Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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Too bad we have such a racist country that we occassionally have to make a trial about the politics.

The real "racism" was that Zimmerman wasn't arrested on the spot when he had a smoking gun in his hand and a dead kid on the sidewalk.

If he had been black and the dead kid on the sidewalk white, that certainly would not have been the case.
You can speculate all you want but it doesn't change the fact that Martin attacked him and he didn't have to. Martin thought he was gonna teach him a lesson and kick his ass but it didn't work out that way. The fact that Zimmerman had a smoking gun in his hand does not mean he's automatically guilty of murder.

Oh, how interesting. You know what Trayvon was thinking? You're channeling the dead now are you?

And all the pieces of the story begin to fall together.

Zimmerman spots a black guy in his complex. Then follows him. Then calls the cops. Then after Martin notices him and tries to get away from him..Zimmerman chases him in his car until that's no longer possible. Then, Zimmerman gets out of the car and chases Martin down.

Well Martin, having a flash of "teaching a guy that's been chasing him a lesson", administers a minute long beat down so required Zimmerman to take his life.

Gotta love it.
Political trials like this aren't always decided on facts. The jury may very well find him guilty, just to avoid feeling responsible for the riots we all know will happen if he is acquitted. Too bad the justice system is held hostage to racial politics.

Too bad we have such a racist country that we occassionally have to make a trial about the politics.

The real "racism" was that Zimmerman wasn't arrested on the spot when he had a smoking gun in his hand and a dead kid on the sidewalk.

If he had been black and the dead kid on the sidewalk white, that certainly would not have been the case.
You can speculate all you want but it doesn't change the fact that Martin attacked him and he didn't have to. Martin thought he was gonna teach him a lesson and kick his ass but it didn't work out that way. The fact that Zimmerman had a smoking gun in his hand does not mean he's automatically guilty of murder.

Not speculating at all.

He had a gun on him. He was out hunting for bad guys, and all he found was this kid.

He needs to fry. If the state jury doesn't do him in, the Federal government will file hate crime charges.

either way, he's going down.
Too bad we have such a racist country that we occassionally have to make a trial about the politics.

The real "racism" was that Zimmerman wasn't arrested on the spot when he had a smoking gun in his hand and a dead kid on the sidewalk.

If he had been black and the dead kid on the sidewalk white, that certainly would not have been the case.
You can speculate all you want but it doesn't change the fact that Martin attacked him and he didn't have to. Martin thought he was gonna teach him a lesson and kick his ass but it didn't work out that way. The fact that Zimmerman had a smoking gun in his hand does not mean he's automatically guilty of murder.

Oh, how interesting. You know what Trayvon was thinking? You're channeling the dead now are you?

You can speculate all you want but it doesn't change the fact that Martin attacked him and he didn't have to. Martin thought he was gonna teach him a lesson and kick his ass but it didn't work out that way. The fact that Zimmerman had a smoking gun in his hand does not mean he's automatically guilty of murder.

Oh, how interesting. You know what Trayvon was thinking? You're channeling the dead now are you?

And all the pieces of the story begin to fall together.

Zimmerman spots a black guy in his complex. Then follows him. Then calls the cops. Then after Martin notices him and tries to get away from him..Zimmerman chases him in his car until that's no longer possible. Then, Zimmerman gets out of the car and chases Martin down.

Well Martin, having a flash of "teaching a guy that's been chasing him a lesson", administers a minute long beat down so required Zimmerman to take his life.

Gotta love it.

who brought race into the issue?

why, it was the racists!
Oh, how interesting. You know what Trayvon was thinking? You're channeling the dead now are you?

And all the pieces of the story begin to fall together.

Zimmerman spots a black guy in his complex. Then follows him. Then calls the cops. Then after Martin notices him and tries to get away from him..Zimmerman chases him in his car until that's no longer possible. Then, Zimmerman gets out of the car and chases Martin down.

Well Martin, having a flash of "teaching a guy that's been chasing him a lesson", administers a minute long beat down so required Zimmerman to take his life.

Gotta love it.

who brought race into the issue?

why, it was the racists!

You guys are hilarious.

It's kinda like 150 or so years of institutional racism in this country..never happened.
Zimmermann was the aggressor. He had a gun. The police told him to back off, he did not. The least he should be convicted on is manslaughter.

You are the one asking for a swallow, SGay.

There's no "resorting".

There's calling them as I see them you fucking fag.
See what I mean? You're preoccupied with it. In your mind, you're probably lashing out at yourself for being gay, thinking if you call someone else a fag, you won't still be one yourself.

Stop the presses..let my girlfriend in on the news. Or my ex wife. Or about the dozens of other women I've been with.

Oh wait..sleeping with women means you're NOT gay.

Asking a man to swallow his jiz?

That means your gay.

What does your "girlfriend" think of your preoccupation with gay sex? That is, IF you really have one. I mean, you say you you're normal but your comments say different. Just an observation.
See what I mean? You're preoccupied with it. In your mind, you're probably lashing out at yourself for being gay, thinking if you call someone else a fag, you won't still be one yourself.

Stop the presses..let my girlfriend in on the news. Or my ex wife. Or about the dozens of other women I've been with.

Oh wait..sleeping with women means you're NOT gay.

Asking a man to swallow his jiz?

That means your gay.

