for certain.
Jimmy Carter did such a bad job he lost the job. His stupid actions is why I am no longer a Democrat.

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