Casey Anthony

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Okay, we know Casey had the car from at least June 16th 2008 because George swears was the last time he saw Caylee. He watched Casey and Caylee get into it. On June 24th 2008 he swears that there was an altercation between Casey and him about the missing gas cans and her retrieving them from the trunk and shoving them at him and he says she got into the car and backed out taking off down the road.
However, when Cindy reports the car "stolen" on a 911 call, she gives the date of theft as June 30 2008.

The very same day it was impounded and the fees began.

Why the fuck wasn't it reported "stolen" long before that?

Because they understood it was in her daughters possession and Caylee was with her. It makes sense to me
No, It is first hand knowledge.

Lee Anthony: Exactly. Uhm, so Casey you know, they re...emerged with her, with the, with the
gas cans. But uh, when I heard about the gas can story from uhm, my fatherwas that he said that someone had, because we have these little padlocks on our
sheds in the back. Uhm, typically we don't even keep them locked. Uhm,
someone had broken into the shed, taken the gas cans out, and uhm, he was
pretty sure that it was Casey. And then it was able, we were able later to find out
that it absolutely was. Tony said that Casey did indeed get the gas cans. He
didn't know that she had stole them (laughs)."

From George's mouth to Lee's ears.

About Tony Lazarro's part in the gas can theft:

Lee Anthony: Uh, and this has been, I've just been abie to piece this togetherfrom hearing
from my father and mother and through, and from Tony uhm, Lazaro.
Was about
a week prior to the time when the Sunfire ran out of gas at the AmScot, about a
week prior to that uhm, my sister had ran out of gas close to the home. Called
Tony to come get her. Tony brought my sister per her request to my, to my
parents' house. He stayed, my sister asked him to stay in his vehicle whiie she
go inside to get uh, gas cans. Uhm, so he explained it as her being inside for at least you know, what would probably be ten or fifteen minutes. Enough for a few
songs to play on the radio."

From George, Cindy and Tony Lazzaro's mouth to Lee's ears.

The revelence of the two statements from Lee Anthony and Debbie Polisano statements regarding Cindy Anthony's birthday June 5th 2008 is that Lee alludes that he went to the ANthony house where Debbie retells a conversation with Cindy how Lee called and din't even remember it was her birthday. Whether he actually showed up there, we'll have to wait and see.

And yes, Cindy Anthony appears to be a thief AND if Lee is to be believed, she also tampered with evidence when she removed that money --- on the sly.

I'm just trying to find the truth here, dude. We've all heard most of Casey's lies played out through the media, over and over. Let's look at some of the other key players. No need to be so damn grumpy when facts (and yes, it is a fact that lee Anthony indeed gave an interview and made these statements) are posted on this board. Oh yeah, and I'm pretty fucking sure this interview of Lee Anthony's will become e-v-i-d-e-n-c-e.
I find this rather ironic. The people who feel Casey killed Caylee (which I am not positive of myself) are the ones who should be pissed off at Cindy, George and Lee.
But for THEIR actions throughout the summer of 2008, we'll never know.

If this were a simple (yet semi-complex) killing of a mother to her child, it shouldn't be this difficult to figure out.
But because this entire clan's actions of either; lying, tampering with evidence or not forthcoming they and ONLY they have made this case IMPOSSIBLE to solve.

So instead of me (who doesn't think Casey is 100% guilty) being this upset with Cindy, you are the ones who should be!!!!

She (and the Anthony's) have clouded this case so much that nobody can see the truth anymore.

Again, it's ironic.

Again, can you provide any links or proof to your accusations?
Okay, we know Casey had the car from at least June 16th 2008 because George swears was the last time he saw Caylee. He watched Casey and Caylee get into it. On June 24th 2008 he swears that there was an altercation between Casey and him about the missing gas cans and her retrieving them from the trunk and shoving them at him and he says she got into the car and backed out taking off down the road.
However, when Cindy reports the car "stolen" on a 911 call, she gives the date of theft as June 30 2008.

The very same day it was impounded and the fees began.

Why the fuck wasn't it reported "stolen" long before that?

Because they understood it was in her daughters possession and Caylee was with her. It makes sense to me

Oh come on, RD. If that's the case then Cindy Anthony should have reported that the Tow Company stole it. Afterall, they at that date, June 30th 2008, had possesion of it.

Instead it was "My daughter who has been missing for a month, driving said car, didn't actually steal said car until 15 days after we knew she had possession of it."