What does your "girlfriend" think of your preoccupation with gay sex? That is, IF you really have one. I mean, you say you you're normal but your comments say different. Just an observation.

I have no preoccupation with gay sex. That would be you.

Every single thread you are asking me for a swallow. think you could get your mind off old man cock long enough to discuss an issue, SGay?

Public bathrooms in your area closed down?
And all the pieces of the story begin to fall together.

Zimmerman spots a black guy in his complex. Then follows him. Then calls the cops. Then after Martin notices him and tries to get away from him..Zimmerman chases him in his car until that's no longer possible. Then, Zimmerman gets out of the car and chases Martin down.

Well Martin, having a flash of "teaching a guy that's been chasing him a lesson", administers a minute long beat down so required Zimmerman to take his life.

Gotta love it.

who brought race into the issue?

why, it was the racists!

You guys are hilarious.

It's kinda like 150 or so years of institutional racism in this country..never happened.

how old was Martin?
Stop the presses..let my girlfriend in on the news. Or my ex wife. Or about the dozens of other women I've been with.

Oh wait..sleeping with women means you're NOT gay.

Asking a man to swallow his jiz?

That means your gay.

What does your "girlfriend" think of your preoccupation with gay sex? That is, IF you really have one. I mean, you say you you're normal but your comments say different. Just an observation.

I have no preoccupation with gay sex. That would be you.

Every single thread you are asking me for a swallow. think you could get your mind off old man cock long enough to discuss an issue, SGay?

Public bathrooms in your area closed down?
I WAS discussing an issue. You ran out of argument and started with your usual gay sex references. Should I post it?
What does your "girlfriend" think of your preoccupation with gay sex? That is, IF you really have one. I mean, you say you you're normal but your comments say different. Just an observation.

I have no preoccupation with gay sex. That would be you.

Every single thread you are asking me for a swallow. think you could get your mind off old man cock long enough to discuss an issue, SGay?

Public bathrooms in your area closed down?
I WAS discussing an issue. You ran out of argument and started with your usual gay sex references. Should I post it?


In the same post you asked for a "swallow".

Fucking faggot.

AIDS ruining you cognition?
I have no preoccupation with gay sex. That would be you.

Every single thread you are asking me for a swallow. think you could get your mind off old man cock long enough to discuss an issue, SGay?

Public bathrooms in your area closed down?
I WAS discussing an issue. You ran out of argument and started with your usual gay sex references. Should I post it?


In the same post you asked for a "swallow".

Fucking faggot.

AIDS ruining you cognition?
Keep proving my point. Preoccupation.
who brought race into the issue?

why, it was the racists!

You guys are hilarious.

It's kinda like 150 or so years of institutional racism in this country..never happened.

how old was Martin?

OK. We have a teen aged kid being followed by an older man. The kid doesn't know the man, and the guy keeps following him. Then the guy gets out of his car, and goes after him. Think maybe the kid might be wondering what the guy's intentions were? At that age, I would also have attempted some serious ass kicking on the fellow.
I WAS discussing an issue. You ran out of argument and started with your usual gay sex references. Should I post it?


In the same post you asked for a "swallow".

Fucking faggot.

AIDS ruining you cognition?
Keep proving my point. Preoccupation.

S. J.'s preoccupation with gay sex reveals a latency in him that is becoming unmanageable.
I listened to the tape again before going-off to do some work .I thought it sounded like GZ has ADHD or ADD. Anyone els catch that? Also, was he reused his application to the Police dept?
New evidence: George Zimmerman applied to be a cop but was turned down -
By Rene Stutzman, Orlando Sentinel

5:49 p.m. EDT, June 4, 2013

SANFORD — Prosecutors have filed paperwork revealing that murder defendant George Zimmerman applied to become a police officer in a county near Washington, D.C. but was turned down.

So the police dept turned him down yet someone thought he was ok w/ carrying around an loaded pistol.

Looks like the defense is whining too:
Prosecutors: George Zimmerman applied to be a police officer - U.S. News
In other filings this week, the defense asked Judge Debra Nelson to restrict prosecutors from using certain terms, such as "vigilante" and "wannabe cop."

There are many reasons someone would not get a job on the police force, but is still OK to carry. I'm pretty sure no one would hire me with pulmonary hypertension, but there is nothing in the concealed carry law that forbids me from carrying a gun.
the lawyers are chauvinist and they feel that if they pick an all women jury they can tell them stories about video games ,buying candy, and racial hatred.
the lawyers are betting that women won't be very bright. women won't care about self defence .

the reason why 5 out of 6 are "white" is so they can say Zimmerman was convicted by a nearly "all white jury"
(i predicted this in a previous post)

Zimmerman has no defense attorneys. they should have demanded half the jury be from the Montana Militia.

no reason to follow the case ,you're just going to see a shadow puppet show for the next year or so.

(6 jurors, what is there budget cuts?)

From what I heard, every woman on that jury has at least fired a gun, and at least two of them are gun owners. It's funny you think Zimmerman will be convicted. I see it the other way. I don't see how any jury finds him guilty, even though he most likely was the instigator initially.

I have fired a gun, once. I hated it and I hate guns. So the fact someone has fired a gun does not mean they are pro-gun in any way. The fact you hope jury members are pro-gun is very telling: shows exactly what your agenda is.
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