Carter worst ex president - responsible in part of genocide of Christians


Oct 14, 2012
Carter sure did a great job for us Americans in his dealings with the Iran crises. Oh well, peanut sales increased & we had Billy Beer to wash them down with.

J. Carter worst ex president - responsible in part of genocide of 200,000 Christians in E. Timor ( Jimmy Carter ) and guilty of aiding Islamic fascist revolution in Iran. ( Meet the true father of the Islamic Revolution: Jimmy Carter )

He is the last "reliable" personality to talk about the M.E.
Never mind, he never speaks about the real apartheid, like the Islamic apartheid ( arabislamicapartheid ) against the "other" in all Muslim countries.
J. Carter worst ex president - responsible in part of genocide of 200,000 Christians in E. Timor ( Jimmy Carter ) and guilty of aiding Islamic fascist revolution in Iran. ( Meet the true father of the Islamic Revolution: Jimmy Carter )

He is the last "reliable" personality to talk about the M.E.
Never mind, he never speaks about the real apartheid, like the Islamic apartheid ( arabislamicapartheid ) against the "other" in all Muslim countries.
Obama is surpassing Carter's record. Carter ruined Iran, caused the Soviet invasion of Afganistan, and ruined the economy. Obama ruined the entire Middle East, and did worse to the economy than Carter.
Bush stood by when Christians were attacked in Iraq and churches burned and did nothing. He said he didn't want to show "favoritism". True story.
Carter sure did a great job for us Americans in his dealings with the Iran crises. Oh well, peanut sales increased & we had Billy Beer to wash them down with.

J. Carter worst ex president - responsible in part of genocide of 200,000 Christians in E. Timor ( Jimmy Carter ) and guilty of aiding Islamic fascist revolution in Iran. ( Meet the true father of the Islamic Revolution: Jimmy Carter )

He is the last "reliable" personality to talk about the M.E.
Never mind, he never speaks about the real apartheid, like the Islamic apartheid ( arabislamicapartheid ) against the "other" in all Muslim countries.
Yes, we "enjoy" his rotten fruits, then he poses on interview as a "peaceful" and some kind of a "sage" yuck. He also took money from the Arab lobby (Jimmy Carter and the Arab Lobby (2006)) for his slanderous porky book with that slur. ( NYT: "Israel and the Apartheid Slander" (2011))
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Jimmy Carter's SONS----who really have no professional talent----AND HIS ONE daughter----and HER HUSBAND------are on the payroll of a SAUDI (not for profit) corporation for the PROMOTION OF A WORLD WIDE MONOTHEISTIC----THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT_-----read that "CALIPHATE"
Bush stood by when Christians were attacked in Iraq and churches burned and did nothing. He said he didn't want to show "favoritism". True story.

This thread is about Carter, you hijack hack. Go troll somewhere else.
This thread is a reply to another pseudo thread on this forum about Carter and his "view" about the "peace" process.
Carter sure did a great job for us Americans in his dealings with the Iran crises. Oh well, peanut sales increased & we had Billy Beer to wash them down with.

J. Carter worst ex president - responsible in part of genocide of 200,000 Christians in E. Timor ( Jimmy Carter ) and guilty of aiding Islamic fascist revolution in Iran. ( Meet the true father of the Islamic Revolution: Jimmy Carter )

He is the last "reliable" personality to talk about the M.E.
Never mind, he never speaks about the real apartheid, like the Islamic apartheid ( arabislamicapartheid ) against the "other" in all Muslim countries.
Yes, we "enjoy" his rotten fruits, then he poses on interview as a "peaceful" and some kind of a "sage" yuck. He also took money from the Arab lobby (Jimmy Carter and the Arab Lobby (2006)) for his slanderous porky book with that slur. ( NYT: "Israel and the Apartheid Slander" (2011))
Much of the international turmoil today can be traced back to Carter. Carter's handling of Iran ushered in the rise of Shiite Islamism, and in response the Arab Sunnis and Saudis countered with their own Sunni version by giving rise to radicals and Wahabbists such as Al queda. Carter's weakness then emboldened the Soviets to invade Afganistan, which in turn caused the US and the West to finance and militarily support Islamists such as Al queda and Taliban in order to repel the Soviets.

