Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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After he got the snot beat out of him. Okay, let me beat the snot out of you one day, you'll wish you'd had a gun then, wouldn't you? Oh don't worry, we don't want people defending themselves. Nooo, that would be baaaad!

Who started the fight? Who was defending hemselves? If it were Martin, Zimmerman started the fight, lost the fight and killed an unarmed kid.

Everytime a person who is carrying a gun gets a bloody nose, can he then kill a person?

If anything...I feel as though Martin was defending himself against an unknown guy following him. Someone stepped to someone but this would have never even went down if Zimmerman (the cop wanna be who said "they always get away") would have not profiled Martin who was doing NOTHING wrong.

You know what, Fuck Zimmerman. He was wrong for honing in on an innocent unarmed, lawful American citizen.

Good points. If everyone carrying a gun can just shoot, use deadly force, willy nilly, we are all at great risk. This is about gun control. People like Zimmerman should not be armed. People in certain situations should not be armed. He should not have been armed on Neighborhood Watch. He should have stayed with his vehicle. If those are not Neighborhood Watch rules, then they should be. Do not carry weapons. Do not go after, follow, stalk or chase after people you think are suspicious. Call the police and wait for them to deal with it. Zimmerman virtually created a situation in which an innocent young person is dead for no good reason.

Actually what this episode proves is that Zimmerman was smart to be armed. You never know what kind of vicious thugs are going to accost you when you're on neighborhood watch. The more of these punks we gun down, the better. That saves the taxpayers the cost of a trial and their incarceration. God knows, the police certainly aren't ever going to arrest them anyway.
Give the actual post #, ernie s. You are no one to tell anyone to do anything.

Fail if you can't go back to the original source.

Here, I will help you. #559 "In other words the proceedings pertains only to the dispatcher not being able to determine who was screaming because of outside sounds.

The dispatcher will be called to testify to what he and GZ said to each other. Yep, GZ was told not to get out of the car." This is about what the dispatcher will testify to. The earlier idiots were trying to use a document that supposedly said the dispatcher did not tell GZ to not get out of the car.

Got you guys, yet once again.

How the fuck do you respond to someone who lies and then quotes the lie to prove he is not lying?

I guess all you can do is neg his lying ass.

The only thing Fakey is worthy of is verbal abuse.

You are merely trolling now, guys, because you gut your rhetorical asses kicked.

If you something of substance to discuss, do it, but I won't answer trolling.
He was stalking him, and he had a gun, which he used.

After he got the snot beat out of him. Okay, let me beat the snot out of you one day, you'll wish you'd had a gun then, wouldn't you? Oh don't worry, we don't want people defending themselves. Nooo, that would be baaaad!

snot beat out of him? He had a small cut to the top of his head and a small bump on his nose. I get banged up more playing street ball.

His nose was broken, moron, and the back of his head was a mess. All you're proving is how easy liberals lie to defend their sociopath heroes.
Does this have anything to do with the smell of cannabis in the morning?

Yup, I negged him. Couldn't do anything else. Yurt and Ernie S. are congenital liars, who do not even bother to read the original document to see what was the main topic.

He claims he reported me for threatening.

Did I threaten him? Anyone?

I'm thinking about reporting you for not logging-off enough. :eusa_eh: This board and your negging and reporting of the band seems to be your raison d'être. Go outside once in a while retard.
Does this have anything to do with the smell of cannabis in the morning?

Yup, I negged him. Couldn't do anything else. Yurt and Ernie S. are congenital liars, who do not even bother to read the original document to see what was the main topic.


What a coincidence that, again, you accuse others of what everybody is perfectly aware is your own MO.


Fakey just accused me of trolling.

Isn't he a marvel?
This whole "Zimmerman followed him and confronted him, so Martin had every right to assault Zimmerman and bash his head against the ground" is about the stupidest argument I've ever heard.

I have every right to follow a suspicious person in a gated community.

I have every right to confront a suspicious individual...not withstanding that Zimmerman was captain of the neighborhood watch.

No individual has a right to attack me physically for either following or confronting them...period...end of discussion.

There is no evidence Martin assaulted Zimmerman or bashed his head against the ground.

Except for the photographic evidence, witness statements, police statements, forensic evidence and autopsy reports...

Aside from that, you are right, there is no evidence...:doubt:

Denying reality won't make it go away...

No witness said they saw Martin attack Zimmerman or bash his on the ground. The only witness to have any information about the initial confrontation (other than Zimmerman) is Martin's girlfriend.
How the fuck do you respond to someone who lies and then quotes the lie to prove he is not lying?

I guess all you can do is neg his lying ass.

The only thing Fakey is worthy of is verbal abuse.

You are merely trolling now, guys, because you gut your rhetorical asses kicked.

If you something of substance to discuss, do it, but I won't answer trolling.

