Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
the lawyers are chauvinist and they feel that if they pick an all women jury they can tell them stories about video games ,buying candy, and racial hatred.
the lawyers are betting that women won't be very bright. women won't care about self defence .

the reason why 5 out of 6 are "white" is so they can say Zimmerman was convicted by a nearly "all white jury"
(i predicted this in a previous post)

Zimmerman has no defense attorneys. they should have demanded half the jury be from the Montana Militia.

no reason to follow the case ,you're just going to see a shadow puppet show for the next year or so.

(6 jurors, what is there budget cuts?)
Florida only requires 12 jurors in capitol cases.

Are they seeking the death penalty?

Personally, I dont think it was wise to let them pick a 12 woman jury. At least one jury should be a man.

I am all for women, but i dont think a jury of all women would represent a jury of my peers well.

I think it was a poor pick for the defense.
Sorry bout that,

1. Zim already won this before it goes to trial, truth be told.


On the facts, yes. but juries can be fickle. If they put on Trayvons mother and get her crying about how she lost her baby....
GZ has some reason to worry. This is not about Casey or Jodi, so those instincts and feelings of gender destruction are not in play. If the prosecution just puts out the evidence, GZ will get at least manslaughter, which is far better than a murder conviction.
GZ has some reason to worry. This is not about Casey or Jodi, so those instincts and feelings of gender destruction are not in play. If the prosecution just puts out the evidence, GZ will get at least manslaughter, which is far better than a murder conviction.

based on race

it's ok to kill a white person ;)
The prosecution tried to get two of the women dismissed and failed. One picture of Martin the way he really looked would sway any woman. A big hulking thug with the lights glinting off his gold grille would affect men too. They can't keep peddaling that 12 year old forever.
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