Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Spoke too soon. Seems tempers are short and it isn't just Daydreamer.

Sheesh. Y'all gotta forget what you saw and heard BEFORE this trial and go with the EVIDENCE. Then discuss it, not bite each other. We have months to go, so I suggest taking a day off now and then so you can debate each other instead of ripping each others heads off.

I can imagine what that jury room is going to be like. Glad I ain't in it.
Spoke too soon. Seems tempers are short and it isn't just Daydreamer.

Sheesh. Y'all gotta forget what you saw and heard BEFORE this trial and go with the EVIDENCE. Then discuss it, not bite each other. We have months to go, so I suggest taking a day off now and then so you can debate each other instead of ripping each others heads off.

I can imagine what that jury room is going to be like. Glad I ain't in it.

They (the jury) doesn't have all the back story to pull from either. I am sure cooler heads will prevail.
Spoke too soon. Seems tempers are short and it isn't just Daydreamer.

Sheesh. Y'all gotta forget what you saw and heard BEFORE this trial and go with the EVIDENCE. Then discuss it, not bite each other. We have months to go, so I suggest taking a day off now and then so you can debate each other instead of ripping each others heads off.

I can imagine what that jury room is going to be like. Glad I ain't in it.

They (the jury) doesn't have all the back story to pull from either. I am sure cooler heads will prevail.

I just want the truth to prevail. Whatever that may be.
I am listening to the commentators on CNN.
"Cindy is an eloquent witness"???????
"...and George with his Bible on his lap".......

"People just have to feel their pain".......

There is nothing eloquent about Cindy at all. I don't mean to down-shoot her but, she's a simple unsophisticated woman. Period.

And...... a man with a Bible on his lap, so to impress the jury..... ought to know that not only thy: shall not commit adultery but.......thy shall not steal (evidence) either!

Bible schbible.
They are the antithesis of a Bible studying-God fearing family!!!
They may be part of a flock but it ain't the holy kind. They are a flock of fucked up people.

I ain't buying the affect they're trying to pull off. But......the mainstream media is eating it up.
Does anyone know whether the Anthony's were granted immunity in exchange for their 'honest' testimony?
By the looks of things, I'd say no.

Is there a statute of limitations on perjury/obstruction?
Had to go back a few pages.

Daydreamer, you need to take a break from this trial. You're beginning to foam at the mouth when it comes to Cindy and seem mighty irked that some don't see it as you do (the case and the players in this case).

Nah, I am equally as pissed off at George too :lol:

My less-than-nice posts are in response to an instigator on this thread who doesn't want to focus on the case rather, hurl insults at the posters. Provocateur galore!!

And, are you kidding me? Break from the trial NOW? I waited almost 3 years for this.

I just want the truth. And if Casey did actually kill Caylee then, her family fucked up justice. Not me for not 100% believing things.
"They may be part of a flock but it ain't the holy kind. They are a flock of fucked up people."

^^^ A big Amen to that statement.

I can't recall in the past three years ever seeing Cindy Anthony this emotional. I think she's on drugs to calm her and they are having a reverse effect. Then again. I'm gonna reserve judgement on this display of emotion until after she and Baez face off. One thing for sure, she's a different person here on the stand then she was during her deposition.

Where's the gum smackin', water drinkin', surly Cindy we all know exists? Have the pod people taken over? Or has Zanny? HA! :lol:
I am listening to the commentators on CNN.
"Cindy is an eloquent witness"???????
"...and George with his Bible on his lap".......

"People just have to feel their pain".......

There is nothing eloquent about Cindy at all. I don't mean to down-shoot her but, she's a simple unsophisticated woman. Period.

And...... a man with a Bible on his lap, so to impress the jury..... ought to know that not only thy: shall not commit adultery but.......thy shall not steal (evidence) either!

Bible schbible.
They are the antithesis of a Bible studying-God fearing family!!!
They may be part of a flock but it ain't the holy kind. They are a flock of fucked up people.

I ain't buying the affect they're trying to pull off. But......the mainstream media is eating it up.

So you're saying, people should not believe George and Cindy Anthony feel pain??
They are not allowed that, is that what you're saying?? Cause it sure seems like you think you have it all figured out, and by God, come hell or high water, you're bound and determined to make George and Cindy pay for something--what!?, I don't know.
I bet they do hurt, I bet they do feel a lot of pain.
But you do have issues with this case...holy legal shit, I bet your ass is glued in front of your TV and with chips on one side of you and a porta potty on the other so you don't have to get up and risk missing anything.
You definitely need a break, do you realize you are yelling at us, here on the board??
Nah, I am equally as pissed off at George too :lol:

My less-than-nice posts are in response to an instigator on this thread who doesn't want to focus on the case rather, hurl insults at the posters. Provocateur galore!!