Now we are surprised why we have all these terrorist groups all over the region competing for power and control of countries and regions and looking for opportunities to strike against Israel, US, and and the West in general.
Because Carter said Netanyahu is a liar and doesn't want peace he's the worst? You fucking Israeli nutjob holy shit.
J. Carter worst ex president - responsible in part of genocide of 200,000 Christians in E. Timor s.

Do you think thwn you post garbage like this that there is a single person on the planet who is going to take it seriously?

INDONSIA is responible for the massacres in East Timor - and the leader of Indonesia at the time of the massacres was feted by Reagan and Bush Snr.

Ignorance is (almost) excusable - but outright dishonesty just puts you in the same camp as roudy and rosie.
This guy says he's a Arab Christian, yet he's sucking the balls of the Jews so hard to the point where he accuse Jimmy Carter of genocide because he said Netanyahu doesn't want peace yesterday.
Obama is surpassing Carter's record. Carter ruined Iran, caused the Soviet invasion of Afganistan, and ruined the economy. Obama ruined the entire Middle East, and did worse to the economy than Carter.

^^ What Roudy said!
This guy says he's a Arab Christian, yet he's sucking the balls of the Jews so hard to the point where he accuse Jimmy Carter of genocide because he said Netanyahu doesn't want peace yesterday.
J. Carter worst ex president - responsible in part of genocide of 200,000 Christians in E. Timor ( Jimmy Carter ) and guilty of aiding Islamic fascist revolution in Iran. ( Meet the true father of the Islamic Revolution: Jimmy Carter )

He is the last "reliable" personality to talk about the M.E.
Never mind, he never speaks about the real apartheid, like the Islamic apartheid ( arabislamicapartheid ) against the "other" in all Muslim countries.
Mahraba,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Mr Marbaha

I can't remember too much about Carter as i was in India most of that time.

But surely the causes of the Khomaniac Iran Revolution go back further than that

to President Eisenhower in 1953

and that well known British (half american ) multi war criminal, a certain Winston Churchill.....(great against Hitler; otherwise awful), UK Prime Monster 1951 to 55

and your huge fave Oil Company BP, then known as the Iran Oil Corporation which is how it started.

Iran had just democratically elected a conservative govt headed by a Mr Mossedegh. He politely asked BP for the same level of Oil Royalties (50 / 50) as the Saudis had just received from America.

When BP said no, he talked of nationalising the Oil...just talk, I'm sure; he was no socialist...

So Eisenhower and Churchill created a coup against this democratic Iran and put a tyrant King the Reza Shah Pahlavi on the throne whose secret police were trained by Israel and others.

Israel was actually helping both Royal Iran and Apartheid South Africa develop nuclear weapons when they were dictatorships...can you believe??

all to help the freee world of its payback time

So it's the filthy Brits fault...p-lease don't forget us.............filthy BP from one gulf to another.....
J. Carter worst ex president - responsible in part of genocide of 200,000 Christians in E. Timor ( Jimmy Carter ) and guilty of aiding Islamic fascist revolution in Iran. ( Meet the true father of the Islamic Revolution: Jimmy Carter )

He is the last "reliable" personality to talk about the M.E.
Never mind, he never speaks about the real apartheid, like the Islamic apartheid ( arabislamicapartheid ) against the "other" in all Muslim countries.
Mahraba,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Mr Marbaha

I can't remember too much about Carter as i was in India most of that time.

But surely the causes of the Khomaniac Iran Revolution go back further than that

to President Eisenhower in 1953

and that well known British (half american ) multi war criminal, a certain Winston Churchill.....(great against Hitler; otherwise awful), UK Prime Monster 1951 to 55

and your huge fave Oil Company BP, then known as the Iran Oil Corporation which is how it started.

Iran had just democratically elected a conservative govt headed by a Mr Mossedegh. He politely asked BP for the same level of Oil Royalties (50 / 50) as the Saudis had just received from America.

When BP said no, he talked of nationalising the Oil...just talk, I'm sure; he was no socialist...

So Eisenhower and Churchill created a coup against this democratic Iran and put a tyrant King the Reza Shah Pahlavi on the throne whose secret police were trained by Israel and others.

Israel was actually helping both Royal Iran and Apartheid South Africa develop nuclear weapons when they were dictatorships...can you believe??

all to help the freee world of its payback time

So it's the filthy Brits fault...p-lease don't forget us.............filthy BP from one gulf to another.....
The King of Iran had no nuclear ambitions. Where do you get your drivel? ?

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