Carville: "We're Going to Know by 10:30 Eastern the Election Outcome

Why were all the subpoenas not honored ? Trump isn't just a pos he's a traitor and his supporters are unAmerican
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Ohh and what was the verdict on the charge?

Senate Republicans conceeded Trump did in fact abuse his office and inapropriately pressured Ukraine as charged (8 of them publicly), but that they (except Romney who voted to convict) didn't want to remove him for it, leaving it up to voters instead.
It takes 3/4 of the senate to convict 48 democrats and a couple republicans do not convict anyone, further the House had no real evidence at all, just assumptions hear say and biased sources. In other words NOT GUILTY.

House had enough evidence to convince Republicans to do what they really really really didn't want to do - conceed in this hyperpartisan environment that Trump was culpable.

But enough about Trump, the charge was that Joe took bribes, yet no one can say when and for what.
LOL they had NO EVIDENCE at all they tried to get the senate to call witnesses cause they didn't.

Ok ignoramus whatever you say, I'm not about to start explaining to you the whole ,"mountain of evidence" as described by Alexander (R) from square one.

Bottom line, no one can say what bribe Biden took.
I would like to see this "mountain of evidence" you claim to have.

And why didn't you give it to the House Clowns to use in their Shampeachment? They needed the help.

Trump on the call Ukrainian President - Ukraine hasn't been recieprocating generous American aid. Do us a favor, investigate DNC server and Bidens.

Government Accountability Office - Congressionally apropriated millitary aid to Ukraine hold was illegal.

Bolton, Trump's top foreign policy advisor - I wanted no part of Trump's drug deal in Ukraine. Advised his subordinates to file official complaints with DNI lawyers.

Mulvaney, OMB Director and Trump's chief of staff - I held up millitary aid at the direction of Trump to get Ukranians to investigate Democrats.

Sondland, Trump's EU ebassador and his pointman on Ukraine - Quid Pro Quo is in fact true and was well understood by everyone in the admin. Trump wanted Ukrainian president to announce investigations into Bidens and hinged everything from White House visit to millitary aid on that condition.

Now you know, so please stfu about how you don't know.
Why were all the subpoenas not honored ? Trump isn't just a pos he's a traitor and his supporters are unAmerican
They were challenged, as our system allows.

Why didn't Nazi Pelousy take him to court, as the system dictates?
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Ohh and what was the verdict on the charge?

Senate Republicans conceeded Trump did in fact abuse his office and inapropriately pressured Ukraine as charged (8 of them publicly), but that they (except Romney who voted to convict) didn't want to remove him for it, leaving it up to voters instead.
It takes 3/4 of the senate to convict 48 democrats and a couple republicans do not convict anyone, further the House had no real evidence at all, just assumptions hear say and biased sources. In other words NOT GUILTY.

House had enough evidence to convince Republicans to do what they really really really didn't want to do - conceed in this hyperpartisan environment that Trump was culpable.

But enough about Trump, the charge was that Joe took bribes, yet no one can say when and for what.
LOL they had NO EVIDENCE at all they tried to get the senate to call witnesses cause they didn't.

Ok ignoramus whatever you say, I'm not about to start explaining to you the whole ,"mountain of evidence" as described by Alexander (R) from square one.

Bottom line, no one can say what bribe Biden took.
I would like to see this "mountain of evidence" you claim to have.

And why didn't you give it to the House Clowns to use in their Shampeachment? They needed the help.

Trump on the call Ukrainian President - Ukraine hasn't been recieprocating generous American aid. Do us a favor, investigate DNC server and Bidens.

Government Accountability Office - Congressionally apropriated millitary aid to Ukraine hold was illegal.

Bolton, Trump's top foreign policy advisor - I wanted no part of Trump's drug deal in Ukraine. Advised his subordinates to file official complaints with DNI lawyers.

Mulvaney, OMB Director and Trump's chief of staff - I held up millitary aid at the direction of Trump to get Ukranians to investigate Democrats.

Sondland, Trump's EU ebassador and his pointman on Ukraine - Quid Pro Quo is in fact true and was well understood by everyone in the admin. Trump wanted Ukrainian president to announce investigations into Bidens and hinged everything from White House visit to millitary aid on that condition.

Now you know, so please stfu about how you don't know.
All libnut talking points.

I asked for evidence, Stupid. Try again.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Ohh and what was the verdict on the charge?

