Carville: "We're Going to Know by 10:30 Eastern the Election Outcome

So a boss coercing an employee to commit sexual acts on him is none of our business?

Except there's no evidence he did that. In fact, after all the investigations, it was determined that Lewinsky really wanted to get into Clinton's pants.

Now, does that make him a creep? Maybe. But it's not impeachable. Or criminal.

As opposed to Trump, who has been credibly accused of rape by 26 women, paid a porn star for sex and boasted about grabbing women's pussies... But I wouldn't impeach him for that, either.
A boss never can have sex with his employees EVER under any circumstance, The President had no business having sex with her and then he LIED TO a JUDGE UNDER OATH about it.
But can a husband cheat on a wife ?? 2 wives? 3 wives?? Pay prostitutes? Grab ladies by their pussies?? And still have suckers vote for him?? That's how we got this pos trump because Republicans like the way trump is, Wish they could do those things
He lied under oath about something you claim was unimportant.
and trump said he didn't know 30 or so times when questioned Do you have any doubt who is a better man or was a better president? Trump has gone through America now like a bull in a china shop He's a cancer and must be removed
I doubt if we will know by 10:30 Eastern unless Florida is decided by a wide margin for Biden.

The first night will see solid Blue States support Biden and solid Red states support Trump.

Until we get three or four swing states reporting, we really won’t know.
You chinamen need to remember that the western Florida panhandle is on central time. So when you liars say their polls are closed at 7pm eastern time, you aren't fooling anyone. There are 13 states with 2 time zones.
Panhandle closes at 7, local time.

I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

I hope it's not...I hope its a WIDE decisive margin. That will insure the most peaceful transition.

Can the repubs start going after Dementia Joe as soon as he's elected for anything and everything for four years?

Remind me who did that for the last four

You mean like they did with Obama? For 8 friggin' years?

Did they try impeachment you tired old fckn cow?

Get the fuck outa here

Yup. They called for it.

Not their fault they couldn't find any scandals.

Nice deflection though.
Wow...did you just claim there were no scandals in the Obama Administration, Coyote?
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

I hope it's not...I hope its a WIDE decisive margin. That will insure the most peaceful transition.

Can the repubs start going after Dementia Joe as soon as he's elected for anything and everything for four years?

Remind me who did that for the last four

You mean like they did with Obama? For 8 friggin' years?

Did they try impeachment you tired old fckn cow?

Get the fuck outa here

Yup. They called for it.

Not their fault they couldn't find any scandals.

Nice deflection though.
Wow...did you just claim there were no scandals in the Obama Administration, Coyote?
RW Conspiracy Theories do not count
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

I hope it's not...I hope its a WIDE decisive margin. That will insure the most peaceful transition.

Can the repubs start going after Dementia Joe as soon as he's elected for anything and everything for four years?

Remind me who did that for the last four

You mean like they did with Obama? For 8 friggin' years?

Did they try impeachment you tired old fckn cow?

Get the fuck outa here

Yup. They called for it.

Not their fault they couldn't find any scandals.

Nice deflection though.
Wow...did you just claim there were no scandals in the Obama Administration, Coyote?
RW Conspiracy Theories do not count
Interesting. So Fast & Furious never happened? Lois Lerner didn't take the 5th? Susan Rice didn't attempt to bullshit us all about what happened in Benghazi? Loretta Lynch didn't meet with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Arizona? Hillary Clinton didn't run the State Department through private servers hidden in her home? The Obama Administration didn't wire tap journalists? The Obama Justice Department didn't deceive a FISA court? All of that is just "tin foil hat" conspiracy stuff? You're really going with that, Winger?
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I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

I hope it's not...I hope its a WIDE decisive margin. That will insure the most peaceful transition.

Can the repubs start going after Dementia Joe as soon as he's elected for anything and everything for four years?

Remind me who did that for the last four

You mean like they did with Obama? For 8 friggin' years?

Did they try impeachment you tired old fckn cow?

Get the fuck outa here

Yup. They called for it.

Not their fault they couldn't find any scandals.

