Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

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    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

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  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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I think the molestation spin is hogwash. Just my two cents. Fucked up family, yes. Molestation by dad and brother and she speaks up NOW but not before because she's such a timid, demur little thing? Um hm. And I'm snow white.

You don't think it's odd that she never left home, or even seemed to want to? Even though my own parents were stricter than today's standards, they were kind and generous people, but I still wanted to get out on my own to be with friends and stay out as late as I wanted and the only way to do that was to move out. I see that as normal behavior. Casey was never "normal."

Nope. Nowadays, kids stay home forever if they can get a free ride. She gets a free ride. They spoiled her rotten. She could have left any time she wanted to by putting on her big girl panties and being an adult.
It's hogwash. She is a lazy bum. The only way I will believe her father and brother molested her is if they both admit it. Otherwise, she's still the same liar she's always been.
Good morning.

Trial getting ready to start and the Judge has granted Lee Anthony's request to sit in the courtroom.

*Yawn* I'm grabbing a cup of coffee and trying to wake up before Cindy takes the stand again.

Grace -- I'm sorry I keep using the different abbreviations. I research a lot of topics for my storylines - - it's just a habit. I'll try to be more careful here and limit the use of them.
That's fine you don't believe it. It's still a free country (unless Patriot Act part IV was introduced while I was showering earlier but.....) here's what a lot of you are doing:

You are judging a person based on her behavior. Period. You see all these photos, and videos, and hear the tapes etc over and over again but very few are questioning WHY she acts this way.

Now whether taking that additional leap is too deep for some of you to plunge, that leap NEEDS to be done in order to understand this entire paradigm.

You can't fault someone for murder based on their outward (albeit: blatant and bizarre) behavior. Stealing, partying, lying and cheating does NOT add up to murder. What it does add up to is a very very troubled person. But WHY is she troubled? She didn't wake up on June 16th and just become troubled.

I care and want to take the time to try to figure out WHY she acted the way she did/does.
Much like when my alarm clock (let's say) doesn't work. I am the type who will take it apart to figure out why it doesn't work and try to fix the problem.
Not because I'm cheap but because I am curious.
I want to know why and how things tick (no pun intended) So although it is much easier to toss out that clock and just purchase a new one, I am too inquisitive not to at least try to know. And in this throw away society o' ours, I am probably a dying breed.
Most people want quick answers. Quick this. Quick that. No time to do anything anymore let alone, 'think' !. We leave that up to others (media/tabloids) to do that for us.

I will presume her innocent until I, me, TwoPhish hears/sees something to persuade me otherwise.
I wish more would do the same.

Blah blah's a thought. How about you all who want to pretend facts don't matter start your own thread where you can all pat yourselves on the backs for being uninformed like rock stars and stupid as drywall.

The rest of us can discuss the sworn testimony in the actual trial like adults.
Question- has anyone heard whether Ms. Casey will take the stand herself??
Does anyone think she will?....or even should??
Just curious.
My "drama" comes from your snarky little comment "Use your head..." How about leaving out the self-righteous commentary, then there wouldn't be a need for "drama" from me at all. And of course accusing me of being dishonest is disengenuous at best since you would need to explain to others here what you mean. But that would derail the thread, so if you think I'm so dishonest, I invite you to start a brand new thread in the Flame Zone and copy what you feel is "dishonest" regarding any political discussions we've had.
Can you just drop the drama all together from here on in?

She told them, Cindy, she was in Tampa.

I just read through the transcripts and didn't see that his car was in the drive...her's was. You got a link?
JA: what led up to you seeing casey?

I had come back from back and was easing into my thought process about the interview.

JB: objection


JA: in your living room?


JA: in your living room tell us what happened next.

the garage door goes up and here is Casey coming in the house.

JA: is you concerned about who is coming in?


JA: when you first saw casey where was she?

near the door area

JA: she was coming through the garage? is that where she came thru?


JA: were you happy?


JA: what was her reaction

somewhat surprise on her part
Baez never questioned George if he went to or put anything in the care.
I've been reading Lee Anthony's Interview with Law Enforvement and here's a few things that he said in it.

George Anthony told him -- before Casey showed up with the missing gas cans -- that he (George) was pretty sure that Casey was the one whio took them.

Lee Anthony also says that Tony Lazzaro told him he waited in his jeep while Casey went and got the gas cans. That there was enough time for a couple of songs to play on his radio.

