Carville: "We're Going to Know by 10:30 Eastern the Election Outcome

A campaign based on stacking the deck
Republicans have won the popular vote in a presidential election only once since 1992 —with the re-election of George W. Bush in 2004. In 2000 and 2016, they lost the popular vote, but won in the Electoral College. They understand that America’s increasing diversity works against them, and increasingly, they’ve answered by trying to discourage or block voters in swing states with significant minority populations.

News reports this week showed that, in 2016, Republican candidate Trump used advanced data-driven techniques to target 3.5 million Black voters with social media messages aimed to discourage them from voting. Latinx, Asian American and other communities of color also were targeted.

“Republicans believe, correctly, in most cases, that minorities and young adults disproportionately support Democrats,” said Thomas Mann, an IGS resident scholar. “Reducing their turnout works to the advantage of Republicans.”

Driven by that incentive and enabled by key legal rulings, Republicans increasingly embrace what Schickler and other scholars call “deck-stacking strategies”:

Purging voter rolls. Election officials typically remove the names of people who have died or moved from rosters of registered voters. But some states go further, removing names of people who have not voted in recent elections — a practice that is prone to error and may be unconstitutional.

In recent years, the fight has been intense in three GOP-dominated battleground states. Georgia purged 1.4 million names. Ohio last year purged 460,000 registrations, thousands of them in error. A conservative group in Wisconsin this year is pressing for a new purge, with the case now pending in court
Republicans enjoy more support in more states than democrats do

thats why they control more state legislatures and win the electoral college most years.

States with less than a million people in them
Notice how these liars spew bullshit 24/7/365/millenium.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

I hope it's not...I hope its a WIDE decisive margin. That will insure the most peaceful transition.

Can the repubs start going after Dementia Joe as soon as he's elected for anything and everything for four years?

Remind me who did that for the last four

You mean like they did with Obama? For 8 friggin' years?
Link to Republicans impeaching Barry over nothing, Moron?
A campaign based on stacking the deck
Republicans have won the popular vote in a presidential election only once since 1992 —with the re-election of George W. Bush in 2004. In 2000 and 2016, they lost the popular vote, but won in the Electoral College. They understand that America’s increasing diversity works against them, and increasingly, they’ve answered by trying to discourage or block voters in swing states with significant minority populations.

News reports this week showed that, in 2016, Republican candidate Trump used advanced data-driven techniques to target 3.5 million Black voters with social media messages aimed to discourage them from voting. Latinx, Asian American and other communities of color also were targeted.

“Republicans believe, correctly, in most cases, that minorities and young adults disproportionately support Democrats,” said Thomas Mann, an IGS resident scholar. “Reducing their turnout works to the advantage of Republicans.”

Driven by that incentive and enabled by key legal rulings, Republicans increasingly embrace what Schickler and other scholars call “deck-stacking strategies”:

Purging voter rolls. Election officials typically remove the names of people who have died or moved from rosters of registered voters. But some states go further, removing names of people who have not voted in recent elections — a practice that is prone to error and may be unconstitutional.

In recent years, the fight has been intense in three GOP-dominated battleground states. Georgia purged 1.4 million names. Ohio last year purged 460,000 registrations, thousands of them in error. A conservative group in Wisconsin this year is pressing for a new purge, with the case now pending in court

There is no popular vote to win or lose.
Everything else is just bleeck.
A land-use lawyer formerly employed by Donald Trump’s company has been ordered by a New York judge to hand over “hundreds” of documents to investigators looking into whether Trump manipulated land values to acquire loans or tax benefits, Bloomberg reports.

“The lawyer, Charles Martabano, went too far in asserting attorney-client privilege over documents relating to his past work for the Trump Organization, Justice Arthur Engoron ruled Oct. 30,” the report states. “The judge reviewed the documents before ordering Martabano to hand them over to New York Attorney General Letitia James.”

According to Engoron ruling, the “mere presence of an attorney on an email chain amongst an organization’s employees does not trigger the cloak of attorney-client privilege.”

“Moreover, a client waives the privilege if communications are made in the presence of a third party,” he continued.

Read the full report over at Bloomberg.
A campaign based on stacking the deck
Republicans have won the popular vote in a presidential election only once since 1992 —with the re-election of George W. Bush in 2004. In 2000 and 2016, they lost the popular vote, but won in the Electoral College. They understand that America’s increasing diversity works against them, and increasingly, they’ve answered by trying to discourage or block voters in swing states with significant minority populations.

News reports this week showed that, in 2016, Republican candidate Trump used advanced data-driven techniques to target 3.5 million Black voters with social media messages aimed to discourage them from voting. Latinx, Asian American and other communities of color also were targeted.

