Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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How the fuck do you respond to someone who lies and then quotes the lie to prove he is not lying? I guess all you can do is neg his lying ass.

Because you never read the original statement to know what it was about.

You are such a moron.

I've read the transcript several times and I've read your interpretation of it. The dispatcher did not say what you claim he did, ergo, you are a liar.

You are a know liar, and we know your word can never be accepted.

You deliberately deceived in your above statement. The statement was recognizing voices, which was my original point. There is no question that GZ got out of the car although dispatch told him not to. The original posters were trying to misargue that the posted document said that dispatcher categorically never said such a thing, when it fact the subject was something else.

You all need to tell the truth. It would make matters so much better for all of us.

You guys cannot lie and get away it. I will always out you and succeed in revealing you as liars.
Yurt is simply lying. He can post my original if he wants.

Prosecutors: Zimmerman Ignored 911 Dispatch, Confronted Trayvon

Remember that you could have been honest, Yurt, but you lied, and you lied and then eventually confessed and was banned. See, you still try to tell false stories.

Idiot reactionaries have such trouble with the truth. And the fact you could give us the post # for comparison with your charge, you won't. End of story.

what? what did i lie about with regards to your post? i gave the post #, post #559. stop lying jake.

i'm done talking about you getting banned. you're just a whiny baby who got his own medicine shoved down this throat.

no surprise jake can't explain what i lied about

Because I have several times and you keep denying that you lied. As you did in another venue and got your comeuppance. Really, Yurt, don't be stupid anymore.
After he got the snot beat out of him. Okay, let me beat the snot out of you one day, you'll wish you'd had a gun then, wouldn't you? Oh don't worry, we don't want people defending themselves. Nooo, that would be baaaad!

snot beat out of him? He had a small cut to the top of his head and a small bump on his nose. I get banged up more playing street ball.

His nose was broken, moron, and the back of his head was a mess. All you're proving is how easy liberals lie to defend their sociopath heroes.

I'll say Zimmerman's nose was broken by Trayvon Martin.


what? what did i lie about with regards to your post? i gave the post #, post #559. stop lying jake.

i'm done talking about you getting banned. you're just a whiny baby who got his own medicine shoved down this throat.

no surprise jake can't explain what i lied about

Because I have several times and you keep denying that you lied. As you did in another venue and got your comeuppance. Really, Yurt, don't be stupid anymore.

what did i lie about jake? you have merely claimed it, yet, have never explained it or shown where i lied. unlike you, i backed up my claim that you lied by citing the exact post. you won't do the same because the fact is, i never lied.
Except for the photographic evidence, witness statements, police statements, forensic evidence and autopsy reports...

Aside from that, you are right, there is no evidence...:doubt:

Denying reality won't make it go away...

No witness said they saw Martin attack Zimmerman or bash his on the ground. The only witness to have any information about the initial confrontation (other than Zimmerman) is Martin's girlfriend.


Spontaneous laceration syndrome, I suppose.

I have no doubt there was an altercation. If someone followed and confronted me in the dark and got in my face and made assumptions about what I was doing IN MY FATHER'S APARTMENT COMPLEX, I'd kick their ass, too.

I would probably be a little scared since the person in my face is not a cop, but a jerk-off with his hand in his pocket. I would assume he was either playing with himself and hoped I wanted to play too, or maybe he had gun and wanted to hold me up.

The thing is we don't know how their "conversation" got started, now do we?

We know that Trayvon Martin had most probably been exposed to racial prejudice in his 17 some odd years and perhaps he might have become a little frightened by this stupid prick stopping him on the sidewalk and asking him questions. Most blacks have and at much earlier ages.

What would you have done, oh Keyboard Warrior? Do you have even the slightest notion of what it is like to be a young black man in America? Or are you just another clueless white guy who has never had a gun pointed in his face or a racial remark made to your face.
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The first police report said the wounds on Zimmerman were consistent with his recitation of events of the evening his attacker was shot in self-defense. They agreed it was self-defense and let Zimmerman go home.

I wouldn't call Katzndogz loony. I'd say he was well-read.

Patrolmen are not medical forensics experts. And the police did not think Zimmerman account was consistent with the evidence. Police wanted Zimmerman arrested but Republican ex Fox News analyst State Attorney said no...