And he had this to say about June 5th 2008 -- Cindy Anthony's birthday:

"Oh, it was my mom's birthday. So you know, naturally go over there to wish her
a happy birthday (laughs). And I didn't spend a whole lot of time with her. I had
some prior obligations that, you know, that I was going to also. But just trying to
stop over."

BUT her supivisor Debbue Polisano had this to say about it:

"That nobody remembered her birthday. And that she was really upset and un, she was upset at George because he . . . I guess he remembered but all he did was stick a present on the counter and just go to work . . .didn't say anything. And uh, Casey hadn't called or shown up. And LEE had called in the evening and she was happy 'cause she though he remembered and then she realized he didb't even remember, he was just calling her to see if she sould cut his hair. So, she was mad".

Also, after Casey's things were retrieved from Tony Lazzaro's, a policewoman gave them permission to dump everything out of one of the bags onto the living room floor. The policewoman then for some reason goes outside of the house leaving the family alone with potential evidence . . . and Lee's says ---

"And when my mother
at that point had opened up my sister's wallet, she had actually aiready opened
up my sister's wallet because she was looking through the contents of this large
wallet, saw unfolded, it had to be a minimum of a hundred and forty, maybe as
much as two hundred dollars just from seeing the number of bills, straight twenty
dollars biifs that were taken out. And the reason why I know the officer wasn't in
there is because my morn grabbed the money and goes, and, and put it in her
pocket. And no one else was in there."

So -- it appears Lee has a different version of the way things happened . . . with more than one person.

all of this is on humble opinion forum dot net
I just tuned in (I over slept)

But I just heard her say:
"Ever since that day she (Cindy) hasn't put anyone in the trunk?" Was that another Freudian slip?

I'm sorry folks, but what this woman does, instead of lying, she side steps. And when there's no more room to step, her words/thoughts get so jumbled up that it's painful to watch her squirm.

Just because she denies (opposed to lying) and comes off naive, this doesn't give her a free ticket for sympathy. For all we know she may be acting or at least, partly.
I do have empathy for her but it stops right there. Take Saturday for instances. Cindy is on the stand and the State shows a photo of Caylee's bedroom and she bursts out crying????
Are you kidding me??
The woman LIVES in the house where she passes that room every day!!!! So it's not like it came as a shock to her to see that picture. Caylee's room has not changed (according to Cindy) Even the bed remains the same as it did in 2008.

So if those tears were fake (and I do believe they were) it shows she's capable of turning on and turning off different emotions at a given time to suit the situation.

I'd like to line them all up and deliver them one long and hard bitch slap! I tell ya, one is worse than the other in this mental family!
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Question- has anyone heard whether Ms. Casey will take the stand herself??
Does anyone think she will?....or even should??
Just curious.

Dabs ~~

I haven't heard it said that Casey is -- but unless one of the other key players ie Cindy or George Anthony -- has a huge meltdown full of revaltions OR gets gets impeached on the stand -- I just don't see a way around it, I think she has to testify.
I just tuned in (I over slept)

But I just heard her day:
"Ever since that day she (Cindy) hasn't put anyone in the trunk?" Was that another Freudian slip?

I'm sorry folks, but what this woman does, instead of lying, she side steps. And when there's no more room to step, her words/thoughts get so jumbled up that it's painful to watch her squirm.

Just because she denies (opposed to lying) and comes off naive, this doesn't give her a free ticket for sympathy. For all we know she may be acting or at least, partly.
I do have empathy for her but it stops right there. Take Saturday for instances. Cindy is on the stand and the State shows a photo of Caylee's bedroom and she bursts out crying????
Are you kidding me??
The woman LIVES in the house where she passes that room every day!!!! So it's not like it came as a shock to her to see that picture. Caylee's room has not changed (according to Cindy) Even the bed remains the same as it did in 2008.

So if those tears were fake (and I do believe they were) it shows she's capable of turning on and turning off different emotions at a given time to suit the situation.

I'd like to line them all up and deliver them one long and hard bitch slap! I tell ya, one is worse than the other in this mental family!

Maybe she keeps the door closed to little Caylee's room, at her home, so she doesn't have to look inside of it every day.
When shown the photos, she had no choice but to look at the 'inside' of Caylee's room...there is that possibility.
And I know what's it like to keep a room totally untouched and left exactly the same for a special someone, even after that someone is no longer here.
I see mud on (I assume, Casey's) high heels in the back seat of her car. I wonder if anyone compared the soil sample to the 'wooded area'?