Jake has declared a winner. Sorry guys [/thread]
Yup, I negged him. Couldn't do anything else. Yurt and Ernie S. are congenital liars, who do not even bother to read the original document to see what was the main topic.

He claims he reported me for threatening.

Did I threaten him? Anyone?

I'm thinking about reporting you for not logging-off enough. :eusa_eh: This board and your negging and reporting of the band seems to be your raison d'être. Go outside once in a while retard.

Oh Noooss he called me a retard. I'm going to tell my mommy!
Running them down and then getting your head bashed on the pavement, as well as your nose broken, makes it self defense, even if you're an Hispanic Democrat.

There is no conclusive evidence his head was bashed on the pavement or his nose was broken.

So you want to play that line, you ignorant tool?

George Zimmerman Medical Report Sheds Light on Injuries After Trayvon Martin Shooting - ABC News

Go sit in the corner and be ashamed of yourself.

Zimmerman refused medical treatment at the scene and never had any x-rays taken, just because he told his paid doctor his nose was broken doesn't make it so...
There is no evidence Martin assaulted Zimmerman or bashed his head against the ground.

Except for the photographic evidence, witness statements, police statements, forensic evidence and autopsy reports...

Aside from that, you are right, there is no evidence...:doubt:

Denying reality won't make it go away...

No witness said they saw Martin attack Zimmerman or bash his on the ground. The only witness to have any information about the initial confrontation (other than Zimmerman) is Martin's girlfriend.


Spontaneous laceration syndrome, I suppose.
Who started the fight? Who was defending hemselves? If it were Martin, Zimmerman started the fight, lost the fight and killed an unarmed kid.

Everytime a person who is carrying a gun gets a bloody nose, can he then kill a person?

If anything...I feel as though Martin was defending himself against an unknown guy following him. Someone stepped to someone but this would have never even went down if Zimmerman (the cop wanna be who said "they always get away") would have not profiled Martin who was doing NOTHING wrong.

You know what, Fuck Zimmerman. He was wrong for honing in on an innocent unarmed, lawful American citizen.

Good points. If everyone carrying a gun can just shoot, use deadly force, willy nilly, we are all at great risk. This is about gun control. People like Zimmerman should not be armed. People in certain situations should not be armed. He should not have been armed on Neighborhood Watch. He should have stayed with his vehicle. If those are not Neighborhood Watch rules, then they should be. Do not carry weapons. Do not go after, follow, stalk or chase after people you think are suspicious. Call the police and wait for them to deal with it. Zimmerman virtually created a situation in which an innocent young person is dead for no good reason.

Actually what this episode proves is that Zimmerman was smart to be armed. You never know what kind of vicious thugs are going to accost you when you're on neighborhood watch.

Go beyond the headlines, toots. Zimmerman had attended an HOA meeting in January and they explicitly told their watch members TO NOT CARRY FIREARMS while on duty.
It is against the HOA rules and regs.
It's called Neighborhood WATCH, not Neighborhood FOLLOW AND CONFRONT WITH A LOADED WEAPON. It's why they are told to call the police and not act like vigilantes.
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There is no conclusive evidence his head was bashed on the pavement or his nose was broken.

So you want to play that line, you ignorant tool?

George Zimmerman Medical Report Sheds Light on Injuries After Trayvon Martin Shooting - ABC News

Go sit in the corner and be ashamed of yourself.

Zimmerman refused medical treatment at the scene and never had any x-rays taken, just because he told his paid doctor his nose was broken doesn't make it so...


Scoliosis of the nasal bone...a logical conclusion.
and here jake is again stating zimmerman was told not to get out of the car

yet, when i point out his earlier post i'm a liar

you need professional help jake. you don't even realize how bad you lie. are the one who is on notice and the one who was banned first. i was banned because i admitted to responding to your pm. i was honest, i could have lied and i would not have been banned.

Yurt is simply lying. He can post my original if he wants.

Prosecutors: Zimmerman Ignored 911 Dispatch, Confronted Trayvon

Remember that you could have been honest, Yurt, but you lied, and you lied and then eventually confessed and was banned. See, you still try to tell false stories.

Idiot reactionaries have such trouble with the truth. And the fact you could give us the post # for comparison with your charge, you won't. End of story.

what? what did i lie about with regards to your post? i gave the post #, post #559. stop lying jake.

i'm done talking about you getting banned. you're just a whiny baby who got his own medicine shoved down this throat.

no surprise jake can't explain what i lied about
You are merely trolling now, guys, because you gut your rhetorical asses kicked.

If you something of substance to discuss, do it, but I won't answer trolling.

Jake has declared a winner. Sorry guys [/thread]

Thank you for accepting your beating gracefully. :lol:

I'm only conceding that I'm done arguing with a fool.
The farther this goes, the more likely I am to descend to your level where you are sure to beat me with your unrivaled experience.

Besides, I have to go over to a buddy's house for a while.
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