Ha! Ha! Whatever . . .
Again, can you provide any links or proof to your accusations?

Are we watching the SAME trial???

What is your point???

Even those who believe Casey is guilty as hell say that the Anthony's totally fucked this up due to their involvement.

It's not an epiphany nor a Defense strategy to go after this family and show how knee-deep they are involved in this case/cover-up.

Even if I THOUGHT Casey was 100% guilty that doesn't negate how the Anthony's deceived LE.

Casey being guilty has nothing to do with acknowledging the involvement this family plays into the matter.
No, It is first hand knowledge.

Lee Anthony: Exactly. Uhm, so Casey you know, they re...emerged with her, with the, with the
gas cans. But uh, when I heard about the gas can story from uhm, my fatherwas that he said that someone had, because we have these little padlocks on our
sheds in the back. Uhm, typically we don't even keep them locked. Uhm,
someone had broken into the shed, taken the gas cans out, and uhm, he was
pretty sure that it was Casey. And then it was able, we were able later to find out
that it absolutely was. Tony said that Casey did indeed get the gas cans. He
didn't know that she had stole them (laughs)."

From George's mouth to Lee's ears.

About Tony Lazarro's part in the gas can theft:

Lee Anthony: Uh, and this has been, I've just been abie to piece this togetherfrom hearing
from my father and mother and through, and from Tony uhm, Lazaro.
Was about
a week prior to the time when the Sunfire ran out of gas at the AmScot, about a
week prior to that uhm, my sister had ran out of gas close to the home. Called
Tony to come get her. Tony brought my sister per her request to my, to my
parents' house. He stayed, my sister asked him to stay in his vehicle whiie she
go inside to get uh, gas cans. Uhm, so he explained it as her being inside for at least you know, what would probably be ten or fifteen minutes. Enough for a few
songs to play on the radio."

From George, Cindy and Tony Lazzaro's mouth to Lee's ears.

He wasn't there, he heard and pieced together stories. His own words. Again I just don't think he lied or this is relevant. TL's sworn testimony on the stand disputes his recollection. It's he said he said.
The revelence of the two statements from Lee Anthony and Debbie Polisano statements regarding Cindy Anthony's birthday June 5th 2008 is that Lee alludes that he went to the ANthony house where Debbie retells a conversation with Cindy how Lee called and din't even remember it was her birthday. Whether he actually showed up there, we'll have to wait and see.

And yes, Cindy Anthony appears to be a thief AND if Lee is to be believed, she also tampered with evidence when she removed that money --- on the sly.
I can't find those transcripts. So I don't know

I'm just trying to find the truth here, dude
. We've all heard most of Casey's lies played out through the media, over and over. Let's look at some of the other key players. No need to be so damn grumpy when facts (and yes, it is a fact that lee Anthony indeed gave an interview and made these statements) are posted on this board. Oh yeah, and I'm pretty fucking sure this interview of Lee Anthony's will become e-v-i-d-e-n-c-e.

:lol: okay
Okay, we know Casey had the car from at least June 16th 2008 because George swears was the last time he saw Caylee. He watched Casey and Caylee get into it. On June 24th 2008 he swears that there was an altercation between Casey and him about the missing gas cans and her retrieving them from the trunk and shoving them at him and he says she got into the car and backed out taking off down the road.
However, when Cindy reports the car "stolen" on a 911 call, she gives the date of theft as June 30 2008.

The very same day it was impounded and the fees began.

Why the fuck wasn't it reported "stolen" long before that?

Because they understood it was in her daughters possession and Caylee was with her. It makes sense to me

Oh come on, RD. If that's the case then Cindy Anthony should have reported that the Tow Company stole it. Afterall, they at that date, June 30th 2008, had possesion of it.

Instead it was "My daughter who has been missing for a month, driving said car, didn't actually steal said car until 15 days after we knew she had possession of it."

Ha! Ha! Whatever . . .

Don't bother justifying your valid point. You and I know what's going on here.

It's not a 'them' or 'Casey' argument.
No one is denying the Anthony's did some big time major covering up! Their own attorney even quit them. Lawyer's don't usually fire their clients. Think about it. (not you Texas. I am saying this in general)

And once again, I am not putting the entire onus on the Anthony's. I am sharing the responsibility between this totally dysfunctional family.

Casey might've killed Caylee. Maybe. I don't know.
But that doesn't mean the Anthony's weren't involved in at minimum, a cover-up.

