Cartoon network teaches kids about intersex non binary gender identities

It seems to me that "we" have forgotten the role of parents and society to properly "socialize" a child.

We must teach children how to speak, how to dress, how to act, how to treat other people (elders, teachers, siblings, strangers, etc.), how to be "good." This is a necessary process, in order to continually build a world of good citizens.

Now we have a movement in which parents take their "parenting" cues from the is fucking ridiculous. Children are stupid, ignorant, unaware of the consequences of the things that they do. It is the parents' role to guide and nurture the children to behave and live as NORMAL PEOPLE.

When "we" exalt and admire the ABNORMAL in our midst, it sends exactly the WRONG SIGNAL to our kids, who at first are confused, and then - because they are kids - want to be abnormal themselves, in order to get attention and approval.

So when our 12-year-old little girls want to dress up like street hookers, we say, "Isn't that cute!" and give in to their stupid wishes. When our little boy wants to wear a dress and pretend to be a girl, we buy him a dress and treat him like a girl.

This is fucking parental MALPRACTICE! Teach your kids to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. And NORMAL. Just like a Boy Scout.

Then if s/he wants to weird out as an emancipated adult, they will at least have a cultural foundation to fall back on.
The only abnormal ones are trumpers.
True story.
I see what you did there. Satire and irony abound, and it's very adroit to argue the opposite in order to drive home the truth.
It will be a better world if our kids dont grow up to be bigots like the op and his fellow droolers.
What does that have to do with made up genders? Or lying to children telling them they can be the opposite gender. You cannot change your chromosomes, not matter how much you mutilate your body and cross dress.
You’re the one who called trumpers idiotic.
I was agreeing with you.
Your reading comprehension is as fucked up as your sick reptilian brain if you truly do not understand
how my comment followed and replied in kind to yours. I'm sure this all goes over your head.

Or maybe you just aren't clever enough to come up with a comment worth a damn yourself.

Reptillian brain lmfao!!!!! omfg i'm just abouut pissin myself.
With all due respect, nobody gives a fuck what you think.
You backward types are so afraid of progress. So ready to be outraged over an article written by a disreputable source, so ready to froth over a cartoon that you havent even seen. So stupid that you cant see how you are being played.
Your first words are your first mistake, calling brainwashing of young children with transgenderism
propaganda "progress". That's extremely sick, preying on children.
There is a reason why the pro pedophile left targets young children with unformed minds incapable of critical thought with messages that sexualize them and encourages them to doubt and reject their own biological identity and replace it with transgender lies that cause untold misery and sickness.
Transgender people and suicide

You probably don't think about what you post and rely on politicized talking points instead. Maybe you
should consider where your lemming like stupidity is leading for many poor confused children you don't care about.
Just carrying on a grand patriotic tradition. I get it. Child sexual abuse in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia
You need to calm down nutty boy. Gay folks are not criminalised any more and are part of every day life. Sadly reactionary old fucks like you are as well. I think its good that kids learn that there are different types of relationships to counter the shit that people like yourself come out with. You lost, get over it.
You need to calm down nutty boy. Gay folks are not criminalised any more and are part of every day life. Sadly reactionary old fucks like you are as well. I think its good that kids learn that there are different types of relationships to counter the shit that people like yourself come out with. You lost, get over it.
Not talking about "gay folks", moron. Gay folks are not pedophiles that use transgenderism to
sexualize young people. Get the issue right, idiot, before you go around lecturing others about things
you are so apparently ignorant of.

You never fail to fail.
It will be a better world if our kids dont grow up to be bigots like the op and his fellow droolers.
If other people weren't wanted in the game, why were they shown how it is played?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, who on this planet does not have a preference of some form?
PA should feel proud


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