And, are you kidding me? Break from the trial NOW? I waited almost 3 years for this.

I just want the truth. And if Casey did actually kill Caylee then, her family fucked up justice. Not me for not 100% believing things.

Daydreamer...fitting name btw

Your first post here:
No doubt, Caylee drown and George knew about it!!
This entire family are either liars or deniers. Take your pick.

And now that trial began, I am on board with the whole defenses theory. The ONLY thing I can't figure out is why hold back for 3 years?

An opening statement is not evidence and nothing said has been proven yet. Clearly you have no idea how the judicial system works.

Understanding your slant on the case it's clear where your unhinged posts stem from.
In the midst of the current "belly" line of questioning, I find this blog apropo. :lol:

Casey Anthony: Is Jose Baez pulling a Columbo? – The TV Guy – Orlando Sentinel


From the link Sheaffer also predicted that Baez will adopt a different approach in questioning Cindy Anthony. “He doesn’t have to attack her, and as a matter of fact, if he does, he’s going to pay a big price for that with this jury,” Sheaffer said.

What do you think?

I think so far he is right. Baez is being very mild mannered so far, much less aggressive than last week
So you're saying, people should not believe George and Cindy Anthony feel pain??
They are not allowed that, is that what you're saying?? Cause it sure seems like you think you have it all figured out, and by God, come hell or high water, you're bound and determined to make George and Cindy pay for something--what!?, I don't know.
I bet they do hurt, I bet they do feel a lot of pain.
But you do have issues with this case...holy legal shit, I bet your ass is glued in front of your TV and with chips on one side of you and a porta potty on the other so you don't have to get up and risk missing anything.
You definitely need a break, do you realize you are yelling at us, here on the board??

What I am saying is, it's extremely difficult for me to feel the SAME sympathy towards an innocent person as I would a liar.

As far as I (and probably 3/4 of the nation) are concerned, Lee, George and Cindy have a degree of culpability in this and have lied half as much as Casey has.

How can I put that aside? How can I possibly have sorrow for a family NOW....who has in part, brought this on themselves?
They are NOT innocent here.

It's not like this family came home one day and learned their granddaughter/niece died and started grieving. There is MUCH suspicion on who did what and where...while Casey was in jail!!
They all had a hand in the COVER-UP.

So for me to feel sorry for them is a silent way of condoning theur behavior.

Oddly enough, I feel the MOST sympathy for Casey at the moment.

Forget about following the duct tape for now. Follow the ancestral line of Casey! She got this way....SOMEHOW and it's quite evident, her parental figures have a LOT to do with her dysfunction.

Either I am totally wrong about my assessment or I can read people better than the average person can. It's one or the other
Hey R.D.

Isn't it time for your nappy poo yet?

No one is calling you names or provoking you in the slightest. Why are you showing such disrespect towards posters who have a difference of opinion?

Do you think you're cute or funny or entertaining?
You're a provocateur and from now on, I will scroll past your replies. You have proven not-worthy of adult bantering or rebuttals. Have a nice life and I hope you locate your pacifier soon!
In the midst of the current "belly" line of questioning, I find this blog apropo. :lol:

Casey Anthony: Is Jose Baez pulling a Columbo? – The TV Guy – Orlando Sentinel


From the link Sheaffer also predicted that Baez will adopt a different approach in questioning Cindy Anthony. “He doesn’t have to attack her, and as a matter of fact, if he does, he’s going to pay a big price for that with this jury,” Sheaffer said.

What do you think?

I think so far he is right. Baez is being very mild mannered so far, much less aggressive than last week

I would say that Baez is treading softly compared to last week, yes. He also seems better prepared - confounding nonetheless - but I believe he is in control of his line of questioning. Last week it seemed as if questions randomly spewed aloud.

ETA: Agreed that if Baez doesn't handle CA well, the jury will despise him.
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Now THIS is painful to watch. Cindy STILL talks of people (who are now known to be, made-up) in the present tense.

She is dangerously in denial. It's hard to fault her for that but it still shows a very troubled delusional person walking the streets.
Not to be misconstrued, let me tell you exactly where I stand.

I think that Cindy Anthony is a pathological liar. I think she lied to George and George lied to her. They both lied to Casey and Casey lied to them. And Lee . . . mais, let's not even go there.

I don't think there's any evidence that Casey Anthony intentionally murdered her daughter. I believe Caylee died in an accidental drowning in the family swimming pool in the backyard of the Anthony residence.