Senate Republicans conceeded Trump did in fact abuse his office and inapropriately pressured Ukraine as charged (8 of them publicly), but that they (except Romney who voted to convict) didn't want to remove him for it, leaving it up to voters instead.
It takes 3/4 of the senate to convict 48 democrats and a couple republicans do not convict anyone, further the House had no real evidence at all, just assumptions hear say and biased sources. In other words NOT GUILTY.

House had enough evidence to convince Republicans to do what they really really really didn't want to do - conceed in this hyperpartisan environment that Trump was culpable.

But enough about Trump, the charge was that Joe took bribes, yet no one can say when and for what.
LOL they had NO EVIDENCE at all they tried to get the senate to call witnesses cause they didn't.

Ok ignoramus whatever you say, I'm not about to start explaining to you the whole ,"mountain of evidence" as described by Alexander (R) from square one.

Bottom line, no one can say what bribe Biden took.
I would like to see this "mountain of evidence" you claim to have.

And why didn't you give it to the House Clowns to use in their Shampeachment? They needed the help.

Trump on the call Ukrainian President - Ukraine hasn't been recieprocating generous American aid. Do us a favor, investigate DNC server and Bidens.

Government Accountability Office - Congressionally apropriated millitary aid to Ukraine hold was illegal.

Bolton, Trump's top foreign policy advisor - I wanted no part of Trump's drug deal in Ukraine. Advised his subordinates to file official complaints with DNI lawyers.

Mulvaney, OMB Director and Trump's chief of staff - I held up millitary aid at the direction of Trump to get Ukranians to investigate Democrats.

Sondland, Trump's EU ebassador and his pointman on Ukraine - Quid Pro Quo is in fact true and was well understood by everyone in the admin. Trump wanted Ukrainian president to announce investigations into Bidens and hinged everything from White House visit to millitary aid on that condition.

Now you know, so please stfu about how you don't know.
All libnut talking points.

I asked for evidence, Stupid. Try again.

They are called FACTS you fucking moron.

Decision Matter of: Office of Management and Budget—Withholding of Ukraine Security Assistance
File: B-331564 Date: January 16, 2020 DIGEST

In the summer of 2019, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) withheld from obligation funds appropriated to the Department of Defense (DOD) for security assistance to Ukraine. In order to withhold the funds, OMB issued a series of nine apportionment schedules with footnotes that made all unobligated balances unavailable for obligation. Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law. OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.

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I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Ohh and what was the verdict on the charge?

Senate Republicans conceeded Trump did in fact abuse his office and inapropriately pressured Ukraine as charged (8 of them publicly), but that they (except Romney who voted to convict) didn't want to remove him for it, leaving it up to voters instead.
It takes 3/4 of the senate to convict 48 democrats and a couple republicans do not convict anyone, further the House had no real evidence at all, just assumptions hear say and biased sources. In other words NOT GUILTY.

House had enough evidence to convince Republicans to do what they really really really didn't want to do - conceed in this hyperpartisan environment that Trump was culpable.

But enough about Trump, the charge was that Joe took bribes, yet no one can say when and for what.
LOL they had NO EVIDENCE at all they tried to get the senate to call witnesses cause they didn't.

Ok ignoramus whatever you say, I'm not about to start explaining to you the whole ,"mountain of evidence" as described by Alexander (R) from square one.

Bottom line, no one can say what bribe Biden took.
I would like to see this "mountain of evidence" you claim to have.

And why didn't you give it to the House Clowns to use in their Shampeachment? They needed the help.

Trump on the call Ukrainian President - Ukraine hasn't been recieprocating generous American aid. Do us a favor, investigate DNC server and Bidens.

Government Accountability Office - Congressionally apropriated millitary aid to Ukraine hold was illegal.

Bolton, Trump's top foreign policy advisor - I wanted no part of Trump's drug deal in Ukraine. Advised his subordinates to file official complaints with DNI lawyers.

Mulvaney, OMB Director and Trump's chief of staff - I held up millitary aid at the direction of Trump to get Ukranians to investigate Democrats.

Sondland, Trump's EU ebassador and his pointman on Ukraine - Quid Pro Quo is in fact true and was well understood by everyone in the admin. Trump wanted Ukrainian president to announce investigations into Bidens and hinged everything from White House visit to millitary aid on that condition.

Now you know, so please stfu about how you don't know.
All libnut talking points.

I asked for evidence, Stupid. Try again.

They are called FACTS you fucking moron.

Libnut talking points always look like "facts" to single digit IQ morons like you.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Ohh and what was the verdict on the charge?