You don't have to feel Casey is a killer and in exchange, feel beholden to the Anthony's. It's not that black or white.
I'm wondering if Baez's cross will bring out the same amount of emotion and tears from Cindy Anthony?

LOL. If she has a good attorney she would be instructed to maintain the same decorum throughout the case.

But The Anthony's dance to their own drummer at all times so......who knows.
It'll be interesting.

I am a very passionate, considerate and empathic person by nature but I just don't feel an iota of sympathy toward this woman.
Don't know if I am just callus to the lies and deception or just tired of seeing through her (and the clan).
Okay, we know Casey had the car from at least June 16th 2008 because George swears was the last time he saw Caylee. He watched Casey and Caylee get into it. On June 24th 2008 he swears that there was an altercation between Casey and him about the missing gas cans and her retrieving them from the trunk and shoving them at him and he says she got into the car and backed out taking off down the road.
However, when Cindy reports the car "stolen" on a 911 call, she gives the date of theft as June 30 2008.

The very same day it was impounded and the fees began.

Why the fuck wasn't it reported "stolen" long before that?

Because they understood it was in her daughters possession and Caylee was with her. It makes sense to me

Oh come on, RD. If that's the case then Cindy Anthony should have reported that the Tow Company stole it. Afterall, they at that date, June 30th 2008, had possesion of it.

Instead it was "My daughter who has been missing for a month, driving said car, didn't actually steal said car until 15 days after we knew she had possession of it."

Ha! Ha! Whatever . . .
Tow companies don't steal cars, they tow them.

You asked I answered. She is not on trail and she has admitted she was using the police to try to scare caysee into talking to her. I am not defending it, I think she got way more than she bargained for trying to finally see Caylee.

I don't see where that falls under obstruction or hindering this investigation
Taken from Jesse Grund's Interview with Law Enforcement:

EE And June 24th, a pretty significant day in your life.
JG Correct.
EE Uhm, we, and we know why. We don't have to pick that scab.
JG Okay.
EE But that's why you remember that this conversation occurred that day because
you guys talked about that?
JG Correct.
EE Okay. She call you or you call her?
JG I called her.
EE And you didn't know where she was?
JG No, no idea where she was.
EE Okay, but you definitely...
JG Heard Caylee in the background. Whenever, whenever Casey got on the phone
Caylee is immediately wanted attention. Uhm, huh, she wanted the attention on
her whenever her mother was on the phone. And wanted to talk on the phone.
Uhm, but I, I, I remember Casey specifically telling Caylee in the background
uhm, "Stop doing that. No." And then I heard Caylee, you know, gibberish in the
And then she told Caylee to get off the table. Told her to sit down.
I remember hearing that specifically.
EE Did she yell out her name or just or an order?
JG "Caylee no! Stop! No." That was exactly how it sounded.
EE Okay.
JG Uhm, "Get off the table Caylee. Sit down. Mom's on the phone." So, so that, that's, that's exactly how...
EE: And that's the 24th of June?
JG: Correct.

Jesse says he heard Caylee in the background on the June 24th, 2008. Isn't this the same date George Anthony says the arguement/confrontation happened between Casey and he over the gas cans? Hmm . . .

taken from Case Documents Released | 
Tow companies don't steal cars, they tow them.

You asked I answered. She is not on trail and she has admitted she was using the police to try to scare caysee into talking to her. I am not defending it, I think she got way more than she bargained for trying to finally see Caylee.

I don't see where that falls under obstruction or hindering this investigation

By Cindy's own testimony she hadn't seen Casey and Caylee (and suffice it to say; the car) since June 16th.

Why not report it stolen on June 17th? Or June 29th? Or July 2nd? Or July 13th? (oh, you get my point)

Why? Because Casey had permissible access to the car since she started driving. But hey?.....if Cindy wants full ownership of the car, why not charge HER with killing Caylee seeing 'decomposition' was found in the trunk of HER car?