One more thing, Cindy first said she put Drier Sheets throughout the car to help rid the stink, then she changed it to one sheet.
And her excuse over and over again (when she get's tripped up) is, 'her granddaughter was missing. She was busy looking for her' etc.

That ain't flying anymore.
Ha! I just want to apologize for all my spelling mistakes in my first post.

Hey! I hadn't even had my first cup of coffee yet!
I see mud on (I assume, Casey's) high heels in the back seat of her car. I wonder if anyone compared the soil sample to the 'wooded area'?

One more thing, Cindy first said she put Drier Sheets throughout the car to help rid the stink, then she changed it to one sheet.
And her excuse over and over again (when she get's tripped up) is, 'her granddaughter was missing. She was busy looking for her' etc.

That ain't flying anymore.

Baez said in his opening statement that EVERY pair of shoes Casey Anthony owned were taken and tested and not one pair had any forensic evidence tying her to that area.

I'm pretty sure the forensic experts will testify to this also.
I see mud on (I assume, Casey's) high heels in the back seat of her car. I wonder if anyone compared the soil sample to the 'wooded area'?

One more thing, Cindy first said she put Drier Sheets throughout the car to help rid the stink, then she changed it to one sheet.
And her excuse over and over again (when she get's tripped up) is, 'her granddaughter was missing. She was busy looking for her' etc.

That ain't flying anymore.

You are the only one accusing Cindy. What exactly do you want to accuse her of?
I don't know if I can watch anymore of this BULLSHIT.

This woman is NOT tearing at all. Look at her. Look for any moisture on her face YET she keeps dabbing her eyes and wiping her nose.
I am convinced this is an act!!!!!!!!!

This is not saying Casey isn't a liar but my gawd, her mother is one piece of work.
She has had 3 years to prepare for this. She is NOT shy. She's been on friggin Larry King show for gawd sake. Now, all of a sudden, this is painfully tearful for her???

I think the problem might be is she doesn't know what/which side to cooperate with. Does she want to be dishonest and help the State? HONEST in which she'd admit to molestation charges, with the Defense.

Too bad. Because she George and Lee helped create this mess!!!!! Everyone deserves exactly what they're getting right now.
Ha! I just want to apologize for all my spelling mistakes in my first post.

Hey! I hadn't even had my first cup of coffee yet!

No worries, did you see the post before yours??
They spelled dryer sheets-- drier sheets. And what's worse, there was a pharse-- That aint flying anymore. :eek:

But everyone must forgive me, I am picky on spelling, I work in a school and spelling and proper English were my specialty, it bugs the shit out of me when people can't spell correctly :lol:
Ha! I just want to apologize for all my spelling mistakes in my first post.

Hey! I hadn't even had my first cup of coffee yet!

No worries, did you see the post before yours??
They spelled dryer sheets-- drier sheets. And what's worse, there was a pharse-- That aint flying anymore. :eek:

But everyone must forgive me, I am picky on spelling, I work in a school and spelling and proper English were my specialty, it bugs the shit out of me when people can't spell correctly :lol:

Uhhh . . . Dabs ~~

How do you think me, myself, mispelling words make me feel? I'm a Writer for God's sake! :eek:
Ha! I just want to apologize for all my spelling mistakes in my first post.

Hey! I hadn't even had my first cup of coffee yet!

No worries, did you see the post before yours??
They spelled dryer sheets-- drier sheets. And what's worse, there was a pharse-- That aint flying anymore. :eek:

But everyone must forgive me, I am picky on spelling, I work in a school and spelling and proper English were my specialty, it bugs the shit out of me when people can't spell correctly :lol:

Uhhh . . . Dabs ~~

How do you think me, myself, mispelling words make me feel? I'm a Writer for God's sake! :eek:

Well, I seemed to have spelled the word 'phrase' wrong in my post, so we can't all be perfect. Hell, it's early still, we'll get better as the day goes by :)
Blah blah's a thought. How about you all who want to pretend facts don't matter start your own thread where you can all pat yourselves on the backs for being uninformed like rock stars and stupid as drywall.

The rest of us can discuss the sworn testimony in the actual trial like adults.

Wow! Talk about being arrogant, ignorant and bias!!!

So if someone doesn't agree with your point of view, they're uninformed? Would you care to show me one thing I allege are facts yet, aren't?

(didn't think so....)

Most everything I write are from depositions and this trial. I then DO add MY speculation (as to what might've happened in between) just like you folks are adding the 'chloroform-killed-Caylee-so-Casey-could-party' speculation amongst many other allegations.

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