Nice deflection though.
Wow...did you just claim there were no scandals in the Obama Administration, Coyote?
RW Conspiracy Theories do not count
Interesting. So Fast & Furious never happened? Lois Lerner didn't take the 5th? Susan Rice didn't attempt to bullshit us all about what happened in Benghazi? Loretta Lynch didn't meet with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Arizona? Hillary Clinton didn't run the State Department through private servers hidden in her home? The Obama Justice Department didn't deceive a FISA court? All of that is just "tin foil hat" conspiracy stuff? You're really going with that, Winger?

Doing things Republicans don’t like is not a scandal

Who was prosecuted?
Who was even indicted?

Zero scandals
I doubt if we will know by 10:30 Eastern unless Florida is decided by a wide margin for Biden.

The first night will see solid Blue States support Biden and solid Red states support Trump.

Until we get three or four swing states reporting, we really won’t know.
You chinamen need to remember that the western Florida panhandle is on central time. So when you liars say their polls are closed at 7pm eastern time, you aren't fooling anyone. There are 13 states with 2 time zones.
Panhandle closes at 7, local time.

So important Think panhandle votes red? I'm in Ft Lauderdale for winter They vote blue
Florida stronghold of elderly Trump voters sees COVID-19 infection spike days after hosting campaign rally

A retirement community that’s loaded with elderly Trump supporters is seeing a spike of new COVID-19 infections less than two weeks after hosting one of President Donald Trump’s campaign rallies.
Villages News, the publication dedicated to reporting news from the Villages retirement community based in Sumter County, Florida, is reporting that the number of COVID-19 infections in the area has been spiking in recent weeks.
“Sumter County is now reporting 2,960 cases — an increase of 15 from Saturday to Sunday — among 1,677 men, 1,258 women, 13 non-residents and 12 people listed as unknown,” the publication writes. “The Villages continues to pace Sumter County with 790 cases – an increase of five in a 24-hour period.”

Trump held a campaign rally in the Villages on October 23rd, which featured many attendees who refused to maintain social distance while also declining to wear face masks.
During the rally, the president mocked the news media for spending so much time covering a virus that has so far killed more than 230,000 Americans, and also predicted that “you won’t hear anything about” the disease after this week’s presidential election.
As the candidates crisscross the states today all I want to do is let them make their final pushes.

I spent about 7 hours last night and this morning looking at the internals of polling from about 9 different polling companies that put their data on the web.

Biden has lost about 32% of the black vote across seven states and Trump has picked them up. Biden has lost 68% of the Latino and Cuban immigrant votes and trump has picked them up. The Miami-Dade area is now +4 for Trump. Even Arizona is showing a loss of 36% of the Hispanic vote that is now going to Trump.

The Biden campaign is hemorrhaging voters massively and the early vote counts that favor democrats are 1-1 with republicans. IF this continues to be the case, as the polling in Florida this AM shows it is, republicans are set to take every one of those states.

As of right now there is nothing anyone can do to change where this thing is going. Trumps barrage of rallies will only excite his base and get those voting for him to the polls.

This will be over very early tomorrow and Trump will be the winner. When Arizona turns red this thing will be over.
I doubt if we will know by 10:30 Eastern unless Florida is decided by a wide margin for Biden.

The first night will see solid Blue States support Biden and solid Red states support Trump.

Until we get three or four swing states reporting, we really won’t know.
You chinamen need to remember that the western Florida panhandle is on central time. So when you liars say their polls are closed at 7pm eastern time, you aren't fooling anyone. There are 13 states with 2 time zones.
Panhandle closes at 7, local time.

So important Think panhandle votes red? I'm in Ft Lauderdale for winter They vote blue

No, I know they are blue!:)

Still trying to figure out who went to jail in the Obama/ Biden years!
As the candidates crisscross the states today all I want to do is let them make their final pushes.

I spent about 7 hours last night and this morning looking at the internals of polling from about 9 different polling companies that put their data on the web.

Biden has lost about 32% of the black vote across seven states and Trump has picked them up. Biden has lost 68% of the Latino and Cuban immigrant votes and trump has picked them up. The Miami-Dade area is now +4 for Trump. Even Arizona is showing a loss of 36% of the Hispanic vote that is now going to Trump.

