Carter's four years of peace is why Republicans think he was a lousy president

It took guts for Carter to refrain from a military action that would have killed thousands but appease the conservatives
but he did use military action---hahahahhahahaha
please prove only ''conservatives'' wanted military action
Of course, they will point to Iran and the embassy hostages. Saying we should have dropped bombs. Dropped bombs on who? The innocent people who live there? To start even more chaos?

Created the Department of Energy. Too bad his policies weren't pursued. We would never have become so dependent on ME oil and gas mileage standards are still followed today.

Created the Department of Education. Remember when it was part of the Department. of Health, Education and Welfare? Separating it actually streamlined government.

Supported SALT II (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks). Congress refused to sign it, but it was an important first step.

Brokered the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty. Too bad it didn't last. But he tried harder than any other president.

Installed solar panels in the White House. Visionary.

Granted amnesty to Vietnam draft-dodgers. This helped the country get over the damage caused by that terrible conflict and helped bring the country together.

Established diplomatic relations with China. Remember when everyone was so afraid of China?

Pushed for comprehensive health care reform. Something Republicans would never do. Their policy really is "health care for the rich and for others - die quickly".

Returned the Panama Canal to Panama. Panama is a sovereign country. Republicans are empire builders. Look at what they tried to do in Iraq. The canal wasn't ours and Iraqi oil wasn't ours. And, the world didn't fall apart when we got out of Panama.

Republicans look at Nixon, Reagan, Bush and Bush and see "heroes". The rest of the world see criminals and disasterous fiascoes. Because so few American died under Carter and America wasn't involved in any wars, Republicans see Carter as "weak". Too bad we don't have more of that "weak". Tired of Americans dying from GOP ignorance about the rest of the world.

The rest of the world indeed sees Nixon,Reagan,Bush and Bush for the real criminals they are indeed.Obama,Biden and clinton need to be added to that list as well though.

here is one of Reagans great accomplishments.

Ronald Reagan Steals Debate Notes from Jimmy Carter​

5 Insane Strategies That Won Elections (and Changed History)

Getty Images/Getty Images News/Getty Images

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On paper, the U.S. presidential election of 1980 seemed like an absurdly unfair fight: Incumbent Jimmy Carter was facing some semi-retired B-movie actor called Ronald Reagan. Yet the campaigning proved fierce, thanks to Carter's less than successful first term and Reagan pulling a stunt that you'd expect to see in an election for middle school class president.
Late in the race, Carter and Reagan were virtually tied. But there was one major event left: The one and only debate between the major candidates. The event was hyped up like a Muhammad Ali match. Carter prepared his notes accordingly: He had his people painstakingly create a book of briefing papers that included his entire debate strategy, complete with zingers he was to memorize.
5 Insane Strategies That Won Elections (and Changed History)

Alex Wong/Getty Images News/Getty Images
Mostly "yo mama" jokes.

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However, in the days before the debate, team Carter found that a copy of the papers was missing. This was bad. The beating that Reagan gave Carter in the actual debate was even worse. The Republican methodically decimated Carter on all fronts, leaving him and his campaign little more than a greasy puddle on the studio floor. It was almost as if (foreshadowing!) Reagan knew exactly what Carter was going to say, word for word. Which, of course, was the case.
One of Reagan's staffers had "found" the missing strategy book and brought it to his boss. Offered this window into Carter's head, Reagan instantly adapted a new strategy: cheating like a boss. Reagan studied the material and rehearsed with a Carter stand-in until he knew precisely what Carter would say and how he should respond.
5 Insane Strategies That Won Elections (and Changed History)

It made for a much more elegant debate than the cock-punch Reagan had planned to open with.

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And it worked -- the Gipper tore through his opponent with a torrent of well-timed quips and counters. A week later, Reagan won the election. Although the truth of "Debategate" eventually came out, it never caused lasting harm to Reagan. Meanwhile, Jimmy Carter still maintains the claim that this one lost book totally cost him the election, and presumably keeps his library in a locked vault.

Related: Jimmy Carter's Hemorrhoids Offer A Weird Historical Parallel To Trump's White House

the rest of the world is awake to the great accomplishments of carter and the criminal activities of those other presidents mentioned,Americans have their head up their asses though and call him the worst president ever.:rolleyes-41:

the other one that needs to be added to that list as well is Carter also dismantled the evil atrocities of CIA covert wars firing traiter Bush and appointing stansfiled turner as CIA directory who cleaned house firing all covert aoperaters. yet carter is the worst president ever.:rolleyes-41:
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Of course, they will point to Iran and the embassy hostages. Saying we should have dropped bombs. Dropped bombs on who? The innocent people who live there? To start even more chaos?

