Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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the lawyers are chauvinist and they feel that if they pick an all women jury they can tell them stories about video games ,buying candy, and racial hatred.
the lawyers are betting that women won't be very bright. women won't care about self defence .

the reason why 5 out of 6 are "white" is so they can say Zimmerman was convicted by a nearly "all white jury"
(i predicted this in a previous post)

Zimmerman has no defense attorneys. they should have demanded half the jury be from the Montana Militia.

no reason to follow the case ,you're just going to see a shadow puppet show for the next year or so.

(6 jurors, what is there budget cuts?)

From what I heard, every woman on that jury has at least fired a gun, and at least two of them are gun owners. It's funny you think Zimmerman will be convicted. I see it the other way. I don't see how any jury finds him guilty, even though he most likely was the instigator initially.

I have fired a gun, once. I hated it and I hate guns. So the fact someone has fired a gun does not mean they are pro-gun in any way. The fact you hope jury members are pro-gun is very telling: shows exactly what your agenda is.

what i find interesting about the pro guns in the jury

is the percentage of guns in the home

is much higher there then what the lefties

like to report
You gotta love this guilty till proven innocent stuff.

Can't speak for anyone else. But I only say he appears to be guilty. The more I hear and see, the more guilty he appears.

And frankly I'm getting a little tired of that card being played.

"Innocent until proven guilty" =/= "Innocent."

If you don't want to hear peoples' opinions, this board might not be the venue for you, let alone the Zimmerman trial as a topic of conversation you'd find comfortable. :thup:

Appearances are not admissible in a court of law and while innocent until proven guilty does not mean innocent appears guilty does not mean guilty how about people wait till the trial starts and actually get the facts.

I hate to tell ya, but 'appearances' most assuredly DO come into play in a court of law. I can give you many examples, but here are two:

In TN defendants in a criminal trial may not be brought to the courtroom in jail attire, handcuffs, and shackles. That is considered prejudicial to the jury. I mean, think about it, who wouldn't be afraid to render a not guilty verdict if Hannibal Lector came in with his face muzzle on?

I know of a med mal case in which the plaintiff lost. When they polled the jury, the main thing they saw was the sour, mean look on the person's face. They concluded a person that mean must have perpetrated a wrong.

If the jury doesn't find you likeable your chances of being cleared drop considerably. Many things can affect that, your dress, expression, behavior, et al. "Justice" may be blind, but juries are not. Lawyers advise their clients to clean up, get a haircut, and dress appropriately for court. I know of one case here where a witness for the prosecution came to court dressed in shorts. The judge's reaction was not short of ire, and the jury laughed at him. The defendant, dressed appropriately looking very dignified, was acquitted.
Can't speak for anyone else. But I only say he appears to be guilty. The more I hear and see, the more guilty he appears.

And frankly I'm getting a little tired of that card being played.

"Innocent until proven guilty" =/= "Innocent."

If you don't want to hear peoples' opinions, this board might not be the venue for you, let alone the Zimmerman trial as a topic of conversation you'd find comfortable. :thup:

Appearances are not admissible in a court of law and while innocent until proven guilty does not mean innocent appears guilty does not mean guilty how about people wait till the trial starts and actually get the facts.

I hate to tell ya, but 'appearances' most assuredly DO come into play in a court of law. I can give you many examples, but here are two:

In TN defendants in a criminal trial may not be brought to the courtroom in jail attire, handcuffs, and shackles. That is considered prejudicial to the jury. I mean, think about it, who wouldn't be afraid to render a not guilty verdict if Hannibal Lector came in with his face muzzle on?

I know of a med mal case in which the plaintiff lost. When they polled the jury, the main thing they saw was the sour, mean look on the person's face. They concluded a person that mean must have perpetrated a wrong.

If the jury doesn't find you likeable your chances of being cleared drop considerably. Many things can affect that, your dress, expression, behavior, et al. "Justice" may be blind, but juries are not. Lawyers advise their clients to clean up, get a haircut, and dress appropriately for court. I know of one case here where a witness for the prosecution came to court dressed in shorts. The judge's reaction was not short of ire, and the jury laughed at him. The defendant, dressed appropriately looking very dignified, was acquitted.


