Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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No, I just like trials to be fair.

For instance, if a black man was on trial for killing a white man, I wouldn't want the jury to be full of white men, would you? Nor would I want it full of black men.
Can't you understand that??
So explain how choosing a jury based on their race makes it fair.

Because this case is about race - you have the blacks defending Trayvon and the whites defending Zimmerman. People have turned the case into a racial debate and the media hasn't helped.

I don't think you would get a fair outcome if all the jury were black - you would have a right to object if they were all black.
Obviously the prosecution was ok with it. Aren't they the ones who are trying to make Zimmerman look like a racist? I mean, isn't that their strategy?
No, but it would be unfair to have mainly whites on the jury, or mainly blacks. The chance for bias increases. I would want to see an even playing field, so the verdict will be fair.
Your comment proves you are more interested in the racial aspect rather than the legal aspect of this case.

Race is integral to the case and to the trial you moron. If GZ had been a black man, and TM a white teen who had candy and ice tea in his possession, you would be calling for GZ to be executed. If you were honest, you would admit it.
Just because you're a racist doesn't mean everyone else is, asshole.
A group of women will determine his guilt.

In our country, the accused is entitled to a trial by a jury of his PEERS. Not the pretend victim's peers. For one thing, druggy drop outs don't usually register to vote, and thus aren't called for jury duty.

I heard you are fat. Fuck you with that druggy drop out crap. I am his peer and I am no druggy drop out, racist.

Then you aren't his peer, wacko.
Your comment proves you are more interested in the racial aspect rather than the legal aspect of this case.

Race is integral to the case and to the trial you moron. If GZ had been a black man, and TM a white teen who had candy and ice tea in his possession, you would be calling for GZ to be executed. If you were honest, you would admit it.
Just because you're a racist doesn't mean everyone else is, asshole.

Many on this forum are, and we both know that attitudes would be a lot different if Zimmerman was black and Trayvon was white.
Race is integral to the case and to the trial you moron. If GZ had been a black man, and TM a white teen who had candy and ice tea in his possession, you would be calling for GZ to be executed. If you were honest, you would admit it.
Just because you're a racist doesn't mean everyone else is, asshole.

Many on this forum are, and we both know that attitudes would be a lot different if Zimmerman was black and Trayvon was white.
If that were the case, we wouldn't hear about it at all, and there would be no trial.
I know that carrying a deadly weapon has an affect on a person's behavior. It maybe subtle, yet when one has a weapon they will act with less caution and with a bit more bravado. The effect is much like a meek person after a couple of drinks.

I know that exactly the opposite is true.

Since I started carrying a firearm, I am much more patient, I've changed my driving habits, and I always keep my cool regardless of the situation.

Why? Because I understand that ANY confrontation can escalate to life threatening. So I am far less confrontational.

No cutting the guy off who cut me off, no brake checking the tailgater, no flipping the bird to aggressive drivers...all things I did routinely before I carried a firearm.

I discussions with other CCW holders, I have found this to be a common occurrence.

I have a literary quote of my own...with power comes responsibility.

Carrying a firearm makes me a more responsible citizens...far more cognizant of possible repercussions of my actions than ever before.
Justice isn't about $$$. It's about the right verdict. If he is incarcerated for defending himself, it's not justice.

If he's imprisoned for shooting an unarmed child, that is justice.

what if the "child" was beating someone to death? still justice?

You cannot pick a fight with someone and when you are getting you butt kicked, pull out a gun and shoot him and plead it self defense. Illegal for NW to carry a gun. To follow someone especially not identifying himself as NW. Should have stayed in is car. He could have fought Trayvon off with one hand behind his back. Not a member of neighborhood watch but self appointed vigilante. Judge, jury and executioner. Racial profiling.
Race is integral to the case and to the trial you moron. If GZ had been a black man, and TM a white teen who had candy and ice tea in his possession, you would be calling for GZ to be executed. If you were honest, you would admit it.
Just because you're a racist doesn't mean everyone else is, asshole.

Many on this forum are, and we both know that attitudes would be a lot different if Zimmerman was black and Trayvon was white.

We know your ATTITUDE would be different. If Zimmerman was black,, you'd be saying he is innocent, and being framed because of his color.

We know who the racists are, Noomi...and it isn't the people who think Zimmerman had a right to defend himself. It's you, and criminals who want law abiding people to run scared.
Race is integral to the case and to the trial you moron. If GZ had been a black man, and TM a white teen who had candy and ice tea in his possession, you would be calling for GZ to be executed. If you were honest, you would admit it.
Just because you're a racist doesn't mean everyone else is, asshole.

Many on this forum are, and we both know that attitudes would be a lot different if Zimmerman was black and Trayvon was white.

If Tryvon were white, most likely he'd still be alive. If GZ were black and had shot Trayvon, they would have arrested him for murder immediately and there would likely be no media coverage and no controversy and by this time he'd be in prisonn at this moment serving a long sentence. America is still racist, especially in the South.
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Just because you're a racist doesn't mean everyone else is, asshole.

