Carville: "We're Going to Know by 10:30 Eastern the Election Outcome

I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

G'head, talk to us about your "outrage" regarding Trump's kids, while ignoring Hunter Biden. Show us exactly how worthless and amoral you really are.
A campaign based on stacking the deck
Republicans have won the popular vote in a presidential election only once since 1992 —with the re-election of George W. Bush in 2004. In 2000 and 2016, they lost the popular vote, but won in the Electoral College. They understand that America’s increasing diversity works against them, and increasingly, they’ve answered by trying to discourage or block voters in swing states with significant minority populations.

News reports this week showed that, in 2016, Republican candidate Trump used advanced data-driven techniques to target 3.5 million Black voters with social media messages aimed to discourage them from voting. Latinx, Asian American and other communities of color also were targeted.

“Republicans believe, correctly, in most cases, that minorities and young adults disproportionately support Democrats,” said Thomas Mann, an IGS resident scholar. “Reducing their turnout works to the advantage of Republicans.”

Driven by that incentive and enabled by key legal rulings, Republicans increasingly embrace what Schickler and other scholars call “deck-stacking strategies”:

Purging voter rolls. Election officials typically remove the names of people who have died or moved from rosters of registered voters. But some states go further, removing names of people who have not voted in recent elections — a practice that is prone to error and may be unconstitutional.

In recent years, the fight has been intense in three GOP-dominated battleground states. Georgia purged 1.4 million names. Ohio last year purged 460,000 registrations, thousands of them in error. A conservative group in Wisconsin this year is pressing for a new purge, with the case now pending in court
If the polling shifts that dropped this AM are good I see Trump taking most of the battle ground states and this thing is over early in the night... Iowa shifted 8 points in 30 days. Trump is now leading..

Are you on Drugs? Trump is trailing in WI, MI, PA, NC, FL, GA, AZ and OH. Only IA and TX does he have SLIGHT leads.

If he was ever worried about IOWA and it's whopping 6 EV's, he was in more trouble than he thought.
Your going to be sooooooo disappointed...

Iowa swung over 8 points in two weeks. Trump has massive enthusiasm. Last election that resulted in about a +3 point boost on election day. IF the swing in Iowa is indicative of the region Biden is in big trouble... Given the enthusiasm bump he is losing all but two swing states.

Democrat strong holds in Florida also have registered a 40% drop in Latino and Black voting for Biden.. IF these folks vote for Trump or if they simply stay home Biden loses in a land slide...

The internals are crashing all around the Biden campaign..

Is anyone else just saving leftist statements of "It's over, Biden has won" and "It's the right that won't peacefully accept election results" for when Trump wins, or is that just me? Mind you, it will likely take a couple of months to be able to rub their noses in it, since they're all going to slink away and hide on Election Night, but I can wait.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

I hope it's not...I hope its a WIDE decisive margin. That will insure the most peaceful transition.

Can the repubs start going after Dementia Joe as soon as he's elected for anything and everything for four years?

Remind me who did that for the last four

You mean like they did with Obama? For 8 friggin' years?
I don't recall the Bush administration weaponizing the Intel agencies against Obama. . . do tell.

I don't recall the Obama administration doing it either.

Because you are a dumbass Fucking BubbleCultist.

You sound agitated. Seems to be a common problem with the Trump Cult these days. If Biden wins, I hope it will help you find a sense of normality and shed your quest for perpetual victimhood. And I hope it's by a large margin.
and if trump wins, i hope you can calm down and accept it and not call us all cultists for 4 more years.

I hope you're not holding your breath waiting for that to happen, though.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Now, how could we POSSIBLY know that so soon? What about all the mail-in votes? Do they stop mattering when the Democrats don't feel like they need to create ballots?

Our mail In votes are already being counted. They will be included in the count Election Day..

Actually, oh political genius, there are only 17 states which allow any votes to be counted before Election Day. Way to confidently comment on something without knowing what you're talking about.
I doubt if we will know by 10:30 Eastern unless Florida is decided by a wide margin for Biden.

The first night will see solid Blue States support Biden and solid Red states support Trump.

Until we get three or four swing states reporting, we really won’t know.

If Ohio, Arizona,Michigan and Pennsylvania go Biden then it will be clear by the next day but my bet Trump will not accept any defeat no matter how badly he get beat...

Well, that's certainly Biden's stated position, but I'm sure you only think that's acceptable for him.
Carville made that statement, not Biden! Carville is a long time Democratic survivor. He pretty well knows the way things go.

Thank you so much for clearly refuting . . . something I never said. I always enjoy being "corrected" by illiterate twits who can't read.

I never said Biden made the statement, twerp. I said refusing to accept defeat is Biden's position.

You are really an epic fail at this "saying something intelligent and meaningful" thing.
We will know by midnight,, votes will come in from Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania Wisconsin. Arizona all for trump. It will be a huge gap and it won’t matter who the fuck mailed shit in the day of.. look at the enthusiasm gap optimism is through the roof in the stock market. 56% of Americans feel the better off than four years ago.. Democrat party fucking done

Then we will know the outcome.

If current trends hold, Biden will know by midnight
Biden won’t know shiat, lol he will be unplugged of all them wires lol . Your party is over. You have no optimistic young talented Democrats coming up.. you’re young Democrats are all crazy socialist. Lol Who hate other Americans.. YOUR DONE NICCA

pray tell me the intelligent young Republicans you have in mind! Ivanka? Stoned Junior? Plastic Jared?

Pray tell me why you think the only young Republicans in the country are the ones you can name from reading left-wing headlines.

