Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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This case was over before Zimmerman was arrested.

Zimmerman is going to walk...

The only testimony about the actual incident is going to come from Zimmerman.

And that's the whole case...everything else is irrelevant.

"Martin attacked me, I was in fear for my life, I shot him once in self defense."

And the defenders say "but...but...but...Zimmerman followed Martin..."

So what?

It's not illegal to follow someone.

If Martin was in fear...why didn't he call the police?

He had a cell phone...he was on it talking to his girlfriend.

Instead, as Zimmerman will tell it on the stand...Martin ambushed him and attacked him.

And there is no evidence that this is not a true statement.

Case closed, let's all go home.

The burden isn't on the state to prove Zimmerman's claims aren't true. The burden is on Zimmerman to prove they are.

He has the proof, he was attacked, he has the injuries, witness #6 says he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman "raining down blows like MMA".

The prosecution cannot refute Zimmerman's testimony...there are no witnesses to the initial confrontation between Zimmerman and Martin except Zimmerman.

If the prosecution cannot prove Zimmerman testimony is false, and they cannot, it's over.

We would need a whole thread on what was wrong with witness 6 interviews. Injuries don't mean he was attacked.
Serious question. Do you have PROOF that martin was stronger than Zimmerman? If not, just fucking stop.

What do we know, really?

Martin was bigger than Zimmerman. Martin was a trained fighter. Those things we do know. We keep seeing pictures of a 12 year old child, that picture doesn't even come close to depicting what Trayvon Martin looked like at 17.

Trained fighter? He was a trained fighter? If annivthing zimmermn should HAVE known how to Fight since he was a watch cop wanna be.

LOL Martin was not bigger than Zimmerman. According to the autopsy, Trayvon weighed 158 pounds. According to police reports the night of the shooting, Zimmerman weighted 200 pounds. As well, Trayvon was not a trained fighter. Where do you get this BS? Trayvon was a tall, skinny teenager and not a trained fighter.
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the lawyers are chauvinist and they feel that if they pick an all women jury they can tell them stories about video games ,buying candy, and racial hatred.
the lawyers are betting that women won't be very bright. women won't care about self defence .

the reason why 5 out of 6 are "white" is so they can say Zimmerman was convicted by a nearly "all white jury"
(i predicted this in a previous post)

Zimmerman has no defense attorneys. they should have demanded half the jury be from the Montana Militia.

no reason to follow the case ,you're just going to see a shadow puppet show for the next year or so.

(6 jurors, what is there budget cuts?)

How many black jurors? I guess they are afraid he'd be convicted if they let blacks on the jury. Better let the racist whites on, though.
the lawyers are chauvinist and they feel that if they pick an all women jury they can tell them stories about video games ,buying candy, and racial hatred.
the lawyers are betting that women won't be very bright. women won't care about self defence .

the reason why 5 out of 6 are "white" is so they can say Zimmerman was convicted by a nearly "all white jury"
(i predicted this in a previous post)

Zimmerman has no defense attorneys. they should have demanded half the jury be from the Montana Militia.

no reason to follow the case ,you're just going to see a shadow puppet show for the next year or so.

(6 jurors, what is there budget cuts?)

How many black jurors? I guess they are afraid he'd be convicted if they let blacks on the jury. Better let the racist whites on, though.
As opposed to the racist black ones?
the lawyers are chauvinist and they feel that if they pick an all women jury they can tell them stories about video games ,buying candy, and racial hatred.
the lawyers are betting that women won't be very bright. women won't care about self defence .

the reason why 5 out of 6 are "white" is so they can say Zimmerman was convicted by a nearly "all white jury"
(i predicted this in a previous post)

Zimmerman has no defense attorneys. they should have demanded half the jury be from the Montana Militia.

no reason to follow the case ,you're just going to see a shadow puppet show for the next year or so.

(6 jurors, what is there budget cuts?)

How many black jurors? I guess they are afraid he'd be convicted if they let blacks on the jury. Better let the racist whites on, though.
As opposed to the racist black ones?

Perhaps. If there are 12 jurors, surely 6 should be white and the other 6 black?
How many black jurors? I guess they are afraid he'd be convicted if they let blacks on the jury. Better let the racist whites on, though.
As opposed to the racist black ones?

Perhaps. If there are 12 jurors, surely 6 should be white and the other 6 black?
Why? Do you wish this to be a racial trial, decided by racially motivated jurors?
How many black jurors? I guess they are afraid he'd be convicted if they let blacks on the jury. Better let the racist whites on, though.
As opposed to the racist black ones?

Perhaps. If there are 12 jurors, surely 6 should be white and the other 6 black?

Its only 6 are not even keeping up with the trial...they just went through a week of jury selection.

You dont pick juries on the basis of color. What kind of precedent would that send? For so many wanting things to not be about color and profiling, they sure are suggesting color and profiling be used with the jury. Basing anything on color is nonsense and does nothing but further the divide.
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As opposed to the racist black ones?