The Biden campaign is hemorrhaging voters massively and the early vote counts that favor democrats are 1-1 with republicans. IF this continues to be the case, as the polling in Florida this AM shows it is, republicans are set to take every one of those states.

As of right now there is nothing anyone can do to change where this thing is going. Trumps barrage of rallies will only excite his base and get those voting for him to the polls.

This will be over very early tomorrow and Trump will be the winner. When Arizona turns red this thing will be over.
Biden golf carts to the polls in the Villages.

Biden has lost about 32% of the black vote across seven states and Trump has picked them up. Biden has lost 68% of the Latino and Cuban immigrant votes and trump has picked them up. The Miami-Dade area is now +4 for Trump. Even Arizona is showing a loss of 36% of the Hispanic vote that is now going to Trump.

Says who?
I doubt if we will know by 10:30 Eastern unless Florida is decided by a wide margin for Biden.

The first night will see solid Blue States support Biden and solid Red states support Trump.

Until we get three or four swing states reporting, we really won’t know.
You chinamen need to remember that the western Florida panhandle is on central time. So when you liars say their polls are closed at 7pm eastern time, you aren't fooling anyone. There are 13 states with 2 time zones.
Panhandle closes at 7, local time.

So important Think panhandle votes red? I'm in Ft Lauderdale for winter They vote blue

No, I know they are blue!:)

Still trying to figure out who went to jail in the Obama/ Biden years!
ZERO vs over 200 indictments of Trump travelers
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

I hope it's not...I hope its a WIDE decisive margin. That will insure the most peaceful transition.
In either case trump supporters are going to run wild in the streets looking for a department store to loot.

that distinction belongs to liberals

Good point. That distinction is for the left. Rightists will just gun down people instead, if they can’t intimidate them at the polls first..

. . . says the lying hypocrite supporting the party of ACTUAL violent riots. G'head, morally preen to us about how "afraid" you are of "right-wing violence". We'll value it every bit as much as we do anything else spewing from your face hole.
As the candidates crisscross the states today all I want to do is let them make their final pushes.

I spent about 7 hours last night and this morning looking at the internals of polling from about 9 different polling companies that put their data on the web.

Biden has lost about 32% of the black vote across seven states and Trump has picked them up. Biden has lost 68% of the Latino and Cuban immigrant votes and trump has picked them up. The Miami-Dade area is now +4 for Trump. Even Arizona is showing a loss of 36% of the Hispanic vote that is now going to Trump.

The Biden campaign is hemorrhaging voters massively and the early vote counts that favor democrats are 1-1 with republicans. IF this continues to be the case, as the polling in Florida this AM shows it is, republicans are set to take every one of those states.

As of right now there is nothing anyone can do to change where this thing is going. Trumps barrage of rallies will only excite his base and get those voting for him to the polls.

This will be over very early tomorrow and Trump will be the winner. When Arizona turns red this thing will be over.
Billy Bob, you been hitting the vodka this early? Link please.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

I hope it's not...I hope its a WIDE decisive margin. That will insure the most peaceful transition.
In either case trump supporters are going to run wild in the streets looking for a department store to loot.

that distinction belongs to liberals

Good point. That distinction is for the left. Rightists will just gun down people instead, if they can’t intimidate them at the polls first..

. . . says the lying hypocrite supporting the party of ACTUAL violent riots. G'head, morally preen to us about how "afraid" you are of "right-wing violence". We'll value it every bit as much as we do anything else spewing from your face hole.

Yeah that one never makes any sense.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

I hope it's not...I hope its a WIDE decisive margin. That will insure the most peaceful transition.

The word is "ensure", and no it will not.
Yes m’am!

iI think a decisive win will make it more likely.

A decisive win would be by Trump. Biden doesn't have it him except to cheat.

Trump is the one who is trying to cheat. He is trying to prevent people from voting and now wants the courts to throw out voters' ballots. That is the mark of a dictatorship. If anyone wins decisively it will be Trump.

How is he "trying to prevent people from voting"? WHY does he want the courts to throw out those ballots? In what ways is he "cheating"?

Be specific, or be dismissed as a liar . . . the way you usually are for your vague, hormonal hysterics.

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