Carville: "We're Going to Know by 10:30 Eastern the Election Outcome

If the polling shifts that dropped this AM are good I see Trump taking most of the battle ground states and this thing is over early in the night... Iowa shifted 8 points in 30 days. Trump is now leading..

Mail Ballots Requests by the Democrats...

View attachment 409538

No potential fraud to see here, oh no.
If this isnt proof of the Democrats intentions, then I dont know what is.

What the hell are you talking about? Democrats usually like to mail their vote in at higher rates than Republicans. How is that evidence of fraud??
Well geeez ! No wonder they like to mail in at higher rates. Why is that ?
Since I cant physically prove it, maybe I can get the crayons out and draw you a picture.
Would that help ?

Umm because they usually live in denser populated areas with longer voting lines?

Maybe also because they are not pumped full of supposed voter fraud BS by the righty talking heads?

I didn't want to stand in line, so me and my wife mailed the ballots in last week. According to you that's a sign of fraud.

You? You are paranoid someone will supposedly do something to your ballot, so you have a need to go vote in person.
usually live
Though taken out of context, I wanted you to see the words you used in your last reply, as it shows a tremendous amount of uncertainty.
You dont have a legitimate excuse for the potential of fraud and apparently you speak on the behalf of all Democrats.
Mail Ballots Requests by the Democrats...

View attachment 409538

No potential fraud to see here, oh no.
If this isnt proof of the Democrats intentions, then I dont know what is.

What the hell are you talking about? Democrats usually like to mail their vote in at higher rates than Republicans. How is that evidence of fraud??
Well geeez ! No wonder they like to mail in at higher rates. Why is that ?
Since I cant physically prove it, maybe I can get the crayons out and draw you a picture.
Would that help ?

Umm because they usually live in denser populated areas with longer voting lines?

Maybe also because they are not pumped full of supposed voter fraud BS by the righty talking heads?

I didn't want to stand in line, so me and my wife mailed the ballots in last week. According to you that's a sign of fraud.

You? You are paranoid someone will supposedly do something to your ballot, so you have a need to go vote in person.
Umm because they usually live in denser populated areas with longer voting lines?
Considering this is PA, this is the only point you made that makes any sense, and I admit that.
Your other points are moot.

It doesn't show uncertainty, it is how you are supposed to speak in general terms while not making absolutist statements.
Still your statement doesnt hold water, when I see the massive amount of difference between the parties, even in the most dense PA counties, the request for mail in ballots are completly disproportionate.
After doing more research, Im so thankful for the electoral college, so the brain washed masses dont speak for the rest of us patriotic Americans.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

I think Carville could be right. BIDEN will likely knock Trump out with a win in Florida. We'll likely know Florida's results that night, since Florida started counting Ballots days before election night.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

I think Carville could be right. BIDEN will likely knock Trump out with a win in Florida. We'll likely know Florida's results that night, since Florida started counting Ballots days before election night.

Dream on!
You are confused once again Moon Bat.

Clinton did lie to the American people.

About a question that was none of their business. Certainly not worth a $70,000,000 investigation and an impeachment.
If the polling shifts that dropped this AM are good I see Trump taking most of the battle ground states and this thing is over early in the night... Iowa shifted 8 points in 30 days. Trump is now leading..

Are you on Drugs? Trump is trailing in WI, MI, PA, NC, FL, GA, AZ and OH. Only IA and TX does he have SLIGHT leads.

If he was ever worried about IOWA and it's whopping 6 EV's, he was in more trouble than he thought.
If the polling shifts that dropped this AM are good I see Trump taking most of the battle ground states and this thing is over early in the night... Iowa shifted 8 points in 30 days. Trump is now leading..

Are you on Drugs? Trump is trailing in WI, MI, PA, NC, FL, GA, AZ and OH. Only IA and TX does he have SLIGHT leads.

If he was ever worried about IOWA and it's whopping 6 EV's, he was in more trouble than he thought.
Your going to be sooooooo disappointed...

Iowa swung over 8 points in two weeks. Trump has massive enthusiasm. Last election that resulted in about a +3 point boost on election day. IF the swing in Iowa is indicative of the region Biden is in big trouble... Given the enthusiasm bump he is losing all but two swing states.

Democrat strong holds in Florida also have registered a 40% drop in Latino and Black voting for Biden.. IF these folks vote for Trump or if they simply stay home Biden loses in a land slide...

The internals are crashing all around the Biden campaign..
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Your going to be sooooooo disappointed...

Iowa swung over 8 points in two weeks. Trump has massive enthusiasm. Last election that resulted in about a +3 point boost on election day. IF the swing in Iowa is indicative of the region Biden is in big trouble... Given the enthusiasm bump he is losing all but two swing states.