What a mindless response. You provide no links to your claim. The State Attorney General was pressured into issuing an arrest warrant, even before the details of the incident were released, namely in the person of Angela Corey.

On March 21, 2012 IN NEW YORK CITY LIMO (With Crump) Pam Bondi (on phone): “Hey Sybrina, Tracy, are you there? Hi. I am so very, very, sorry. As attorney general, I have absolutely no legal authority to take the case, and I looked, I tried

(CBS) SANFORD, Fla. - The lead investigator probing the deadly shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin wanted neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman arrested and charged with manslaughter the night of the shooting, ABC News reports.

Photos: Trayvon Martin

Investigator Chris Serino of the Sanford, Fla. Police Department wanted the 28-year-old Zimmerman behind bars, but the state Attorney's Office said there was not enough evidence to lead to a conviction, sources told ABC.

Trayvon Martin lead investigator wanted George Zimmerman arrested the night of the fatal shooting - Crimesider - CBS News
Because you never read the original statement to know what it was about.

You are such a moron.

I've read the transcript several times and I've read your interpretation of it. The dispatcher did not say what you claim he did, ergo, you are a liar.

You are a know liar, and we know your word can never be accepted.

You deliberately deceived in your above statement. The statement was recognizing voices, which was my original point. There is no question that GZ got out of the car although dispatch told him not to. The original posters were trying to misargue that the posted document said that dispatcher categorically never said such a thing, when it fact the subject was something else.

You all need to tell the truth. It would make matters so much better for all of us.

You guys cannot lie and get away it. I will always out you and succeed in revealing you as liars.

another jake lie. the dispatcher did not tell him to not get out of the car.

Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah
Dispatcher: Ok, we don't need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Ok
snot beat out of him? He had a small cut to the top of his head and a small bump on his nose. I get banged up more playing street ball.

His nose was broken, moron, and the back of his head was a mess. All you're proving is how easy liberals lie to defend their sociopath heroes.

I'll say Zimmerman's nose was broken by Trayvon Martin.


He has a little bump on his nose ,not broken.
He was stalking him, and he had a gun, which he used.

After he got the snot beat out of him. Okay, let me beat the snot out of you one day, you'll wish you'd had a gun then, wouldn't you? Oh don't worry, we don't want people defending themselves. Nooo, that would be baaaad!

1. Who started the fight? 2. Who was defending hemselves? 3. If it were Martin, Zimmerman started the fight, lost the fight and killed an unarmed kid.

4. Everytime a person who is carrying a gun gets a bloody nose, can he then kill a person?

5. If anything...I feel as though Martin was defending himself against an unknown guy following him. Someone stepped to someone but this would have never even went down if Zimmerman (the cop wanna be who said "they always get away") would have not profiled Martin who was doing NOTHING wrong.

6. You know what, Fuck Zimmerman. He was wrong for honing in on an innocent unarmed, lawful American citizen.

1. Martin. Zimmerman backed off.

2. Zimmerman, he was being followed after backing off.

3. Zimmerman didn't start any fight, he might have been following him, but that was as far as it went! Indeed Zimmerman lost the fight, and was going to be beaten to death if he had not pulled out his firearm and defended himself.

4. A bloody nose? It could have been a whole lot worse! If someone is sitting there wailing on you, are you going to let them?

5. Profiled? Don't tell me you still believe that redacted video that NBC put out?

6. Lawful? As his cell phone video suggests, he was an accomplice to an assault on a defenseless homeless man. Sure. You are just wrong altogether.
Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah
Dispatcher: Ok, we don't need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Ok

Thank you for getting back on track. GZ was in the car on that phone call. The inference is clear, and exactly what Prosecution is going to argue: George elected to get out of the car, although told he did not need to follow TM, and disobeyed instructions.

Thank you for admitting you were confused.
Templar, GZ initiated a conflict. Are you saying TM had no right to defend himself?
Treyvon Martin was a grown man in every way except chronologically. He was 6 feet tall and weighed 158 pounds.
He was NOT that sweet looking 12 year old in that picture you are so fond of.

And he was not the thug with the gun.

No he was the thug who had been expelled from school for the 3rd time that term.
Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch coordinator (with a gun) that was doing his job.

If we accept the evidence so far made public, the real thug here brought the proverbial knife to a gun fight and paid with his life.