See? Truth only matter's to the Anthony's when it's beneficial and there's something to gain!
This family tosses the truth back and forth like it were a game of Hot Potato (oops, did I spell 'potato' correctly for the Spelling Nazi patrol?)
Taken from Jesse Grund's Interview with Law Enforcement:

EE And June 24th, a pretty significant day in your life.
JG Correct.
EE Uhm, we, and we know why. We don't have to pick that scab.
JG Okay.
EE But that's why you remember that this conversation occurred that day because
you guys talked about that?
JG Correct.
EE Okay. She call you or you call her?
JG I called her.
EE And you didn't know where she was?
JG No, no idea where she was.
EE Okay, but you definitely...
JG Heard Caylee in the background. Whenever, whenever Casey got on the phone
Caylee is immediately wanted attention. Uhm, huh, she wanted the attention on
her whenever her mother was on the phone. And wanted to talk on the phone.
Uhm, but I, I, I remember Casey specifically telling Caylee in the background
uhm, "Stop doing that. No." And then I heard Caylee, you know, gibberish in the
And then she told Caylee to get off the table. Told her to sit down.
I remember hearing that specifically.
EE Did she yell out her name or just or an order?
JG "Caylee no! Stop! No." That was exactly how it sounded.
EE Okay.
JG Uhm, "Get off the table Caylee. Sit down. Mom's on the phone." So, so that, that's, that's exactly how...
EE: And that's the 24th of June?
JG: Correct.

Jesse says he heard Caylee in the background on the June 24th, 2008. Isn't this the same date George Anthony says the arguement/confrontation happened between Casey and he over the gas cans? Hmm . . .

taken from Case Documents Released*|*
Doesn't matter, the defense claims she dies on the 16th.
Taken from Jesse Grund's Interview with Law Enforcement:

JG Heard Caylee in the background. Whenever, whenever Casey got on the phone
Caylee is immediately wanted attention. Uhm, huh, she wanted the attention on
her whenever her mother was on the phone. And wanted to talk on the phone.
Uhm, but I, I, I remember Casey specifically telling Caylee in the background
uhm, "Stop doing that. No." And then I heard Caylee, you know, gibberish in the
And then she told Caylee to get off the table. Told her to sit down.
I remember hearing that specifically.

I caught that too. But I just chalked it off to perhaps Casey had some other child play 'Caylee' in the background so to keep the charade going.

But I wonder if Baez will make something of it though. I doubt it. He can't change the death time-line now.

It's also interesting Casey originally stated she last saw Caylee on June 6th.

If it weren't for the Nursing Home video (and Cindy's original call to 911) this never would've made the headlines. And probably would've been just another Cold Cased for yet another missing child here in Florida----the land of paradise!

And our states motto? "Come on vacation. Leave on probation". They didn't coin that phrase for nothin'!
Tow companies don't steal cars, they tow them.

You asked I answered. She is not on trail and she has admitted she was using the police to try to scare caysee into talking to her. I am not defending it, I think she got way more than she bargained for trying to finally see Caylee.

I don't see where that falls under obstruction or hindering this investigation

By Cindy's own testimony she hadn't seen Casey and Caylee (and suffice it to say; the car) since June 16th.

Why not report it stolen on June 17th? Or June 29th? Or July 2nd? Or July 13th? (oh, you get my point)

Why? Because Casey had permissible access to the car since she started driving. But hey?.....if Cindy wants full ownership of the car, why not charge HER with killing Caylee seeing 'decomposition' was found in the trunk of HER car?

See? Truth only matter's to the Anthony's when it's beneficial and there's something to gain!
This family tosses the truth back and forth like it were a game of Hot Potato (oops, did I spell 'potato' correctly for the Spelling Nazi patrol?)

Take it up with Maggs and tex they like to play with distortions too

There was nothing to be gained here by the Anthony's when in fact the baby is dead, and was reported missing at this turn of events
No, It is first hand knowledge.

Lee Anthony: Exactly. Uhm, so Casey you know, they re...emerged with her, with the, with the
gas cans. But uh, when I heard about the gas can story from uhm, my fatherwas that he said that someone had, because we have these little padlocks on our
sheds in the back. Uhm, typically we don't even keep them locked. Uhm,
someone had broken into the shed, taken the gas cans out, and uhm, he was
pretty sure that it was Casey. And then it was able, we were able later to find out
that it absolutely was. Tony said that Casey did indeed get the gas cans. He
didn't know that she had stole them (laughs)."

From George's mouth to Lee's ears.

About Tony Lazarro's part in the gas can theft:

Lee Anthony: Uh, and this has been, I've just been abie to piece this togetherfrom hearing
from my father and mother and through, and from Tony uhm, Lazaro.
Was about
a week prior to the time when the Sunfire ran out of gas at the AmScot, about a
week prior to that uhm, my sister had ran out of gas close to the home. Called
Tony to come get her. Tony brought my sister per her request to my, to my
parents' house. He stayed, my sister asked him to stay in his vehicle whiie she
go inside to get uh, gas cans. Uhm, so he explained it as her being inside for at least you know, what would probably be ten or fifteen minutes. Enough for a few
songs to play on the radio."