Many on this forum are, and we both know that attitudes would be a lot different if Zimmerman was black and Trayvon was white.

We know your ATTITUDE would be different. If Zimmerman was black,, you'd be saying he is innocent, and being framed because of his color.

We know who the racists are, Noomi...and it isn't the people who think Zimmerman had a right to defend himself. It's you, and criminals who want law abiding people to run scared.

You say Zimmerman had a right to defend himself, but you don't even know if he actually DID defend himself!
Just because you're a racist doesn't mean everyone else is, asshole.

Many on this forum are, and we both know that attitudes would be a lot different if Zimmerman was black and Trayvon was white.

If Tryvon were white, most likely he'd still be alive. If GZ were black and had shot Trayvon, they would have arrested him for murder immediately and there would likely be no media coverage and no controversy and by this time he'd be in at this moment serving a long sentence. America is still racist, especially in the South.

So if I know that, and you know that, why does KG and SJ not get this?
Many on this forum are, and we both know that attitudes would be a lot different if Zimmerman was black and Trayvon was white.

If Tryvon were white, most likely he'd still be alive. If GZ were black and had shot Trayvon, they would have arrested him for murder immediately and there would likely be no media coverage and no controversy and by this time he'd be in at this moment serving a long sentence. America is still racist, especially in the South.

So if I know that, and you know that, why does KG and SJ not get this?

Because they are racists. With all 'due' respect, you don't live in the US and don't understand the racial chemistry going on here, nor do you understand the racial history of the US. You really shouldn't be trying to comment on it. It is something deeply ingrained in American culture.
Many on this forum are, and we both know that attitudes would be a lot different if Zimmerman was black and Trayvon was white.
If that were the case, we wouldn't hear about it at all, and there would be no trial.

And why would that be?
For the same reason charges were dropped against the "New Black Panthers" for voter intimidation during the 2008 election in Philadelphia. Don't play dumb.
If that were the case, we wouldn't hear about it at all, and there would be no trial.

And why would that be?
For the same reason charges were dropped against the "New Black Panthers" for voter intimidation during the 2008 election in Philadelphia. Don't play dumb.

Speaking of dumb, you do know those TWO guys were in west philly. A black west Philly. I want you to think about that. I grew up there. It's very very black and there were two guys. Fox made you actually think they made someone vote differently. Damn.
If that were the case, we wouldn't hear about it at all, and there would be no trial.

And why would that be?
For the same reason charges were dropped against the "New Black Panthers" for voter intimidation during the 2008 election in Philadelphia. Don't play dumb.

I am not playing dumb. How would I know about the Black Panthers or whatever?
And why would that be?
For the same reason charges were dropped against the "New Black Panthers" for voter intimidation during the 2008 election in Philadelphia. Don't play dumb.
How would I know about the Black Panthers or whatever?

Exactly. You don't understand the race issues in America.

SJ is trying to say that because they are black, they were given a pass on criminal behavior and that if the murderer of Trayvon was black and Trayvon was white, he'd be given a pass too. The fact is just the opposite. The cops, especially in the South, would automatically assume a black man was a guilty man and a white person of Trayvon's age was a kid and being unarmed, was shot down in cold blood. There would be no question. There would be a quick trial and the black man would be on his way to prison lickity split. Our prisons are full of black men, and yes, it is because they commit crimes, but also because they are black and the justice system and culture are not on their side.
For the same reason charges were dropped against the "New Black Panthers" for voter intimidation during the 2008 election in Philadelphia. Don't play dumb.
How would I know about the Black Panthers or whatever?

Exactly. You don't understand the race issues in America.

SJ is trying to say that because they are black, they were given a pass on criminal behavior and that if the murderer of Trayvon was black and Trayvon was white, he'd be given a pass too. The fact is just the opposite. The cops, especially in the South, would automatically assume a black man was a guilty man and a white person of Trayvon's age was a kid and being unarmed, was shot down in cold blood. There would be no question. There would be a quick trial and the black man would be on his way to prison lickity split. Our prisons are full of black men, and yes, it is because they commit crimes, but also because they are black and the justice system and culture are not on their side.

The only race issue in the US I know of is the riots which occurred after the Rodney King trial.
I understand what you are saying though, and I agree.
Perhaps. If there are 12 jurors, surely 6 should be white and the other 6 black?

Its only 6 are not even keeping up with the trial...they just went through a week of jury selection.

We have had virtually no information on this case all down here, so I rely mainly on what you lot have found out.
I take it jury selection is not yet over?

The jury selection was live streamed on line. There is no excuse for not being informed if you are going to engage in the discussion. Otherwise you appear to be speaking on bias alone, which does little to add to the conversation.

You want the jury divided upon racial lines. That is blatant racism. Jurors are to decide a verdict based on the evidence presented. It is the responsibility of both sides to pick the jury they feel best represents that ability...Jury selection is over and the two sides have made their decisions. The current jury is what is left.

Of course if you knew anything about the makeup of the alternate jurors, then you would know the makeup of the jury is closer to what you want. Look it up.
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