Zimmerman is the racist with a gun who had been arrested for domestic violence and resisting arrest with violence.
Except for the photographic evidence, witness statements, police statements, forensic evidence and autopsy reports...

Aside from that, you are right, there is no evidence...:doubt:

Denying reality won't make it go away...

No witness said they saw Martin attack Zimmerman or bash his on the ground. The only witness to have any information about the initial confrontation (other than Zimmerman) is Martin's girlfriend.


Spontaneous laceration syndrome, I suppose.

You can get more blood from falling down on the sidewalk and skinning your knee. Please, you people who just look at pictures and can't read.....tsk.
Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah
Dispatcher: Ok, we don't need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Ok

Thank you for getting back on track. GZ was in the car on that phone call. The inference is clear, and exactly what Prosecution is going to argue: George elected to get out of the car, although told he did not need to follow TM, and disobeyed instructions.

Thank you for admitting you were confused.

He complied. So what issue is there with this? His backing off should have been the end of it. Somehow, Martin came back wanting to pick a fight.

Thanks for admitting you had nothing productive to say.
No witness said they saw Martin attack Zimmerman or bash his on the ground. The only witness to have any information about the initial confrontation (other than Zimmerman) is Martin's girlfriend.


Spontaneous laceration syndrome, I suppose.

You can get more blood from falling down on the sidewalk and skinning your knee. Please, you people who just look at pictures and can't read.....tsk.

Obviously, we can get more arguments out of a three year old than you. Posting that picture proves that Zimmerman was the one on the bottom being beaten. It does nothing to prove your case.
Because you never read the original statement to know what it was about.

You are such a moron.

I've read the transcript several times and I've read your interpretation of it. The dispatcher did not say what you claim he did, ergo, you are a liar.

You are a know liar, and we know your word can never be accepted.

You deliberately deceived in your above statement. The statement was recognizing voices, which was my original point. There is no question that GZ got out of the car although dispatch told him not to. The original posters were trying to misargue that the posted document said that dispatcher categorically never said such a thing, when it fact the subject was something else.

You all need to tell the truth. It would make matters so much better for all of us.

You guys cannot lie and get away it. I will always out you and succeed in revealing you as liars.

This is where you lose the are uninformed. The dispatcher never told him not to leave his car. The dispatcher said "We dont need you to do that" after it was clear GZ was running after Martin. When told that, GZ then slowed down to a walk a few seconds later. The incident happened at the "T" in the sidewalk which is just inside the entrance area of the back of the townhomes. Just up from where GZ had parked his car on the side of the road.

The prosecutions best chance of showing Trayvons self defense was GZs own account of the confrontation where he reached for his pockets when asked if there was a problem. A gun happens to be in the very place he was reaching. The prosecution has to hammer that home if they hope to get a jury to see it their way...its their only hope...GZs own words.
Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah
Dispatcher: Ok, we don't need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Ok

Thank you for getting back on track. GZ was in the car on that phone call. The inference is clear, and exactly what Prosecution is going to argue: George elected to get out of the car, although told he did not need to follow TM, and disobeyed instructions.

Thank you for admitting you were confused.

He complied. So what issue is there with this? His backing off should have been the end of it. Somehow, Martin came back wanting to pick a fight.

Thanks for admitting you had nothing productive to say.

That is you, my friend. Somebody assaulted somebody, and if the jury determines that GZ began it, running away will not save him. The jury might even buy off on TM doing a pre-emptive assault if he thought he was really threatened in life and limb.
The dispatcher said "We dont need you to do that" after it was clear GZ was running after Martin. When told that, GZ then slowed down to a walk a few seconds later. .

Only inaccurate conjecture. The direction came when GZ was in the car.
If this pans out and the defense has Jeremy and one other eyewitness to testify that Zimmerman yelling for help - that erased any doubt I still had and I am squarely on the Self Defense Train. Jeremy was practically sitting on top of them from his 911 call vantage point.

The train has left the station.

Jeremy recanted his statement saying he assumed the person yelling for help was the guy wearing white and red because he was on the bottom. I would hardly call 30 feet "sitting on top". It was dark, raining and Jeremy's porch light was shinning in his face and everyone else said it was too dark to see anything. We would need a whole new thread to discuss Witness # 6.

Who is this other witness you speak of?

you have course have proof of this

Welcome to my nightmare

I do, and will try to find it.
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