Casey Anthony

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I see mud on (I assume, Casey's) high heels in the back seat of her car. I wonder if anyone compared the soil sample to the 'wooded area'?

One more thing, Cindy first said she put Drier Sheets throughout the car to help rid the stink, then she changed it to one sheet.
And her excuse over and over again (when she get's tripped up) is, 'her granddaughter was missing. She was busy looking for her' etc.

That ain't flying anymore.

You are the only one accusing Cindy. What exactly do you want to accuse her of?

Obstruction, tampering with evidence and perjury for starters.

PS I wrote 'it ain't flying' as a slang (for whoever pointed that out)
And; drier sheet----dryer sheet?
Tomato, tomatoe.
Get over it.
I see mud on (I assume, Casey's) high heels in the back seat of her car. I wonder if anyone compared the soil sample to the 'wooded area'?

One more thing, Cindy first said she put Drier Sheets throughout the car to help rid the stink, then she changed it to one sheet.
And her excuse over and over again (when she get's tripped up) is, 'her granddaughter was missing. She was busy looking for her' etc.

That ain't flying anymore.

You are the only one accusing Cindy. What exactly do you want to accuse her of?

Obstruction, tampering with evidence and perjury for starters.

PS I wrote 'it ain't flying' as a slang (for whoever pointed that out)
And; drier sheet----dryer sheet?
Tomato, tomatoe.
Get over it.

Tomato is not spelled tomatoe with an E unless you are adding an S.
And dryer is spelled with a Y, not an I, that Y expects to be used properly, so instead of you telling me to get over it, why don't you get with it, and spell so we can read??
Maybe she keeps the door closed to little Caylee's room, at her home, so she doesn't have to look inside of it every day.
When shown the photos, she had no choice but to look at the 'inside' of Caylee's room...there is that possibility.
And I know what's it like to keep a room totally untouched and left exactly the same for a special someone, even after that someone is no longer here.

I doubt it seeing she was giving interviews in/from her bedroom!

Listen, I am not saying Cindy doesn't harbor any pain. She does. If she didn't she'd be a robot. But just because her daughter is a liar and her granddaughter is dead does not give her permission or license to lie.
And her lies (inconsistencies) get excused due to 'medication'....'emotions'.....'confusion'.....'stress'......'anger' etc

So if she can have a plethora of excuses let's allow Casey to have them too!

And Cindy isn't just 'confused' over one or two issues, we're talking a multitude of MAJOR issues in this case. Not like, 'what did Caylee eat that morning'. More like "Was there a dead smell in the car'.......

She's pathetic to watch. So yes (before I get beat up here) I have no respect for that woman. I feel sorry for her loss but as a fellow mother?....human being?.....she sucks.
Tomato is not spelled tomatoe with an E unless you are adding an S.
And dryer is spelled with a Y, not an I, that Y expects to be used properly, so instead of you telling me to get over it, why don't you get with it, and spell so we can read??

Comprehend this: I don't give a shit.

Isn't there a 'Hooked on Phonics' forum you can pay homage to?
Wow! Talk about being arrogant, ignorant and bias!!!

Arrogant is wishing the fabrications falling from your head is reality.
So if someone doesn't agree with your point of view, they're uninformed? Would you care to show me one thing I allege are facts yet, aren't?

(didn't think so....)
Lee creatred this mess, for starters. Really, too many to bother with.
Most everything I write are from depositions and this trial. I then DO add MY speculation (as to what might've happened in between) just like you folks are adding the 'chloroform-killed-Caylee-so-Casey-could-party' speculation amongst many other allegations.

Opinions and foolishness is what you're posting. Opening statements are neither evidence or depositions. That you are trying to convince yourself Cindy is dishonest is a twisted personal problem, again derived so far from an opening statement which again is not fact or evidence.

ETA: Please please PLEASE figure out how to use the quote button....makes you look kinda dumb ;)
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Obstruction, tampering with evidence and perjury for starters.

PS I wrote 'it ain't flying' as a slang (for whoever pointed that out)
And; drier sheet----dryer sheet?
Tomato, tomatoe.
Get over it.

Links, proof, evidence please.
I've been reading Lee Anthony's Interview with Law Enforvement and here's a few things that he said in it.

George Anthony told him -- before Casey showed up with the missing gas cans -- that he (George) was pretty sure that Casey was the one whio took them.

Lee Anthony also says that Tony Lazzaro told him he waited in his jeep while Casey went and got the gas cans. That there was enough time for a couple of songs to play on his radio.

And he had this to say about June 5th 2008 -- Cindy Anthony's birthday:

"Oh, it was my mom's birthday. So you know, naturally go over there to wish her
a happy birthday (laughs). And I didn't spend a whole lot of time with her. I had
some prior obligations that, you know, that I was going to also. But just trying to
stop over."