Created the Department of Energy. Too bad his policies weren't pursued. We would never have become so dependent on ME oil and gas mileage standards are still followed today.

Created the Department of Education. Remember when it was part of the Department. of Health, Education and Welfare? Separating it actually streamlined government.

Supported SALT II (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks). Congress refused to sign it, but it was an important first step.

Brokered the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty. Too bad it didn't last. But he tried harder than any other president.

Installed solar panels in the White House. Visionary.

Granted amnesty to Vietnam draft-dodgers. This helped the country get over the damage caused by that terrible conflict and helped bring the country together.

Established diplomatic relations with China. Remember when everyone was so afraid of China?

Pushed for comprehensive health care reform. Something Republicans would never do. Their policy really is "health care for the rich and for others - die quickly".

Returned the Panama Canal to Panama. Panama is a sovereign country. Republicans are empire builders. Look at what they tried to do in Iraq. The canal wasn't ours and Iraqi oil wasn't ours. And, the world didn't fall apart when we got out of Panama.

Republicans look at Nixon, Reagan, Bush and Bush and see "heroes". The rest of the world see criminals and disasterous fiascoes. Because so few American died under Carter and America wasn't involved in any wars, Republicans see Carter as "weak". Too bad we don't have more of that "weak". Tired of Americans dying from GOP ignorance about the rest of the world.

The rest of the world indeed sees Nixon,Reagan,Bush and Bush for the real criminals they are indeed.Obama,Biden and clinton need to be added to that list as well though.

the rest of the world is awake to the great accomplishments of carter and the criminal activities of those other presidents mentioned,Americans have their head up their asses though and call him the worst president ever.:rolleyes-41:

the other one that needs to be added to that list as well is Carter also dismantled the evil atrocities of CIA covert wars firing traiter Bush and appointing stansfiled turner as CIA directory who cleaned house firing all covert aoperaters. yet carter is the worst president ever.:rolleyes-41:

well i see there is one American with his head up his ass putting a neg rep on this cause the truth hurts.
Didn't we have four years of peace during the Trump administration and low energy prices and no hostage taking?
Of course, they will point to Iran and the embassy hostages. Saying we should have dropped bombs. Dropped bombs on who? The innocent people who live there? To start even more chaos?

Created the Department of Energy. Too bad his policies weren't pursued. We would never have become so dependent on ME oil and gas mileage standards are still followed today.

Created the Department of Education. Remember when it was part of the Department. of Health, Education and Welfare? Separating it actually streamlined government.

Supported SALT II (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks). Congress refused to sign it, but it was an important first step.

Brokered the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty. Too bad it didn't last. But he tried harder than any other president.

Installed solar panels in the White House. Visionary.

Granted amnesty to Vietnam draft-dodgers. This helped the country get over the damage caused by that terrible conflict and helped bring the country together.

Established diplomatic relations with China. Remember when everyone was so afraid of China?

Pushed for comprehensive health care reform. Something Republicans would never do. Their policy really is "health care for the rich and for others - die quickly".

Returned the Panama Canal to Panama. Panama is a sovereign country. Republicans are empire builders. Look at what they tried to do in Iraq. The canal wasn't ours and Iraqi oil wasn't ours. And, the world didn't fall apart when we got out of Panama.

Republicans look at Nixon, Reagan, Bush and Bush and see "heroes". The rest of the world see criminals and disasterous fiascoes. Because so few American died under Carter and America wasn't involved in any wars, Republicans see Carter as "weak". Too bad we don't have more of that "weak". Tired of Americans dying from GOP ignorance about the rest of the world.

You left out a few "achievements." Carter also

* Handed Iran over to radical Muslims and thereby caused the deaths of thousands of innocent Iranians. He undermined the Shah on the grounds of human rights violations, yet the Ayatollah committed far more and far worse human rights violations, thanks to Carter's bungling.

* Handed Nicaragua over to the Marxist Daniel Ortega, who proceeded to impose a tyranny that was much worse than the previous pro-Western one.

* Allowed the Soviets to take over Afghanistan. The Soviets never would have dared pull such a move if Reagan had been in office at the time, but they knew they could get away with it with the weak-kneed Carter in office.

* Gave us double-digit inflation and double-digit interest rates.

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