Again, Iowa is barely on the radar... If he's having to fight for Iowa, he's already lost.

Trump has to win nearly ALL the Swing States to win. Biden only has to win three.

We have RECORD turnout this year... and the higher the turnout, the better it is for Democrats.
Your going to be sooooooo disappointed...

Iowa swung over 8 points in two weeks. Trump has massive enthusiasm. Last election that resulted in about a +3 point boost on election day. IF the swing in Iowa is indicative of the region Biden is in big trouble... Given the enthusiasm bump he is losing all but two swing states.

Again, Iowa is barely on the radar... If he's having to fight for Iowa, he's already lost.

Trump has to win nearly ALL the Swing States to win. Biden only has to win three.

We have RECORD turnout this year... and the higher the turnout, the better it is for Democrats.
Dont be so sure... Exit polling has about 12% of democrats voting for Trump... IF that holds in the region he wont win a single state.
Dont be so sure... Exit polling has about 12% of democrats voting for Trump... IF that holds in the region he wont win a single state.

Again, you are on drugs...

Any given Republican candidate will have cross party affiliation. Let me help you out.

In 2008, 10% of self-identified Democrats voted for McCain. and nine percent of Self-idenfited Republicans voted for Obama.

It doesn't mean as much as you think it does.
You are confused once again Moon Bat.

Clinton did lie to the American people.

About a question that was none of their business. Certainly not worth a $70,000,000 investigation and an impeachment.

You are confused Moon Bat. You are always confused about everything, aren't you?

Slick Willy was not impeached for getting a blowjob from the Monica bitch and then lying to the American people about it. The sonofabitch was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice.

His lying was to the people that it is a crime to lie to.
I think the race has a good chance of being called early. If it is called early, it is a Biden win. However, if it comes down to Pennsylvania or Florida and it is too close to call, it is likely a Trump win.
Slick Willy was not impeached for getting a blowjob from the Monica bitch and then lying to the American people about it. The sonofabitch was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice.

His lying was to the people that it is a crime to lie to.

Except that he was under no obligation to be "truthful" about his sex life.

It should be pointed out that the "Perjury" charge was for his testimony to the Grand Jury, where he openly admitted having a relationship with Lewinsky.

So in right wing world.

Lying about colluding with Russia to interfere in our election is okay.
Lying about weapons that don't exist and killing thousands of people is okay.
Lying about how serious a disease is and hundreds of thousands die is okay.

I think the race has a good chance of being called early. If it is called early, it is a Biden win. However, if it comes down to Pennsylvania or Florida and it is too close to call, it is likely a Trump win.

Actually, Biden can win without either state if he wins WI, MI (where he has comfortable leads) and one of the following - GA, AZ, NC or OH.
All rump needs is two more weeks, always
Image may contain: text that says 'Middle Age Riot @middleageriot Donald Trump says facts are fake, science is a hoax, votes are illegal, windmills cause cancer, Obama is from Kenya, Russia is our friend, and the coronavirus is over, but we're supposed to take his word that if we give him four more years he'll fix all the problems he's caused.'
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Like you believed Hillary had it won?

Yeah you looked sad

Nobody believed Hillary had won, but that she would win. The ballot count didn't confirm Trump had won, until early in the morning hours.

And that's in an election Trump won the electoral college based on 70,000 votes in 4 separate state districts, decided by less than 0.1% of the vote in those districts.

So to your premise, then we should know the outcome in the early morning on Wednesday.
I think the race has a good chance of being called early. If it is called early, it is a Biden win. However, if it comes down to Pennsylvania or Florida and it is too close to call, it is likely a Trump win.

Actually, Biden can win without either state if he wins WI, MI (where he has comfortable leads) and one of the following - GA, AZ, NC or OH.
I don't disagree. My post was based on a scenario where Trump won the toss ups and it all came down to either state being necessary for either candidate to win. A replay of Gore v. Bush in other words.
You are confused once again Moon Bat.

Clinton did lie to the American people.

About a question that was none of their business. Certainly not worth a $70,000,000 investigation and an impeachment.
So a boss coercing an employee to commit sexual acts on him is none of our business?

If you are a Democrat President these asshole Moon Bats don't think so.

They don't even think that if some Democrat turd like Slick Willy lies to a federal Judge about it then they should be held accountable.

These Moon Bats are as ignorant of Ethics as they are History, Economics, Climate Science, Biology and the Constitution.
For Odumbo, the Negro vote had previously unheard of turnout of Negroes voting their race. It was maybe 2/3 of that for Hitlery and probably will be 1/3 of that for Biden.

Not only that but a record number of Blacks will vote for Trump.

Without a massive Negro turnout the Democrats have a piss poor chance of winning.

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