BUT her supivisor Debbue Polisano had this to say about it:

"That nobody remembered her birthday. And that she was really upset and un, she was upset at George because he . . . I guess he remembered but all he did was stick a present on the counter and just go to work . . .didn't say anything. And uh, Casey hadn't called or shown up. And LEE had called in the evening and she was happy 'cause she though he remembered and then she realized he didb't even remember, he was just calling her to see if she sould cut his hair. So, she was mad".

Also, after Casey's things were retrieved from Tony Lazzaro's, a policewoman gave them permission to dump everything out of one of the bags onto the living room floor. The policewoman then for some reason goes outside of the house leaving the family alone with potential evidence . . . and Lee's says ---

"And when my mother
at that point had opened up my sister's wallet, she had actually aiready opened
up my sister's wallet because she was looking through the contents of this large
wallet, saw unfolded, it had to be a minimum of a hundred and forty, maybe as
much as two hundred dollars just from seeing the number of bills, straight twenty
dollars biifs that were taken out. And the reason why I know the officer wasn't in
there is because my morn grabbed the money and goes, and, and put it in her
pocket. And no one else was in there."

So -- it appears Lee has a different version of the way things happened . . . with more than one person.

all of this is on humble opinion forum dot net

This ^

Was LE giving this family a break due to the emotional state (and national coverage) they were in and not questioning these contradictions????

I mean, it doesn't take an editor to hand pick all the mistakes and inconsistencies this family has spewed out throughout 2008!

Is Baez keeping score/notes? I hope he can recount, recall and redirect these (for lack of a less-harsher word) lies/cover-ups this family said and hold someone other than Casey, accountable.

Hang 'em all!!!
Maybe Cindy's tears are regret over referring to her dead granddaughter as a mistake.

"My mother has referred,
said to my sister that uhm, even though Caylee's been the best thing and the
best mistake that she was indeed a mistake. That she was Casey's mistake."

from Lee Anthony's first Interview with Law Enforcement.
Wow! Talk about being arrogant, ignorant and bias!!!

Arrogant is wishing the fabrications falling from your head is reality.

Well it looks like you told me what-for!!!! :clap2:

Hey, instead personalizing this and directing your anger towards me, why don't you add something informative to this forum?

This is about Casey and Caylee and the Anthony family.

It's fine you disagree with me but there's no need to hurl insults at people (me) who don't agree with you. And if you continue this ambush your credibility will go down the drain because nobody wants to consider the opinion of a foolish immature person !
Once again, this is a typical Cindy reply.

The 911 dispatcher ASKS her (after she said her daughter took her car)

"Where did this occur?"

"My car and money"

When she CAN'T answer a question, she reroutes it. Deflects it. Misdirects it.

It didn't 'occur' anywhere because Casey had legal possession of the car so it WASN'T stolen!!!!

I understand WHY she did what she did (she was frustrated that Casey wasn't taking her to Caylee) but don't lose sight of the manipulations and loops this family puts other people through and......with such ease!
Once again, this is a typical Cindy reply.

The 911 dispatcher ASKS her (after she said her daughter took her car)

"Where did this occur?"

"My car and money"

When she CAN'T answer a question, she reroutes it. Deflects it. Misdirects it.

It didn't 'occur' anywhere because Casey had legal possession of the car so it WASN'T stolen!!!!

I understand WHY she did what she did (she was frustrated that Casey wasn't taking her to Caylee) but don't lose sight of the manipulations and loops this family puts other people through and......with such ease!

How did Casey have legal possession of the car??
It wasn't in her name, so if that's true, then whomever's name was on the title of the car, could say she had stolen it.
I've been reading Lee Anthony's Interview with Law Enforcement and here's a few things that he said in it.

George Anthony told him -- before Casey showed up with the missing gas cans -- that he (George) was pretty sure that Casey was the one whio took them.

Lee Anthony also says that Tony Lazzaro told him he waited in his jeep while Casey went and got the gas cans. That there was enough time for a couple of songs to play on his radio.

"I've been able to piece this together..." after the fact assumptions and hear say. Not lies, but not first hand knowledge either.

(click the link to hear the interview) Again, until introduced it's not evidence.

And he had this to say about June 5th 2008 -- Cindy Anthony's birthday:

"Oh, it was my mom's birthday. So you know, naturally go over there to wish her
a happy birthday (laughs). And I didn't spend a whole lot of time with her. I had
some prior obligations that, you know, that I was going to also. But just trying to
stop over."

BUT her supivisor Debbue Polisano had this to say about it:

"That nobody remembered her birthday. And that she was really upset and un, she was upset at George because he . . . I guess he remembered but all he did was stick a present on the counter and just go to work . . .didn't say anything. And uh, Casey hadn't called or shown up. And LEE had called in the evening and she was happy 'cause she though he remembered and then she realized he didb't even remember, he was just calling her to see if she sould cut his hair. So, she was mad".
Again I don't see the relevance
Also, after Casey's things were retrieved from Tony Lazzaro's, a policewoman gave them permission to dump everything out of one of the bags onto the living room floor. The policewoman then for some reason goes outside of the house leaving the family alone with potential evidence . . . and Lee's says ---

"And when my mother
at that point had opened up my sister's wallet, she had actually aiready opened
up my sister's wallet because she was looking through the contents of this large
wallet, saw unfolded, it had to be a minimum of a hundred and forty, maybe as
much as two hundred dollars just from seeing the number of bills, straight twenty
dollars biifs that were taken out. And the reason why I know the officer wasn't in
there is because my morn grabbed the money and goes, and, and put it in her
pocket. And no one else was in there."

