Casey Anthony

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    Votes: 9 90.0%
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  • undecided.

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George Anthony's own testimony on Thursday (or Friday) was that he heard the garage door open, and then Casey came through the garage door to the entryway and into the livingroom. She did not SNEAK BACK INTO THE HOUSE.

Pay attention. Also, leave your fucking political hatred of me out of this, would ya?

She thought he was not home, that he would be at work. She was unaware he had an interview that day and would be home. She claimed to be out of town, remember.

George's car was in the driveway, a clear indication he was home. She could have turned around and left.

Political hatred of you?? Drama much :eek: you're dishonest so I treat you accordingly. That you are a liberal just makes sense in the whole scheme of things.

My "drama" comes from your snarky little comment "Use your head..." How about leaving out the self-righteous commentary, then there wouldn't be a need for "drama" from me at all. And of course accusing me of being dishonest is disengenuous at best since you would need to explain to others here what you mean. But that would derail the thread, so if you think I'm so dishonest, I invite you to start a brand new thread in the Flame Zone and copy what you feel is "dishonest" regarding any political discussions we've had.
:doubt: Wouldn't it be more interesting to know when and why they dug it up?

You're two years behind the ball :cuckoo:

I was quoting (paraphrasing) precisely what Cindy Anthony testified to on Saturday. They laid concrete because they didn't want the grass anymore. On July 4, 2008. Next?
In case you missed the point - again....SO WHAT? They did yard work eee-gads!

It's possibly quite innocent, but it's a red flag. One of many.
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So is that what the Flame Zone is for??
So people can get on that area and blast the hell out of one another??
Seriously..I ask because, I don't fucking know.
I've never ventured into it................
Yes Dabs. It's the playpen where people go to beat each other up, verbally.
I don't buy Casey was molested, never will. I don't see it and I don't believe it. She is saying that NOW, to try and save her ass- to hell with everyone else.
She would throw her own Mother under a moving train to party with a guy, I have no doubt, she is just like a sociopath, she only thinks of herself.

Promiscuity and sociopathy are two characteristics of those who have been sexually abused.

It follows the same brain pattern as a child beaten by a parent then growing up to beat his/her own children. Some do, some don't, but it's not unusual when they do.
I think the molestation spin is hogwash. Just my two cents. Fucked up family, yes. Molestation by dad and brother and she speaks up NOW but not before because she's such a timid, demur little thing? Um hm. And I'm snow white.
Y'all need to calm down. This case is fascinating and sickening as well.
Maybe we all should chew some gum.

(wink wink)

Promiscuity and sociopathy are two characteristics of those who have been sexually abused.

It follows the same brain pattern as a child beaten by a parent then growing up to beat his/her own children. Some do, some don't, but it's not unusual when they do.

I have heard abused children grow up to be abusers themselves, in fact, I once had a teacher argue with me, try to tell me it was an absolute fact!
But it's not. And I'm proof, because I was an abused child, for over 11 years.
And you can ask any of my 4 children, and they will tell you, their Mommy was the best (haha)...they always tell people they would run to me first when they knew they were in trouble, and stay away from their Dad, because they knew I wouldn't spank them.
It's true, I never spanked my children, never swatted at them, never called them ugly names- I couldn't do it, it's not I wasn't a good discipliner, I just couldn't bring myself to bring hurt to my children, the way I was.
I stopped the cycle of abuse.
But, back to Casey Anthony, I don't know what her problem is...but I will never accept she was molested/abused. No way I will ever buy that story.
I think the molestation spin is hogwash. Just my two cents. Fucked up family, yes. Molestation by dad and brother and she speaks up NOW but not before because she's such a timid, demur little thing? Um hm. And I'm snow white.

She didn't appear so timid, shy and demur in those party-at-the-nightclub photos, did she??
So is that what the Flame Zone is for??
So people can get on that area and blast the hell out of one another??
Seriously..I ask because, I don't fucking know.
I've never ventured into it................

Yup. It can sometimes be fun, sometimes dumb, but it's also a place for people to vent against each other. Things can get moved there from other topic threads, and if the kiddies get really punchy, the thread lands in The Romper Room.
I think the molestation spin is hogwash. Just my two cents. Fucked up family, yes. Molestation by dad and brother and she speaks up NOW but not before because she's such a timid, demur little thing? Um hm. And I'm snow white.

You don't think it's odd that she never left home, or even seemed to want to? Even though my own parents were stricter than today's standards, they were kind and generous people, but I still wanted to get out on my own to be with friends and stay out as late as I wanted and the only way to do that was to move out. I see that as normal behavior. Casey was never "normal."
I think the molestation spin is hogwash. Just my two cents. Fucked up family, yes. Molestation by dad and brother and she speaks up NOW but not before because she's such a timid, demur little thing? Um hm. And I'm snow white.

You don't think it's odd that she never left home, or even seemed to want to? Even though my own parents were stricter than today's standards, they were kind and generous people, but I still wanted to get out on my own to be with friends and stay out as late as I wanted and the only way to do that was to move out. I see that as normal behavior. Casey was never "normal."