I'm not sure what made Casey go off the deep end resulting in her actions for 31 days after the fact. Was it just the guilt of finding her daughter dead in the pool? I don't know. Was it her father holding a dead Casey in his arms, while screaming phrases of guilt at her? I don't know. I do know that something . . . or someone . . . caused this massive need for a cover up. Like I stated in a previous post -- for one to believe that Casey committed an intentional murder, we would have to believe she was in contact with Casey's body a minimum of five times . . . never leaving a piece of forensic evidence.

There's not one shred of forensics that link her to the murder of her child. Not one.

Do I think George Anthony molested his daughter? I think there is a possibility.
Do I think Lee Anthony molested his sister? I think there is a possibility.

She spoke of sexual abuse to Jesse Grund as far back as 2005.

I do know it makes no sense, whatever, for the state to parade witness after witness, with each one testifying Casey was a loving, kind, giving Mother and then claim BAM! she suddenly for no apparent reason, turns into this monster and wakes up one morning deciding to kill her child.
Sorry. I just don't buy that theory. Especially, without one item of forensic evidence tying Casey to the murder of her child.

There are a whole lot of lies, half truths and evasions from all of the key players that make this case fucking impossible to figure out. And those same lies, half truths and evasions are going to be what creates the reasonable doubt in this case.
I would say that Baez is treading softly compared to last week, yes. He also seems better prepared - confounding nonetheless - but I believe he is in control of his line of questioning. Last week it seemed as if questions randomly spewing aloud.

ETA: Agreed that if Baez doesn't handle CA well, the jury will despise him.

I agree.

I can't see where this line of questioning helps caysee. They're being gullible doesn't make for an excuse for her lies or that she is not "normal" which he has already conceeded

P.S. Dreamer, promise? :eusa_pray:
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For clarity's sake, we do not know who fathered Caylee. Am I correct? I was waiting for Baez to infer that George is the father. Maybe that is yet to come.

A minor irrelevant thought, but for the life of me I cannot understand why the Anthonys still have that pool in their backyard. As stated in George's letters, they had done renovations on the house and yard so its not as if they had been living unproductive non-participatory lives. So why keep that painful questionable reminder?
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So you're saying, people should not believe George and Cindy Anthony feel pain??
They are not allowed that, is that what you're saying?? Cause it sure seems like you think you have it all figured out, and by God, come hell or high water, you're bound and determined to make George and Cindy pay for something--what!?, I don't know.
I bet they do hurt, I bet they do feel a lot of pain.
But you do have issues with this case...holy legal shit, I bet your ass is glued in front of your TV and with chips on one side of you and a porta potty on the other so you don't have to get up and risk missing anything.
You definitely need a break, do you realize you are yelling at us, here on the board??

What I am saying is, it's extremely difficult for me to feel the SAME sympathy towards an innocent person as I would a liar.

As far as I (and probably 3/4 of the nation) are concerned, Lee, George and Cindy have a degree of culpability in this and have lied half as much as Casey has.

How can I put that aside? How can I possibly have sorrow for a family NOW....who has in part, brought this on themselves?
They are NOT innocent here.

It's not like this family came home one day and learned their granddaughter/niece died and started grieving. There is MUCH suspicion on who did what and where...while Casey was in jail!!
They all had a hand in the COVER-UP.

So for me to feel sorry for them is a silent way of condoning theur behavior.

Oddly enough, I feel the MOST sympathy for Casey at the moment.

Forget about following the duct tape for now. Follow the ancestral line of Casey! She got this way....SOMEHOW and it's quite evident, her parental figures have a LOT to do with her dysfunction.

Either I am totally wrong about my assessment or I can read people better than the average person can. It's one or the other

Casey gets no sympathy from me. For the solid fact remains, she KNEW exactly how everything happened, and yet, she let days and weeks go by, and not say a damn word to any person in authority. That is a piece of shit Mother.
As for your wording of her ancestral line, you say Casey got 'this way' because of her parents, they didn't bring her up right, I am assuming that is what you mean?? Casey is a big enough girl now, to know right from wrong, I would hope so anyway.
Well, y'all are far ahead of me since I'm on the west coast and I missed Saturdays trial.

With that said...I'll just pull up the rear here and talk to myself since a few seem to be on the rampage on who believes whom. commence....they just played the second tape.
Lies upon lies upon lies upon lies. Just listening to Casey on the phone when the sheriff first spoke to her....cold. In lie mode big time.
Cindy is freaking out and bawling and Casey sits there with her weasel face. Either cindy is a great actress, or....

This is a trial for CASEY on trial for killing her kid. NOT CINDY.

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