Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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Exactly. You don't understand the race issues in America.

SJ is trying to say that because they are black, they were given a pass on criminal behavior and that if the murderer of Trayvon was black and Trayvon was white, he'd be given a pass too. The fact is just the opposite. The cops, especially in the South, would automatically assume a black man was a guilty man and a white person of Trayvon's age was a kid and being unarmed, was shot down in cold blood. There would be no question. There would be a quick trial and the black man would be on his way to prison lickity split. Our prisons are full of black men, and yes, it is because they commit crimes, but also because they are black and the justice system and culture are not on their side.

The only race issue in the US I know of is the riots which occurred after the Rodney King trial.
I understand what you are saying though, and I agree.

If your only knowledge of US race issues is Rodney King, then you have an extremely limited understand of it. Very extreme. It is a very complex issue and goes all the way back to the times of slavery. I would not try to come to any conclusions about this situation, as far as race is concerned. Just read and ask quesions. For example, you said the 'whites' are on Zimmerman's side. Nothing could be farther from the truth. White conservatives who are pro-gun and/or anti-blacks are on Zimmerman's side, not all whites, far from it. I'm white as are many on here who think Zimmerman killed Trayvon without a good cause and needs to be found guilty.
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The only race issue in the US I know of is the riots which occurred after the Rodney King trial.
I understand what you are saying though, and I agree.

If your only knowledge of US race issues is Rodney King, then you have an extremely limited understand of it. Very extreme. It is a very complex issue and goes all the way back to the times of slavery. I would not try to come to any conclusions about this situation, as far as race is concerned. Just read and ask quesions. For example, you said the 'whites' are on Zimmerman's side. Nothing could be farther from the truth. White conservatives who are pro-gun and/or anti-blacks are on Zimmerman's side, not all whites, far from it. I'm white as are many on here who think Zimmerman killed Trayvon without a good cause and needs to be found guilty.

Crying racism without any evidence of such is divisive and nonsensical. I have news for those...teens (black or white) running around at night are suspicious...add in the rain and taking shortcuts through the sidecuts of townhomes in a building already burglarized and vandalized several times and you have reasonable suspicion.

Teens are watched like it teen they should be....they do dumb things out of boredom. They are watched in my neighborhood and i dont live in a black neighborhood...teens are watched because they do dumb things...if they are watched and carry on their merry way then no problem, but better safe than sorry.
the lawyers are chauvinist and they feel that if they pick an all women jury they can tell them stories about video games ,buying candy, and racial hatred.
the lawyers are betting that women won't be very bright. women won't care about self defence .

the reason why 5 out of 6 are "white" is so they can say Zimmerman was convicted by a nearly "all white jury"
(i predicted this in a previous post)

Zimmerman has no defense attorneys. they should have demanded half the jury be from the Montana Militia.

no reason to follow the case ,you're just going to see a shadow puppet show for the next year or so.

(6 jurors, what is there budget cuts?)

From what I heard, every woman on that jury has at least fired a gun, and at least two of them are gun owners. It's funny you think Zimmerman will be convicted. I see it the other way. I don't see how any jury finds him guilty, even though he most likely was the instigator initially.
I know that carrying a deadly weapon has an affect on a person's behavior. It maybe subtle, yet when one has a weapon they will act with less caution and with a bit more bravado. The effect is much like a meek person after a couple of drinks.

I know that exactly the opposite is true.

Since I started carrying a firearm, I am much more patient, I've changed my driving habits, and I always keep my cool regardless of the situation.

Why? Because I understand that ANY confrontation can escalate to life threatening. So I am far less confrontational.

No cutting the guy off who cut me off, no brake checking the tailgater, no flipping the bird to aggressive drivers...all things I did routinely before I carried a firearm.

I discussions with other CCW holders, I have found this to be a common occurrence.

I have a literary quote of my own...with power comes responsibility.

Carrying a firearm makes me a more responsible citizens...far more cognizant of possible repercussions of my actions than ever before.

That's you.

From your posts you seem like a very level headed person.

That doesn't seem to be the case with Zimmerman.
For the same reason charges were dropped against the "New Black Panthers" for voter intimidation during the 2008 election in Philadelphia. Don't play dumb.

I am not playing dumb. How would I know about the Black Panthers or whatever?
Excuse me, I thought you were somewhat informed. My mistake.

Not everyone has the same obsession with non issues you folks do.
And why would that be?
For the same reason charges were dropped against the "New Black Panthers" for voter intimidation during the 2008 election in Philadelphia. Don't play dumb.

Speaking of dumb, you do know those TWO guys were in west philly. A black west Philly. I want you to think about that. I grew up there. It's very very black and there were two guys. Fox made you actually think they made someone vote differently. Damn.
Yeah, so what? I lived in D.C. for 17 years. What's your point? Voter intimidation is a crime and they were caught on camera committing that crime. I don't give a shit about the racial makeup of Philadelphia (or where you lived).
For the same reason charges were dropped against the "New Black Panthers" for voter intimidation during the 2008 election in Philadelphia. Don't play dumb.

Speaking of dumb, you do know those TWO guys were in west philly. A black west Philly. I want you to think about that. I grew up there. It's very very black and there were two guys. Fox made you actually think they made someone vote differently. Damn.
Yeah, so what? I lived in D.C. for 17 years. What's your point? Voter intimidation is a crime and they were caught on camera committing that crime. I don't give a shit about the racial makeup of Philadelphia (or where you lived).