“Republicans believe, correctly, in most cases, that minorities and young adults disproportionately support Democrats,” said Thomas Mann, an IGS resident scholar. “Reducing their turnout works to the advantage of Republicans.”

Driven by that incentive and enabled by key legal rulings, Republicans increasingly embrace what Schickler and other scholars call “deck-stacking strategies”:

Purging voter rolls. Election officials typically remove the names of people who have died or moved from rosters of registered voters. But some states go further, removing names of people who have not voted in recent elections — a practice that is prone to error and may be unconstitutional.

In recent years, the fight has been intense in three GOP-dominated battleground states. Georgia purged 1.4 million names. Ohio last year purged 460,000 registrations, thousands of them in error. A conservative group in Wisconsin this year is pressing for a new purge, with the case now pending in court

There is no popular vote to win or lose.
Everything else is just bleeck.
That makes no sense. There's always a maj vote in each state, and it can be manipulated in keeping eligible people from voting … or making it easier for them to vote
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Ohh and what was the verdict on the charge?
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Ohh and what was the verdict on the charge?

Senate Republicans conceeded Trump did in fact abuse his office and inapropriately pressured Ukraine as charged (8 of them publicly), but that they (except Romney who voted to convict) didn't want to remove him for it, leaving it up to voters instead.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Democrats and vermin supreme like you think bribes are okay.

But the reality is I don't, you just can't deal with it in a sane way.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Democrats and vermin supreme like you think bribes are okay.

But the reality is I don't, you just can't deal with it in a sane way.
Reality is that you are a liar.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Democrats and vermin supreme like you think bribes are okay.

But the reality is I don't, you just can't deal with it in a sane way.
Reality is that you are a liar.

Ok tell me, when did Biden take a bribe and for what, because I'm just not aware of any serious, coherent alegations like that.

You all run your mouth, but when it comes to putting something coherent up you run off.
Last edited:
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)

Nobody on the left thinks that bribes matter when they have an agenda to push; take your "outrage" and shove them.

And your little spiel about indictments just goes to prove that fact. Where was this stringent standard when the Democrats were busy spending years and millions of dollars pretending shock and horror about "Russian collusion!!!" They didn't get around to their pathetic, failed impeachment until earlier this year, but I really doubt that you waited until then to screech about Trump's "guilt". And clearly, even though they failed to produce any actual evidence - and certainly not enough to convict - you're still perfectly okay with proclaiming his guilt as a done deal. So why don't you fuck the hell off with your hypocrisy?

If you get to say, "Trump tried to illegally extort/bribe the Ukrainian government", then I get to say that Joe Biden accepted bribes from foreign powers, because I actually have proof, unlike you.

Thanks for proving my point: that you and other leftists are amoral pieces of shit who don't give a fuck about anything but your own power.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Ohh and what was the verdict on the charge?

Senate Republicans conceeded Trump did in fact abuse his office and inapropriately pressured Ukraine as charged (8 of them publicly), but that they (except Romney who voted to convict) didn't want to remove him for it, leaving it up to voters instead.
It takes 3/4 of the senate to convict 48 democrats and a couple republicans do not convict anyone, further the House had no real evidence at all, just assumptions hear say and biased sources. In other words NOT GUILTY.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Ohh and what was the verdict on the charge?

Senate Republicans conceeded Trump did in fact abuse his office and inapropriately pressured Ukraine as charged (8 of them publicly), but that they (except Romney who voted to convict) didn't want to remove him for it, leaving it up to voters instead.
It takes 3/4 of the senate to convict 48 democrats and a couple republicans do not convict anyone, further the House had no real evidence at all, just assumptions hear say and biased sources. In other words NOT GUILTY.

House had enough evidence to convince Republicans to do what they really really really didn't want to do - conceed in this hyperpartisan environment that Trump was culpable.

But enough about Trump, the charge was that Joe took bribes, yet no one can say when and for what.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Ohh and what was the verdict on the charge?

Senate Republicans conceeded Trump did in fact abuse his office and inapropriately pressured Ukraine as charged (8 of them publicly), but that they (except Romney who voted to convict) didn't want to remove him for it, leaving it up to voters instead.
It takes 3/4 of the senate to convict 48 democrats and a couple republicans do not convict anyone, further the House had no real evidence at all, just assumptions hear say and biased sources. In other words NOT GUILTY.

House had enough evidence to convince Republicans to do what they really really really didn't want to do - conceed in this hyperpartisan environment that Trump was culpable.

But enough about Trump, the charge was that Joe took bribes, yet no one can say when and for what.
They lied and threw their shit against the wall with Bill, Gore ,,Kerry, Hillary ,..Obama ,and now Biden All republicans are degenerate liars Party first country last F em all
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Ohh and what was the verdict on the charge?