Perhaps. If there are 12 jurors, surely 6 should be white and the other 6 black?
Why? Do you wish this to be a racial trial, decided by racially motivated jurors?

History suggests rather strongly that a southern jury makes 'mistakes'. It is the great irony that the mistakes always cost a black man his freedom.
As opposed to the racist black ones?

Perhaps. If there are 12 jurors, surely 6 should be white and the other 6 black?

Its only 6 are not even keeping up with the trial...they just went through a week of jury selection.

We have had virtually no information on this case all down here, so I rely mainly on what you lot have found out.
I take it jury selection is not yet over?
As opposed to the racist black ones?

Perhaps. If there are 12 jurors, surely 6 should be white and the other 6 black?
Why? Do you wish this to be a racial trial, decided by racially motivated jurors?

No, but it would be unfair to have mainly whites on the jury, or mainly blacks. The chance for bias increases. I would want to see an even playing field, so the verdict will be fair.
Q. Why is this a "Political Trail"?
A. Because our racially motivated president had to insert himself (once again) into an issue he knew nothing about, other than it involved a black person. He's no better than Al Sharpton.

And you're a bit worse then Lester Maddox.
And you're a bit worse than this guy.

[ame=]Shabazz the - YouTube[/ame]
Perhaps. If there are 12 jurors, surely 6 should be white and the other 6 black?
Why? Do you wish this to be a racial trial, decided by racially motivated jurors?

No, but it would be unfair to have mainly whites on the jury, or mainly blacks. The chance for bias increases. I would want to see an even playing field, so the verdict will be fair.
Your comment proves you are more interested in the racial aspect rather than the legal aspect of this case.
A group of women will determine his guilt.

In our country, the accused is entitled to a trial by a jury of his PEERS. Not the pretend victim's peers. For one thing, druggy drop outs don't usually register to vote, and thus aren't called for jury duty.
•"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."

Atticus Finch, "To Kill a Mockingbird"

Applies to both GZ and TM. The only thing we really know is an armed adult man killed an unarmed teenager. We know the minor purchased iced tea and candy, so we can infer that was his reason for being on scene. We don't know what GZ was doing or why he was on scene armed with a deadly weapon.

I know that carrying a deadly weapon has an affect on a person's behavior. It maybe subtle, yet when one has a weapon they will act with less caution and with a bit more bravado. The effect is much like a meek person after a couple of drinks.
Why? Do you wish this to be a racial trial, decided by racially motivated jurors?

No, but it would be unfair to have mainly whites on the jury, or mainly blacks. The chance for bias increases. I would want to see an even playing field, so the verdict will be fair.
Your comment proves you are more interested in the racial aspect rather than the legal aspect of this case.

No, I just like trials to be fair.

For instance, if a black man was on trial for killing a white man, I wouldn't want the jury to be full of white men, would you? Nor would I want it full of black men.
Can't you understand that??
No, but it would be unfair to have mainly whites on the jury, or mainly blacks. The chance for bias increases. I would want to see an even playing field, so the verdict will be fair.
Your comment proves you are more interested in the racial aspect rather than the legal aspect of this case.

No, I just like trials to be fair.

For instance, if a black man was on trial for killing a white man, I wouldn't want the jury to be full of white men, would you? Nor would I want it full of black men.
Can't you understand that??
So explain how choosing a jury based on their race makes it fair.
Your comment proves you are more interested in the racial aspect rather than the legal aspect of this case.

No, I just like trials to be fair.

For instance, if a black man was on trial for killing a white man, I wouldn't want the jury to be full of white men, would you? Nor would I want it full of black men.
Can't you understand that??
So explain how choosing a jury based on their race makes it fair.

Because this case is about race - you have the blacks defending Trayvon and the whites defending Zimmerman. People have turned the case into a racial debate and the media hasn't helped.

I don't think you would get a fair outcome if all the jury were black - you would have a right to object if they were all black.
A group of women will determine his guilt.

In our country, the accused is entitled to a trial by a jury of his PEERS. Not the pretend victim's peers. For one thing, druggy drop outs don't usually register to vote, and thus aren't called for jury duty.

I heard you are fat. Fuck you with that druggy drop out crap. I am his peer and I am no druggy drop out, racist.
Why? Do you wish this to be a racial trial, decided by racially motivated jurors?

No, but it would be unfair to have mainly whites on the jury, or mainly blacks. The chance for bias increases. I would want to see an even playing field, so the verdict will be fair.
Your comment proves you are more interested in the racial aspect rather than the legal aspect of this case.

Race is integral to the case and to the trial you moron. If GZ had been a black man, and TM a white teen who had candy and ice tea in his possession, you would be calling for GZ to be executed. If you were honest, you would admit it.
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