No they weren't.
Speaking of dumb, you do know those TWO guys were in west philly. A black west Philly. I want you to think about that. I grew up there. It's very very black and there were two guys. Fox made you actually think they made someone vote differently. Damn.
Yeah, so what? I lived in D.C. for 17 years. What's your point? Voter intimidation is a crime and they were caught on camera committing that crime. I don't give a shit about the racial makeup of Philadelphia (or where you lived).

No they weren't.
No? What would you call it, a welcoming committee?

[ame=]RACIST GROUP INTIMIDATES VOTERS - YouTube[/ame] [ame=]Philadelphia Voter Intimidation - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, so what? I lived in D.C. for 17 years. What's your point? Voter intimidation is a crime and they were caught on camera committing that crime. I don't give a shit about the racial makeup of Philadelphia (or where you lived).

No they weren't.
No? What would you call it, a welcoming committee?

[ame=]RACIST GROUP INTIMIDATES VOTERS - YouTube[/ame] [ame=]Philadelphia Voter Intimidation - YouTube[/ame]

Where was the voter "intimidation", SGay?
Not everyone has the same obsession with non issues you folks do.
Try posting something of substance, Swallow (if you think you can).

And you wanting to gargle my jizz has substance?

Get a life SGay. Stop hitting on old straight men.
Oh gee, look. Swallow is resorting to homosexual references again. Who would have guessed? A preoccupation, perhaps?
Try posting something of substance, Swallow (if you think you can).

And you wanting to gargle my jizz has substance?

Get a life SGay. Stop hitting on old straight men.
Oh gee, look. Swallow is resorting to homosexual references again. Who would have guessed? A preoccupation, perhaps?


You are the one asking for a swallow, SGay.

There's no "resorting".

There's calling them as I see them you fucking fag.
Political trials like this aren't always decided on facts. The jury may very well find him guilty, just to avoid feeling responsible for the riots we all know will happen if he is acquitted. Too bad the justice system is held hostage to racial politics.

Too bad we have such a racist country that we occassionally have to make a trial about the politics.

The real "racism" was that Zimmerman wasn't arrested on the spot when he had a smoking gun in his hand and a dead kid on the sidewalk.

If he had been black and the dead kid on the sidewalk white, that certainly would not have been the case.
And you wanting to gargle my jizz has substance?

Get a life SGay. Stop hitting on old straight men.
Oh gee, look. Swallow is resorting to homosexual references again. Who would have guessed? A preoccupation, perhaps?


You are the one asking for a swallow, SGay.

There's no "resorting".

There's calling them as I see them you fucking fag.
See what I mean? You're preoccupied with it. In your mind, you're probably lashing out at yourself for being gay, thinking if you call someone else a fag, you won't still be one yourself.
Political trials like this aren't always decided on facts. The jury may very well find him guilty, just to avoid feeling responsible for the riots we all know will happen if he is acquitted. Too bad the justice system is held hostage to racial politics.

Too bad we have such a racist country that we occassionally have to make a trial about the politics.

The real "racism" was that Zimmerman wasn't arrested on the spot when he had a smoking gun in his hand and a dead kid on the sidewalk.

If he had been black and the dead kid on the sidewalk white, that certainly would not have been the case.
You can speculate all you want but it doesn't change the fact that Martin attacked him and he didn't have to. Martin thought he was gonna teach him a lesson and kick his ass but it didn't work out that way. The fact that Zimmerman had a smoking gun in his hand does not mean he's automatically guilty of murder.
Political trials like this aren't always decided on facts. The jury may very well find him guilty, just to avoid feeling responsible for the riots we all know will happen if he is acquitted. Too bad the justice system is held hostage to racial politics.

Too bad we have such a racist country that we occassionally have to make a trial about the politics.

The real "racism" was that Zimmerman wasn't arrested on the spot when he had a smoking gun in his hand and a dead kid on the sidewalk.

If he had been black and the dead kid on the sidewalk white, that certainly would not have been the case.
You can speculate all you want but it doesn't change the fact that Martin attacked him and he didn't have to. Martin thought he was gonna teach him a lesson and kick his ass but it didn't work out that way. The fact that Zimmerman had a smoking gun in his hand does not mean he's automatically guilty of murder.

Oh, how interesting. You know what Trayvon was thinking? You're channeling the dead now are you?
Oh gee, look. Swallow is resorting to homosexual references again. Who would have guessed? A preoccupation, perhaps?


You are the one asking for a swallow, SGay.

There's no "resorting".

There's calling them as I see them you fucking fag.
See what I mean? You're preoccupied with it. In your mind, you're probably lashing out at yourself for being gay, thinking if you call someone else a fag, you won't still be one yourself.

Stop the presses..let my girlfriend in on the news. Or my ex wife. Or about the dozens of other women I've been with.

Oh wait..sleeping with women means you're NOT gay.

Asking a man to swallow his jiz?

That means your gay.

Too bad we have such a racist country that we occassionally have to make a trial about the politics.

The real "racism" was that Zimmerman wasn't arrested on the spot when he had a smoking gun in his hand and a dead kid on the sidewalk.

If he had been black and the dead kid on the sidewalk white, that certainly would not have been the case.
You can speculate all you want but it doesn't change the fact that Martin attacked him and he didn't have to. Martin thought he was gonna teach him a lesson and kick his ass but it didn't work out that way. The fact that Zimmerman had a smoking gun in his hand does not mean he's automatically guilty of murder.

Oh, how interesting. You know what Trayvon was thinking? You're channeling the dead now are you?
No, just common sense based on his phone conversation at the time, and the witnesses. By the way, were you there?
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