From George, Cindy and Tony Lazzaro's mouth to Lee's ears.

He wasn't there, he heard and pieced together stories. His own words. Again I just don't think he lied or this is relevant. TL's sworn testimony on the stand disputes his recollection. It's he said he said.
The revelence of the two statements from Lee Anthony and Debbie Polisano statements regarding Cindy Anthony's birthday June 5th 2008 is that Lee alludes that he went to the ANthony house where Debbie retells a conversation with Cindy how Lee called and din't even remember it was her birthday. Whether he actually showed up there, we'll have to wait and see.

And yes, Cindy Anthony appears to be a thief AND if Lee is to be believed, she also tampered with evidence when she removed that money --- on the sly.
I can't find those transcripts. So I don't know

I'm just trying to find the truth here, dude
. We've all heard most of Casey's lies played out through the media, over and over. Let's look at some of the other key players. No need to be so damn grumpy when facts (and yes, it is a fact that lee Anthony indeed gave an interview and made these statements) are posted on this board. Oh yeah, and I'm pretty fucking sure this interview of Lee Anthony's will become e-v-i-d-e-n-c-e.

:lol: okay

Merde! What are you NOT getting????

"I heard about the gas can story from uhm, my father."

Lee HEARD this straight from George's mouth. Period. Sorry.

Cindy thinks George is calling the police to report the break in of the yard and the pool ladder scenario, along with the shed break in.. He doesn't even mention them in his police report. WHY? George tells Lee he thinks Casey is responsible for the break in but never mentions THAT to the police. WHY?

That blows his whole testimony as to why he called the police to file a report. "A lot of break ins in the neighborhood." My ass.

I'm not saying Lee Anthony is lying. I'm saying his statements are for sure bringing up questions of other family members statements and now testimonies.

And for that matter -- so is Jesse Grund's statement.
I'm wondering if Baez's cross will bring out the same amount of emotion and tears from Cindy Anthony?

LOL. If she has a good attorney she would be instructed to maintain the same decorum throughout the case.

But The Anthony's dance to their own drummer at all times so......who knows.
It'll be interesting.

I am a very passionate, considerate and empathic person by nature but I just don't feel an iota of sympathy toward this woman.
Don't know if I am just callus to the lies and deception or just tired of seeing through her (and the clan).

That's how I feel about Casey but not as mildly stated.
"Take it up with Maggs and tex they like to play with distortions too."

RD -- You're an ass.

No, distortion here. I'm posting link after link after link of sworn statements.
The only thing I can see since I've been here that you've provided this board with is snarky comments, name calling and rudeness -- because others dare to offer up evidence, yes e-v-i-d-e-n-c-e, such as SWORN law enforcement statements of different key players, in hopes of trying to find at the very least a shred of truth coming out of someones mouth.
I would hate to have you sit on a jury. You obviously have you're mind already made up.
You're a disgrace to potential Jury Pools.
Had to go back a few pages.

Daydreamer, you need to take a break from this trial. You're beginning to foam at the mouth when it comes to Cindy and seem mighty irked that some don't see it as you do (the case and the players in this case).
Merde! What are you NOT getting????

"I heard about the gas can story from uhm, my father."

Lee HEARD this straight from George's mouth. Period. Sorry.

Cindy thinks George is calling the police to report the break in of the yard and the pool ladder scenario, along with the shed break in.. He doesn't even mention them in his police report. WHY? George tells Lee he thinks Casey is responsible for the break in but never mentions THAT to the police. WHY?

That blows his whole testimony as to why he called the police to file a report. "A lot of break ins in the neighborhood." My ass.

I'm not saying Lee Anthony is lying. I'm saying his statements are for sure bringing up questions of other family members statements and now testimonies.

And for that matter -- so is Jesse Grund's statement.

I disagree.


"Take it up with Maggs and tex they like to play with distortions too."

RD -- You're an ass.

No, distortion here. I'm posting link after link after link of sworn statements.
The only thing I can see since I've been here that you've provided this board with is snarky comments, name calling and rudeness -- because others dare to offer up evidence, yes e-v-i-d-e-n-c-e, such as SWORN law enforcement statements of different key players, in hopes of trying to find at the very least a shred of truth coming out of someones mouth.
I would hate to have you sit on a jury. You obviously have you're mind already made up.
You're a disgrace to potential Jury Pools.
:lol::lol::lol: ouch!
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