OMara did a fine job in day two of the jury finalization

at the beginning he genitally touched zimmerman

and did so in the end as well
Yep. POTUS sewed that up.

First cause for mistrial should be on his back.

Amen to that. The problem with his statements about this case is that he is Zimmerman's president as well. Doing something like that was really not appropriate. If I had been Zimmerman, I would have answered the POTUS's little speech and told him that, but that's just me.

Yeah, that's just me too.


Prez on the horn talking about the vic being his son, anybody listening?

Oh all you are listening??

Good then!!!




You should have been here then, there was a hilarious thread something about 'If I had a dog, it would look like the one Obama ate.'
You guys are hilarious.

It's kinda like 150 or so years of institutional racism in this country..never happened.

how old was Martin?

OK. We have a teen aged kid being followed by an older man. The kid doesn't know the man, and the guy keeps following him. Then the guy gets out of his car, and goes after him. Think maybe the kid might be wondering what the guy's intentions were? At that age, I would also have attempted some serious ass kicking on the fellow.

1. then " 150 years of institutionalized racism" is irrelevant

2. then you could have been shot too, and rightfully so
That is certainly what the defense is going to argue and the jury is going to reject.

The prosecutor and judge sealed GZ's fate with an all-female jury.

Jake, that's pretty insulting. What? Maybe women shouldn't get law degrees, now.

Not at all. Women have their own unique dynamics as you well know. Not bad, not evil at all. Without the men around, the women will come to a conclusion that they might not if there were men in the jury room.

I think they will come up with the most objective and fair conclusion based on the evidence.

And, yes, women are great lawyers, judges, police officers, and machine gunners. Best light machine gunner I ever saw was female.

There, that's better!!
It's all over but the riots.

The idea is to convict him so we don't have riots.

Man, do I ever owe you a neg! That is NOT the purpose of the courts!

And here is a scratch pad for people as narrow minded as you!

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This case was over before Zimmerman was arrested.

Zimmerman is going to walk...

The only testimony about the actual incident is going to come from Zimmerman.


Actually, it's going to work like this.

these six chicks are going to look at this fat slug loser, realized he killed a kid and he's not worth having a race riot over.

Ahh......the oh so tolerant left! NOT~!
his abrasions are immaterial. What is material is that he stalked that unarmed young man and we know the rest of the story.

What is material is that he stalked

Stalked? LOL!

Fair. Stalk implies stealth.

Stalking can be defined as the willful and repeated following, watching and/or harassing of another person. Unlike other crimes, which usually involve one act, stalking is a series of actions that occur over a period of time.

Stalking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CNN pretty much proved this was false.

What Zimmerman said was Punks or Cold.

Joe knows this...I've corrected this personally on at least one occasion.



Spreading false information only serves to undermine credibility.

If Zimmerman actually did use a racial slur

^ a quote from your source


CNN pretty much proved this was false.

What Zimmerman said was Punks or Cold.
Joe knows this...I've corrected this personally on at least one occasion.

Spreading false information only serves to undermine credibility.

"Punks" and "cold" don't sound ANYTHING alike.

And what ZImmerman said didn't sound like either.
This case was over before Zimmerman was arrested.

Zimmerman is going to walk...

The only testimony about the actual incident is going to come from Zimmerman.


Actually, it's going to work like this.

these six chicks are going to look at this fat slug loser, realized he killed a kid and he's not worth having a race riot over.

Ahh......the oh so tolerant left! NOT~!

NOt really from the left.

I'm a pragmatist.

George ZImmerman is a slug. the world will not be diminished by sending him to jail.

Avoiding a race riot and disuading the next asshole who thinks he's The Punisher from shooting someone will save lives.

Works for me.
Actually, it's going to work like this.

these six chicks are going to look at this fat slug loser, realized he killed a kid and he's not worth having a race riot over.

Ahh......the oh so tolerant left! NOT~!

NOt really from the left.

I'm a pragmatist.

George ZImmerman is a slug. the world will not be diminished by sending him to jail.

Avoiding a race riot and disuading the next asshole who thinks he's The Punisher from shooting someone will save lives.

Works for me.

Again, that is not the purpose of the courts, you stupid fuck. If you think it is, I hope it gets turned on you one day.

Are you working yet? I hope so, because I relish the thought that your SS taxes go almost directly into my bank account.
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