Senate Republicans conceeded Trump did in fact abuse his office and inapropriately pressured Ukraine as charged (8 of them publicly), but that they (except Romney who voted to convict) didn't want to remove him for it, leaving it up to voters instead.
They conceded no such thing. They laughed the House Clowns out of the Senate.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Ohh and what was the verdict on the charge?

Senate Republicans conceeded Trump did in fact abuse his office and inapropriately pressured Ukraine as charged (8 of them publicly), but that they (except Romney who voted to convict) didn't want to remove him for it, leaving it up to voters instead.
It takes 3/4 of the senate to convict 48 democrats and a couple republicans do not convict anyone, further the House had no real evidence at all, just assumptions hear say and biased sources. In other words NOT GUILTY.

House had enough evidence to convince Republicans to do what they really really really didn't want to do - conceed in this hyperpartisan environment that Trump was culpable.

But enough about Trump, the charge was that Joe took bribes, yet no one can say when and for what.
LOL they had NO EVIDENCE at all they tried to get the senate to call witnesses cause they didn't.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Ohh and what was the verdict on the charge?

Senate Republicans conceeded Trump did in fact abuse his office and inapropriately pressured Ukraine as charged (8 of them publicly), but that they (except Romney who voted to convict) didn't want to remove him for it, leaving it up to voters instead.
It takes 3/4 of the senate to convict 48 democrats and a couple republicans do not convict anyone, further the House had no real evidence at all, just assumptions hear say and biased sources. In other words NOT GUILTY.

House had enough evidence to convince Republicans to do what they really really really didn't want to do - conceed in this hyperpartisan environment that Trump was culpable.

But enough about Trump, the charge was that Joe took bribes, yet no one can say when and for what.
LOL they had NO EVIDENCE at all they tried to get the senate to call witnesses cause they didn't.

Ok ignoramus whatever you say, I'm not about to start explaining to you the whole ,"mountain of evidence" as described by Alexander (R) from square one.

Bottom line, no one can say what bribe Biden took.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Ohh and what was the verdict on the charge?

Senate Republicans conceeded Trump did in fact abuse his office and inapropriately pressured Ukraine as charged (8 of them publicly), but that they (except Romney who voted to convict) didn't want to remove him for it, leaving it up to voters instead.
It takes 3/4 of the senate to convict 48 democrats and a couple republicans do not convict anyone, further the House had no real evidence at all, just assumptions hear say and biased sources. In other words NOT GUILTY.

House had enough evidence to convince Republicans to do what they really really really didn't want to do - conceed in this hyperpartisan environment that Trump was culpable.

But enough about Trump, the charge was that Joe took bribes, yet no one can say when and for what.
LOL they had NO EVIDENCE at all they tried to get the senate to call witnesses cause they didn't.

Ok ignoramus whatever you say, I'm not about to start explaining to you the whole ,"mountain of evidence" as described by Alexander (R) from square one.

Bottom line, no one can say what bribe Biden took.

Fool, they never even claimed that there were crimes committed.
I'm not sure it will be that obvious by 10:30, but I do believe we'll know conclusively by morning that Biden has won the election. This won't be a close like the Trump faithful seem to think.

Hunter is prepared to stay up all night tweaking.
Hunter isn’t on the ticket.

They got confused by the Trump presidency, now think that putting relatives in charge of the country is just a normal thing that happens.

Beats thinking that putting relatives in charge of collecting bribes from foreign powers is just a normal thing that happens.

Nobody thinks that bribes are ok, take your baseless assertions and shove them you know where.

Bribes are illegal last I checked, you want to run your mouth how that is a fact? Ok lets see some indictments.

Trump tried to illegaly extort/bribe Ukrainian government for political favors and guess what, I can show you him getting indicted for it (aka impeachment)
Ohh and what was the verdict on the charge?

Senate Republicans conceeded Trump did in fact abuse his office and inapropriately pressured Ukraine as charged (8 of them publicly), but that they (except Romney who voted to convict) didn't want to remove him for it, leaving it up to voters instead.
It takes 3/4 of the senate to convict 48 democrats and a couple republicans do not convict anyone, further the House had no real evidence at all, just assumptions hear say and biased sources. In other words NOT GUILTY.

House had enough evidence to convince Republicans to do what they really really really didn't want to do - conceed in this hyperpartisan environment that Trump was culpable.

But enough about Trump, the charge was that Joe took bribes, yet no one can say when and for what.
LOL they had NO EVIDENCE at all they tried to get the senate to call witnesses cause they didn't.

Ok ignoramus whatever you say, I'm not about to start explaining to you the whole ,"mountain of evidence" as described by Alexander (R) from square one.

Bottom line, no one can say what bribe Biden took.
I would like to see this "mountain of evidence" you claim to have.

And why didn't you give it to the House Clowns to use in their Shampeachment? They needed the help.

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