Once again, you think you've said something witty and clever, while actually making a fool of yourself.
We will know by midnight,, votes will come in from Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania Wisconsin. Arizona all for trump. It will be a huge gap and it won’t matter who the fuck mailed shit in the day of.. look at the enthusiasm gap optimism is through the roof in the stock market. 56% of Americans feel the better off than four years ago.. Democrat party fucking done

Then we will know the outcome.

If current trends hold, Biden will know by midnight
Biden won’t know shiat, lol he will be unplugged of all them wires lol . Your party is over. You have no optimistic young talented Democrats coming up.. you’re young Democrats are all crazy socialist. Lol Who hate other Americans.. YOUR DONE NICCA

pray tell me the intelligent young Republicans you have in mind! Ivanka? Stoned Junior? Plastic Jared?
Mike Johnson, Louisiana.

if I knew who that was I would say Congratulations!:)

Are you aware that you're on a computer, connected to the Internet, and can therefore look him up, rather than proudly admitting publicly that you're ignorant of major political figures and proud of it?

I get it. You're a leftist, and you don't need to know anything that your talking points haven't told you to know. Knowledge is dangerous, and might lead to thinking. We all know how opposed the left is to such subversive activities.
I can't wait until i hear the words: The next President of the United States is Joe Biden, and to see agent orange's expression on his face. #priceless
Image may contain: hat, text that says 'MAGA Make the Asshole Go Away''MAGA Make the Asshole Go Away'

You're doomed to disappointment in the real world, then. Fortunately for you, leftist dimwits never have much to do with reality.
I doubt if we will know by 10:30 Eastern unless Florida is decided by a wide margin for Biden.

The first night will see solid Blue States support Biden and solid Red states support Trump.

Until we get three or four swing states reporting, we really won’t know.
You chinamen need to remember that the western Florida panhandle is on central time. So when you liars say their polls are closed at 7pm eastern time, you aren't fooling anyone. There are 13 states with 2 time zones.
Panhandle closes at 7, local time.

So important Think panhandle votes red? I'm in Ft Lauderdale for winter They vote blue

No, I know they are blue!:)

Still trying to figure out who went to jail in the Obama/ Biden years!

So you figure, "We refuse to notice it or prosecute it, so that means it doesn't exist!" is really a thing?

I didn't think it was possible for anyone to be more ignorant and useless than our usual crop of leftist wastes of oxygen, but you're giving them a run for their money.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
A campaign based on stacking the deck
Republicans have won the popular vote in a presidential election only once since 1992 —with the re-election of George W. Bush in 2004. In 2000 and 2016, they lost the popular vote, but won in the Electoral College. They understand that America’s increasing diversity works against them, and increasingly, they’ve answered by trying to discourage or block voters in swing states with significant minority populations.

News reports this week showed that, in 2016, Republican candidate Trump used advanced data-driven techniques to target 3.5 million Black voters with social media messages aimed to discourage them from voting. Latinx, Asian American and other communities of color also were targeted.

“Republicans believe, correctly, in most cases, that minorities and young adults disproportionately support Democrats,” said Thomas Mann, an IGS resident scholar. “Reducing their turnout works to the advantage of Republicans.”

Driven by that incentive and enabled by key legal rulings, Republicans increasingly embrace what Schickler and other scholars call “deck-stacking strategies”:

Purging voter rolls. Election officials typically remove the names of people who have died or moved from rosters of registered voters. But some states go further, removing names of people who have not voted in recent elections — a practice that is prone to error and may be unconstitutional.

In recent years, the fight has been intense in three GOP-dominated battleground states. Georgia purged 1.4 million names. Ohio last year purged 460,000 registrations, thousands of them in error. A conservative group in Wisconsin this year is pressing for a new purge, with the case now pending in court
Republicans enjoy more support in more states than democrats do

thats why they control more state legislatures and win the electoral college most years.
A campaign based on stacking the deck
Republicans have won the popular vote in a presidential election only once since 1992 —with the re-election of George W. Bush in 2004. In 2000 and 2016, they lost the popular vote, but won in the Electoral College. They understand that America’s increasing diversity works against them, and increasingly, they’ve answered by trying to discourage or block voters in swing states with significant minority populations.

News reports this week showed that, in 2016, Republican candidate Trump used advanced data-driven techniques to target 3.5 million Black voters with social media messages aimed to discourage them from voting. Latinx, Asian American and other communities of color also were targeted.

“Republicans believe, correctly, in most cases, that minorities and young adults disproportionately support Democrats,” said Thomas Mann, an IGS resident scholar. “Reducing their turnout works to the advantage of Republicans.”

Driven by that incentive and enabled by key legal rulings, Republicans increasingly embrace what Schickler and other scholars call “deck-stacking strategies”:

Purging voter rolls. Election officials typically remove the names of people who have died or moved from rosters of registered voters. But some states go further, removing names of people who have not voted in recent elections — a practice that is prone to error and may be unconstitutional.

In recent years, the fight has been intense in three GOP-dominated battleground states. Georgia purged 1.4 million names. Ohio last year purged 460,000 registrations, thousands of them in error. A conservative group in Wisconsin this year is pressing for a new purge, with the case now pending in court
Republicans enjoy more support in more states than democrats do

thats why they control more state legislatures and win the electoral college most years.

States with less than a million people in them
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

I hope like hell that Carville is right.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Democrats and vermin supreme like you think bribes are okay. Then as if you haven't lied enough, you spew fake news about Trump. Go away chinaman.

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