Carvill/Baglia--admits to huge error in attacking Rush Limbaugh!

63% approval rating... 26% disapproval rating...

you are sooooooooooooo out of touch with reality.
63% approval rating... 26% disapproval rating...

you are sooooooooooooo out of touch with reality.
what are you gonna do when it drops below 50%?
i doubt it will ever drop below 40% because of people like YOU that will NEVER admit the truth
Jillian, Obama has thus far managed to avoid sharing in the blame for this disaster. Oh and thianks for the proof that I am correct and that the deflection strategy is thus far working.
actually, making Rush the voice of the GOP was brilliant...

Rush turns off everyone but "the base"....

he sends moderate repubs running for the hills... and watching your new RNC chair drool all over himself apologizing to the oxycontin junkie is hysterical.

What's even funnier is watching your coke head President pretend he can lead in any way shape or form. Especially since his enormous ego won't even let him ignore Rush's commentary,so he has ta start a gangsta feud. Is this his new and improved "Hip Hop" politics? What a dipshit he must be weeping with shame on the inside... all while knowing your gonna have to defend this moron every day for the next 4 years to save face.
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actually, making Rush the voice of the GOP was brilliant...

Rush turns off everyone but "the base"....

he sends moderate repubs running for the hills... and watching your new RNC chair drool all over himself apologizing to the oxycontin junkie is hysterical.

I imagine after all these bail-outs "that aren't working" that all those moderates you mentioned, that did in fact vote for Barack Obama are tuned back into Rush Limbaugh.

It's kind of the like the Iraq war--for years we watched the media portray failure in Iraq, & all everyone see's now on the media is how much money of "ours" that our government is spending on ear-marks. Oh--what was that? Didn't Barack Obama tell us that there were no earmarks in his so-called stimulus bill? Now we're listening to over 8,600 earmarks in this new 410 BILLION dollar budget. 40% of the pork in this bill belong to Republicans, 60% belong to Democrats.

"Take the time to contact your senators & congressmen & tell them to cut these pork barrel projects & ear marks for the next 2 to 3 years! We don't need them right now. We have had to make cut-backs so should our government--the frickin IDIOTS."
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actually, making Rush the voice of the GOP was brilliant...

Rush turns off everyone but "the base"....

he sends moderate repubs running for the hills... and watching your new RNC chair drool all over himself apologizing to the oxycontin junkie is hysterical.

What's even funnier is watching your coke head President pretend he can lead in any way shape or form. Especially since his enormous ego won't even let him ignore Rush's commentary,so he has ta start a gansta feud. Is this his new and improved "Hip Hop" politics? What a dipshit he must be weeping with shame on the inside... all while knowing your gonna have to defend this moron every day for the next 4 years to save face.

Ditto--What POTUS ever took the time to address a talk radio host? I don't remember any, & I am 56 years old.

The problem with Barack Obama is the only thing that he does good--is give a speech. Even the media is noticing that he really doesn't sit down with congress to work things out. He actually let Nancy Porklosi write the so-called economic stimulus bill that was loaded with ear marks, favors & political pay-backs.

They estimate that 1/3 of the 787 billion dollar stimulus went for that. Now, he's out again giving speeches--read from a teleprompter instead of sitting down with dems. & repb. to stop their run away worthless spending. Yeah--He's some kind of President all right.

The difference between President Bush & President Obama. Bush hated the media, hated to get in front of a camera, hated to give speeches, & now we have the exact opposite. THE PROBLEM: Every time Barack Obama gets in front of those camera's which has been on a daily basis, the stock market collapses.

I'll wager while he is in office, he won't veto any spending bill.
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Then Rush did something no radio talk show host has ever done. He said he wants the president to fail. This caused a huge uproar among people and Rush's ratings have been phenomenal and Rush knows for sure that this is short-term so he's doing everything he can to milk this latest ratings boost.

That is a very dishonest interpretation of Limbaugh's quote
Here is the actual quote though I know the left's version has a better show quality to it. Anyone with basic reading comprehension should be able to understand this so I don't think that is the problem. Often times I think Liberals hear only what they want to hear.

"If Barack Obama's goal is to transform our economy into a socialist economy, I want him to fail"
The "I want him to fail" comment was only part of Limbaugh's statement. You absolutely cannot criticize him for that statement until the "at what" part is addressed.

If Obama continues down this path of ultra leftist policies then he should fail. That would mean that he fails at destroying this the greatest country in the world.
Then Rush did something no radio talk show host has ever done. He said he wants the president to fail. This caused a huge uproar among people and Rush's ratings have been phenomenal and Rush knows for sure that this is short-term so he's doing everything he can to milk this latest ratings boost.

That is a very dishonest interpretation of Limbaugh's quote
Here is the actual quote though I know the left's version has a better show quality to it. Anyone with basic reading comprehension should be able to understand this so I don't think that is the problem. Often times I think Liberals hear only what they want to hear.

"If Barack Obama's goal is to transform our economy into a socialist economy, I want him to fail"
The "I want him to fail" comment was only part of Limbaugh's statement. You absolutely cannot criticize him for that statement until the "at what" part is addressed.

If Obama continues down this path of ultra leftist policies then he should fail. That would mean that he fails at destroying this the greatest country in the world.

Even the add that the DNC put out on Rush. One would have to be a total moron to not realise that he was cut off in his statement & that something was very weird in the add. Anyone would realise that there is no American alive today that wants this economy to fail. What we don't want is socialism.

"The problem with socialism, is that eventually government runs out of other peoples money to spend:" Margaret Thatcher.
no, you dont get it

Rush wants Obama's socialist plans to fail
thus he wants the COUNTRY to suceed

Issue is that most people hear that comment taken out of context and believe Rush wants the nation to fail and people to suffer simply because the Dems are in charge. Makes the Republicans look heartless and cold just as they have always been potrayed to be by the media and today's pop culture.
those people are idiots and morons that are about as clueless as children
the ones looking for the government to "parent" them

If obama is truly about change and transparency he would not play these games and would inform the people that Rush doesn't want the country to fail.
Oh ... wait I forgot that was all BS
Listening to Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN tonight--March 4, 2009. Baglia--the best friend to our new Chief of Staff--Immnual--who he admits he speaks to every single day.

The interview starts with Anderson pressuring Baglia regarding what was it that made them go after Rush Limbaugh. Baglia--grinning ear to ear is just so proud to explain that he & Carvill did some kind of poll last October, prior to the election. They asked the people taking the poll--whom do you dislike most.

1. Pastor Wright
2. Bill Ayers
3. Rush Limbaugh

Pastor Wright & Bill Ayers came in at 50 & Rush Limbaugh came in at 58--(the worst number according to Baglia--still grinning ear to ear.) So they came up with this strategy to attack Rush Limbaugh--& make him the icon of the Republican party.

NOW HERE IT IS: the achille's heal to this DNC strategy:
Still grinning ear to ear: Baglia--then inadvertantly states that to "be fair" most of the people polled did not know who Pastor Wright was!

Did you catch that? The majority of the people that James Carvill & Baglia polled did not know who Pastor Wright was. If they didn't know who Pastor Wright was I doubt very seriously that they knew who Bill Ayers was either. Therefore the one name that stuck in their minds--the one name that they had heard before, came up with the most unfavorable rating & these two morons ran with it.

Still LOL!

Well, this helps explain why Obama won the election then... The media has really failed this country.

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