I see it as Casey thinking she had it made. She didn't have to pay for rent, for food, for laundry to be done, it was all free. Casey had a child too don't forget. If she were on her own, she'd have to find a sitter to go out partying, she didn't have to do that living with her parents, they watched the baby girl. I don't think Casey ever wanted to leave, because she was a free loader off her parents. Why go get your own place when you get everything for free??
I have a kid brother, half-brother, who was the same way. Fucker he was/is.
We share the same Mother, but we have different Dads.
He stayed at home after he graduated, he had a wife and kid and still stayed living with my parents! Hell he had it made, he had no rent to pay, somebody was always there to take care of his child, he used my poor Mother something awful. He was and still is a spoiled rotten piece of crap! And my guess is, Casey was a spoiled rotten thing too. And plus, Cindy and George probably loved the idea of little Caylee living with them.
I think the molestation spin is hogwash. Just my two cents. Fucked up family, yes. Molestation by dad and brother and she speaks up NOW but not before because she's such a timid, demur little thing? Um hm. And I'm snow white.

You mean "now" as in the 21st century or 'now' as in---a post-death/defense excuse?

Because, for your interest and consideration, she mentioned this to Jesse Grund in 2005 and once again to Anthony pre-June 16th.

But aside from that, WHY would the FBI waste precious time and resources performing DNA tests to a suspect's brother and father???

What would remotely make them feel compelled to perform a paternity test (which Lee refuse to do oddly enough) on these family members so to rule them out????

Surely it can't be because this obvious blatant-lying-suspect Casey, said so.

Were any of her uncles or neighbors or teachers or friends required to undergo a DNA paternity test? Nope! Just her own father and brother. Odd, eh?
MaggieMae and Dabs,

Yes, I agree Casey had it made, from the outside looking in. On the surface anyway.
But at what cost? If her father was molesting her and perhaps Caylee, free rent has no value or appreciation.

I also think Caylee kept this loveless marriage of George and Cindy's together. At least (once again) on the surface.
This family is extremely superficial. Looks (whether personal or household) mattered a lot.

In one of George's few correspondences with Casey, he had the nerve to tell her she was putting on weight!!!!

His child is in jail on murder charges and he's focusing in on her weight?

No wonder the girl has issues and is constantly fussin' and fidgeting with her hair/clothes .
I swear, it looks like she can't control herself. Almost like an outbreak of tourette masturbation. (yes, I just coined a new disease *smile)
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MaggieMae and Dabs,

Yes, I agree Casey had it made, from the outside looking in. On the surface anyway.
But at what cost? If her father was molesting her and perhaps Caylee, free rent has no value or appreciation.

I also think Caylee kept this loveless marriage of George and Cindy's together. At least (once again) on the surface.
This family is extremely superficial. Looks (whether personal or household) mattered a lot.

In one of George's few correspondences with Casey, he had the nerve to tell her she was putting on weight!!!!

His child is in jail on murder charges and he's focusing in on her weight?

Maybe he was trying to shift the conversation to one of a more softer measure perhaps??
Instead if sitting there constantly rehashing the shit about Casey's ass sitting in a jail cell, maybe he was trying to get her thoughts to move toward some positives?? He wasn't saying she was a fatass or anything, he simply commented she looked like she had put on weight-which can be a good thing, if someone looks too thin and frail, and you notice they have filled out some, you can tell them, might make them feel a lil better.
Altho I highly doubt in Casey's case she thought this, but I can see where and why George would say something like that, because I have said it to someone, when they were on the verge of chopping my head off and to get them to calm down and think more positively, I tried to get the subject changed.
I think the molestation spin is hogwash. Just my two cents. Fucked up family, yes. Molestation by dad and brother and she speaks up NOW but not before because she's such a timid, demur little thing? Um hm. And I'm snow white.

You mean "now" as in the 21st century or 'now' as in---a post-death/defense excuse?

Because, for your interest and consideration, she mentioned this to Jesse Grund in 2005 and once again to Anthony pre-June 16th.

But aside from that, WHY would the FBI waste precious time and resources performing DNA tests to a suspect's brother and father???

What would remotely make them feel compelled to perform a paternity test (which Lee refuse to do oddly enough) on these family members so to rule them out????

Surely it can't be because this obvious blatant-lying-suspect Casey, said so.

Were any of her uncles or neighbors or teachers or friends required to undergo a DNA paternity test? Nope! Just her own father and brother. Odd, eh?

I have always thought it to be known to everyone, that the police and FBI are to eliminate the immediate family first, then go from there. And also, if the crazy bitch Casey would just tell somedamnbody who the real Father is, it sure would save a lot of police and FBI and tax payers a helluva lot of money, trying to figure it out, by not having to DNA everybody.
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Casey is a known liar. Cindy is a known liar. George is a known liar. Lee . . . mais, we'll just have to wait and see what happens when he's on the stand.

I read a few documents today. LE interviews very early on.
Here's something that really stood out to me.

Cindy Anthony's Supervisor Debbie Polisano LE Interview:

Polisano --- So, I'm always back there early in the morningand Cindy came i n that day. And she was saying . . .that someone . . . someone had broken into their yard. That George is gonna make a police report. Because the ladder was . . . she felt there was someone swimming in her pool. Because the ladder was up against the wall of the pool and she never did that. She always made sure she put it away.

Officer------And that's the same time she's telling you about the gas cans being taken?

Polisano----Yeah, to me I . . . I remember it as being the same day. Because she said . . that's weird because someone else had broke into the shed and stole the gas cans.


So, why didn't George mention to the police when he filed his report about the missing gas cans, that his yard had also been broken into (I'm assuming the "locked" gate"?) and about the ladder situation with the pool?

Hmmmm . . . what date did GA file that report on about his missing gas cans?
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Also found this document interesting.
The KRONK 911 calls.
I knew he was a meter reader in area of the Anthony home.
I never knew he said he had the Anthony home on his route.

"Uhh . . . I'm a meter reader with Orange County and I had the route today that included the Anthony's home."

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