Senate Republicans conceeded Trump did in fact abuse his office and inapropriately pressured Ukraine as charged (8 of them publicly), but that they (except Romney who voted to convict) didn't want to remove him for it, leaving it up to voters instead.
It takes 3/4 of the senate to convict 48 democrats and a couple republicans do not convict anyone, further the House had no real evidence at all, just assumptions hear say and biased sources. In other words NOT GUILTY.

House had enough evidence to convince Republicans to do what they really really really didn't want to do - conceed in this hyperpartisan environment that Trump was culpable.

But enough about Trump, the charge was that Joe took bribes, yet no one can say when and for what.
LOL they had NO EVIDENCE at all they tried to get the senate to call witnesses cause they didn't.

Ok ignoramus whatever you say, I'm not about to start explaining to you the whole ,"mountain of evidence" as described by Alexander (R) from square one.

Bottom line, no one can say what bribe Biden took.
I would like to see this "mountain of evidence" you claim to have.

And why didn't you give it to the House Clowns to use in their Shampeachment? They needed the help.

Trump on the call Ukrainian President - Ukraine hasn't been recieprocating generous American aid. Do us a favor, investigate DNC server and Bidens.

Government Accountability Office - Congressionally apropriated millitary aid to Ukraine hold was illegal.

Bolton, Trump's top foreign policy advisor - I wanted no part of Trump's drug deal in Ukraine. Advised his subordinates to file official complaints with DNI lawyers.

Mulvaney, OMB Director and Trump's chief of staff - I held up millitary aid at the direction of Trump to get Ukranians to investigate Democrats.

Sondland, Trump's EU ebassador and his pointman on Ukraine - Quid Pro Quo is in fact true and was well understood by everyone in the admin. Trump wanted Ukrainian president to announce investigations into Bidens and hinged everything from White House visit to millitary aid on that condition.

Now you know, so please stfu about how you don't know.
All libnut talking points.

I asked for evidence, Stupid. Try again.

They are called FACTS you fucking moron.

Libnut talking points always look like "facts" to single digit IQ morons like you.

Time to put your intellectually bankrupt ass on ignore.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Ohh and what was the verdict on the charge?

Senate Republicans conceeded Trump did in fact abuse his office and inapropriately pressured Ukraine as charged (8 of them publicly), but that they (except Romney who voted to convict) didn't want to remove him for it, leaving it up to voters instead.
It takes 3/4 of the senate to convict 48 democrats and a couple republicans do not convict anyone, further the House had no real evidence at all, just assumptions hear say and biased sources. In other words NOT GUILTY.

House had enough evidence to convince Republicans to do what they really really really didn't want to do - conceed in this hyperpartisan environment that Trump was culpable.

But enough about Trump, the charge was that Joe took bribes, yet no one can say when and for what.
LOL they had NO EVIDENCE at all they tried to get the senate to call witnesses cause they didn't.

Ok ignoramus whatever you say, I'm not about to start explaining to you the whole ,"mountain of evidence" as described by Alexander (R) from square one.

Bottom line, no one can say what bribe Biden took.
I would like to see this "mountain of evidence" you claim to have.

And why didn't you give it to the House Clowns to use in their Shampeachment? They needed the help.

Trump on the call Ukrainian President - Ukraine hasn't been recieprocating generous American aid. Do us a favor, investigate DNC server and Bidens.

Government Accountability Office - Congressionally apropriated millitary aid to Ukraine hold was illegal.

Bolton, Trump's top foreign policy advisor - I wanted no part of Trump's drug deal in Ukraine. Advised his subordinates to file official complaints with DNI lawyers.

Mulvaney, OMB Director and Trump's chief of staff - I held up millitary aid at the direction of Trump to get Ukranians to investigate Democrats.

Sondland, Trump's EU ebassador and his pointman on Ukraine - Quid Pro Quo is in fact true and was well understood by everyone in the admin. Trump wanted Ukrainian president to announce investigations into Bidens and hinged everything from White House visit to millitary aid on that condition.

Now you know, so please stfu about how you don't know.
All libnut talking points.

I asked for evidence, Stupid. Try again.

They are called FACTS you fucking moron.

Libnut talking points always look like "facts" to single digit IQ morons like you.

Time to put your intellectually bankrupt ass on ignore.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Ohh and what was the verdict on the charge?
Same verdict rendered for Bill Clinton's charges.
I think by midnight on election night, we will know that Biden has won
By the next morning it should be confirmed

I expect Trump to concede.........Never

Midnight Eastern or Pacific Time? Then there's Hawaii which is Aleutian time. Which is two hours behind Pacific Time.