So -- it appears Lee has a different version of the way things happened . . . with more than one person.

all of this is on humble opinion forum dot net
So Cindy is a thief
"Do you know how much time between your first 911 call and the next one?"

"It felt like forever"

She has had three goddamn years to memorize her actions. I even know it was like an hour.
Once again, this is an act for sympathy !!!!!!!!

Why doesn't she JUST ANSWER THE QUESTIONS without the personal narration and diatribe?

She has made a sad sad sad situation worse by her (and her husbands) antics!!!!
Once again, this is a typical Cindy reply.

The 911 dispatcher ASKS her (after she said her daughter took her car)

"Where did this occur?"

"My car and money"

When she CAN'T answer a question, she reroutes it. Deflects it. Misdirects it.

It didn't 'occur' anywhere because Casey had legal possession of the car so it WASN'T stolen!!!!

I understand WHY she did what she did (she was frustrated that Casey wasn't taking her to Caylee) but don't lose sight of the manipulations and loops this family puts other people through and......with such ease!

And what is it with you and Cindy Anthony??
It's Casey on trial, not Cindy.
Once again, this is a typical Cindy reply.

The 911 dispatcher ASKS her (after she said her daughter took her car)

"Where did this occur?"

"My car and money"

When she CAN'T answer a question, she reroutes it. Deflects it. Misdirects it.

It didn't 'occur' anywhere because Casey had legal possession of the car so it WASN'T stolen!!!!

I understand WHY she did what she did (she was frustrated that Casey wasn't taking her to Caylee) but don't lose sight of the manipulations and loops this family puts other people through and......with such ease!

How did Casey have legal possession of the car??
It wasn't in her name, so if that's true, then whomever's name was on the title of the car, could say she had stolen it.

Cindy just admitted on the stand Casey had permission.

It wasn't stolen.
You know it
I know it
Cindy knew it

It was a desperate attempt to get attention to a serious situation.
I am not denying this.
I am just pointing out the ease in which they all either lie or exaggerate the truth.
Okay, we know Casey had the car from at least June 16th 2008 because George swears was the last time he saw Caylee. He watched Casey and Caylee get into it. On June 24th 2008 he swears that there was an altercation between Casey and him about the missing gas cans and her retrieving them from the trunk and shoving them at him and he says she got into the car and backed out taking off down the road.
However, when Cindy reports the car "stolen" on a 911 call, she gives the date of theft as June 30 2008.

The very same day it was impounded and the fees began.

Why the fuck wasn't it reported "stolen" long before that?
Wow! Talk about being arrogant, ignorant and bias!!!

Arrogant is wishing the fabrications falling from your head is reality.

Well it looks like you told me what-for!!!! :clap2:

Hey, instead personalizing this and directing your anger towards me, why don't you add something informative to this forum?

This is about Casey and Caylee and the Anthony family.

It's fine you disagree with me but there's no need to hurl insults at people (me) who don't agree with you. And if you continue this ambush your credibility will go down the drain because nobody wants to consider the opinion of a foolish immature person !

LOL, sweetie, you and a few other caysee apologists have personalized this not me. I respond to fools is my mistake

You don't have to agree with me - you have to show signs of intelligence and honesty. Try again and stick with facts and I will gladly respond in kind.
I find this rather ironic. The people who feel Casey killed Caylee (which I am not positive of myself) are the ones who should be pissed off at Cindy, George and Lee.
But for THEIR actions throughout the summer of 2008, we'll never know.

If this were a simple (yet semi-complex) killing of a mother to her child, it shouldn't be this difficult to figure out.
But because this entire clan's actions of either; lying, tampering with evidence or not forthcoming they and ONLY they have made this case IMPOSSIBLE to solve.

So instead of me (who doesn't think Casey is 100% guilty) being this upset with Cindy, you are the ones who should be!!!!

She (and the Anthony's) have clouded this case so much that nobody can see the truth anymore.

Again, it's ironic.
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Okay, we know Casey had the car from at least June 16th 2008 because George swears was the last time he saw Caylee. He watched Casey and Caylee get into it. On June 24th 2008 he swears that there was an altercation between Casey and him about the missing gas cans and her retrieving them from the trunk and shoving them at him and he says she got into the car and backed out taking off down the road.
However, when Cindy reports the car "stolen" on a 911 call, she gives the date of theft as June 30 2008.

The very same day it was impounded and the fees began.

Why the fuck wasn't it reported "stolen" long before that?

(Buzzing in)

"What is: because it wasn't really stolen?"


"That is correct Daydreamer and it's still your turn........"

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