I don't think that we will know the results that night.

We will know that Alaska and Hawaii Electoral votes won’t matter one way or the other. We also have little suspense on how they will vote.

After being heavily criticized, the networks will not call the election before voting on the west coast has closed. They do not want people walking away from voting because they heard the Presidential race is already decided
but there's a difference between "calling it" and Kornacki or someone saying "unless polls of mail in voters were very very wrong, Trump has no path." That is if trump leads in states from in person voting by a number significantly lower that the number of votes that should have been cast by dems in mail in ……"

If its close in places like NC Fla and even Iowa, but Trump wins most … that's expected. If he runs the house, it's suspicious. If he starts winning states where mathematically it should be impossible ….. it's gonna be messy.

Get ready then.

You are in the for the ride of your life.

Trump for four more least !!!!
Again FUCK STAIN did the House EVER Impeach Obama, EVER?
Who said anything about the House?!?!?

I sure didn't.

Again, I ask, are you trying to suggest that Republican CONSTITUENTS and VOTERS DIDN'T want President Barack Hussein Obama impeached?
Again slow and stupid RETARD, besides you all wanting Trump Impeached the Democratic House DID it so lets compare apples to apples shall we? The Republicans NEVER ran an Impeachment against Obama NOT ONCE. The Republicans NEVER ran a 2 year investigation claiming Obama Obstructed or collude with anyone, The Republicans in Congress did not whine for 4 years that Obama cheated to become President, they did not take his EO's to court and they did not sue him in Federal Court. They did not claim his nominees for the Court raped anyone 40 years ago.
Republicans impeached Clinton over a blow job
Democrats impeached Trump over demanding personal favors in return for military aid.

History will reflect the difference
With your grasp of history why would it matter. You don’t know history now.

Clinton was impeached for lying. Not a blow job.

History is worthless if you don’t know the facts.

He's made the same statement 100 times over.

It's just one of several memes he keeps shitting out that reveal him as a hack.
Interesting. So Fast & Furious never happened? Lois Lerner didn't take the 5th? Susan Rice didn't attempt to bullshit us all about what happened in Benghazi? Loretta Lynch didn't meet with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Arizona? Hillary Clinton didn't run the State Department through private servers hidden in her home? The Obama Administration didn't wire tap journalists? The Obama Justice Department didn't deceive a FISA court? All of that is just "tin foil hat" conspiracy stuff? You're really going with that, Winger?

None of these are "Scandals", buddy.

Excercising your right isn't a scandal.
Benghazi really was about a racist video made by an asshole.
Using a private server isn't a crime.

Florida, NC, Arizona and Georgia have early processing of mail in votes.
If just one of them come out for Biden, He only needs two of three of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin which he leads by five percent

We could know who the likely winner is tonight
Interesting. So Fast & Furious never happened? Lois Lerner didn't take the 5th? Susan Rice didn't attempt to bullshit us all about what happened in Benghazi? Loretta Lynch didn't meet with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Arizona? Hillary Clinton didn't run the State Department through private servers hidden in her home? The Obama Administration didn't wire tap journalists? The Obama Justice Department didn't deceive a FISA court? All of that is just "tin foil hat" conspiracy stuff? You're really going with that, Winger?

None of these are "Scandals", buddy.

Excercising your right isn't a scandal.
Benghazi really was about a racist video made by an asshole.
Using a private server isn't a crime.

View attachment 410507

You are literally a fucking retard, Joey.
Florida, NC, Arizona and Georgia have early processing of mail in votes.
If just one of them come out for Biden, He only needs two of three of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin which he leads by five percent

We could know who the likely winner is tonight
PA is massive Fraud---it will be up in the Supreme court for weeks---it won't be known tonight
MI is going for TRUMP
WI I suspect will also go to trump but I am not sure on this one-----
Florida, NC, Arizona and Georgia have early processing of mail in votes.
If just one of them come out for Biden, He only needs two of three of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin which he leads by five percent

We could know who the likely winner is tonight
PA is massive Fraud---it will be up in the Supreme court for weeks---it won't be known tonight
MI is going for TRUMP
WI I suspect will also go to trump but I am not sure on this one-----
Keep telling yourself that
Like 2016, the race comes down to Trump winning almost ALL the close races.
Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, NC, Georgia, Florida, Arizona, Iowa, Texas, Ohio

Biden needs 3 of the 10

Can Trump get lucky twice?

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