Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

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I don't think that kid died in a pool. I think her MOTHER knocked her out like she's probably done before, put tape over her mouth "just in case", so MOMMY could go in bars and bump uglies with other girls and guys. She suffocated. Pool my ass.

And that may be exactly what happened, however I don't believe so and the State will never prove it.

There is NO forensic evidence to tie Casey Anthony to the intentional death of Caylee Anthony. Not one hair, one fiber, one soil sample, one fingerprint nor any DNA.

If the state was to win a conviction, it wiould be on circumstacial evidence alone.

I'm curious -- with your above theory -- so you think Casey drugged her once again, taped her mouth shut and she accidentally suffocated . . . this time? If she was doing this before, was she always wrapping Caylee's entire head in duct tape? And if this despicable behavior was a repeated thing and Caylee was always alive afterwards, then her death would actually be accidental, not intentional. As horrible as that sounds.

I really just don't see the state's theory. Nothing in this case makes sense.
Casey is a liar. Plain and simple. She looked up on the net about choloform. She liked to party. Her parents controlled her. So I imagine she would lie (surprise!) and say she was going to the movies or something, but instead she would be bumping uglies. What to do with caylee? Why, knock her ass out so she goes sleepy time in the trunk. That's how. And she probably has done it before. THIS time? Oops.

That was the theory I have heard for months now. Casey had used chloroform before on the little girl, and there is evidence that states there is a scent/odor/residue (whatever they call it) of chloroform in the trunk of that white car. That was proven already.
I think she gave her a bit too much this last time around, came back out and discovered the baby died. Of course then, she most likely went into a panic mode, if she has any real Motherly feelings.
This kid is dead. DEAD. And her mother is whining on that tape, cussing, no concern whatsoever about her DAUGHTER. Just attitude.
I don't know about some of you, but if that were my kid I just "accidentally" killed? I wouldn't be driving around with her in my trunk, shopping, and bumping uglies. I'd be killing myself because I couldn't live any more without my daughter.

The case is based on forensic and circumstantial evidence. The state doesn't have to show motive and cannot show cause of death due to the state of the remains of the body, thats why the defense threw out drowning...can't be proven and the hope is casyee might be believed.

Why tape a childs head who drowned?
And that may be exactly what happened, however I don't believe so and the State will never prove it.

There is NO forensic evidence to tie Casey Anthony to the intentional death of Caylee Anthony. Not one hair, one fiber, one soil sample, one fingerprint nor any DNA.

If the state was to win a conviction, it wiould be on circumstacial evidence alone.

I'm curious -- with your above theory -- so you think Casey drugged her once again, taped her mouth shut and she accidentally suffocated . . . this time? If she was doing this before, was she always wrapping Caylee's entire head in duct tape? And if this despicable behavior was a repeated thing and Caylee was always alive afterwards, then her death would actually be accidental, not intentional. As horrible as that sounds.

I really just don't see the state's theory. Nothing in this case makes sense.
Casey is a liar. Plain and simple. She looked up on the net about choloform. She liked to party. Her parents controlled her. So I imagine she would lie (surprise!) and say she was going to the movies or something, but instead she would be bumping uglies. What to do with caylee? Why, knock her ass out so she goes sleepy time in the trunk. That's how. And she probably has done it before. THIS time? Oops.

That was the theory I have heard for months now. Casey had used chloroform before on the little girl, and there is evidence that states there is a scent/odor/residue (whatever they call it) of chloroform in the trunk of that white car. That was proven already.
I think she gave her a bit too much this last time around, came back out and discovered the baby died. Of course then, she most likely went into a panic mode, if she has any real Motherly feelings.
Refering to the was proven already? See? Tolja I know some of this case, but not all of it. Most of what I know is what bits and pieces I saw when it was all going down.

So right now, I wonder if the jury is thinking what I'm thinking. LIAR. Latest recorded phone calls is just more nails on Casey's coffin, in my opinion.
For clarity's sake, we do not know who fathered Caylee. Am I correct? I was waiting for Baez to infer that George is the father. Maybe that is yet to come.

A minor irrelevant thought, but for the life of me I cannot understand why the Anthonys still have that pool in their backyard. As stated in George's letters, they had done renovations on the house and yard so its not as if they had been living unproductive non-participatory lives. So why keep that painful questionable reminder?

Who said the baby died in the pool??
George and Cindy have not said she died in the pool, therefore, why should they remove it??

I never said Caylee died in the pool. Just because the cause of death may or may not have occurred in the pool, does not exclude its existence from being a potentially painful trigger.
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I can see where Casey got her intricacies from. Casey lies in great detail and Cindy's rambles in great detail.
Two pea (heads) in one pocket!

One word answers are totally FOREIGN to this woman. I don't know how Baez is keeping his cool.
Had to go back a few pages.

Daydreamer, you need to take a break from this trial. You're beginning to foam at the mouth when it comes to Cindy and seem mighty irked that some don't see it as you do (the case and the players in this case).

Nah, I am equally as pissed off at George too :lol:

My less-than-nice posts are in response to an instigator on this thread who doesn't want to focus on the case rather, hurl insults at the posters. Provocateur galore!!

And, are you kidding me? Break from the trial NOW? I waited almost 3 years for this.

I just want the truth. And if Casey did actually kill Caylee then, her family fucked up justice. Not me for not 100% believing things.

Well alrighty then. You are already biased. And it's against Cindy and George.
Noted. Filed.

I am leaning towards Casey and George having knowledge of how Caylee died. If that's being biased then, so be it. I thought that was just having an opinion.
For clarity's sake, we do not know who fathered Caylee. Am I correct? I was waiting for Baez to infer that George is the father. Maybe that is yet to come.

A minor irrelevant thought, but for the life of me I cannot understand why the Anthonys still have that pool in their backyard. As stated in George's letters, they had done renovations on the house and yard so its not as if they had been living unproductive non-participatory lives. So why keep that painful questionable reminder?

Who said the baby died in the pool??
George and Cindy have not said she died in the pool, therefore, why should they remove it??

I never said Caylee died in the pool. Just because the cause of death may or may not have occurred in the pool, does not exclude its existence from being a potentially painful trigger.

Why? Caylee loved swimming and that pool. IF she died in the pool and George brought her body in, dead, then yeah. Painful reminder. But she DIDN'T die in that pool. Therefore, it is a reminder of better days when caylee was alive and having fun in it.
Nah, I am equally as pissed off at George too :lol:

My less-than-nice posts are in response to an instigator on this thread who doesn't want to focus on the case rather, hurl insults at the posters. Provocateur galore!!

And, are you kidding me? Break from the trial NOW? I waited almost 3 years for this.

I just want the truth. And if Casey did actually kill Caylee then, her family fucked up justice. Not me for not 100% believing things.

Well alrighty then. You are already biased. And it's against Cindy and George.
Noted. Filed.

I am leaning towards Casey and George having knowledge of how Caylee died. If that's being biased then, so be it. I thought that was just having an opinion.

No. You are on the hate warpath against CINDY. Your posts have become very clear on that. George as well, but not as much as your vendetta against Cindy.

We are all having opinions. The difference is, none of us are jumping your ass and foaming at the mouth. We are discussing, trying to figure it all out. YOU are insisting YOU are correct and what is wrong with US for not seeing it YOUR way.

Just sayin'
For clarity's sake, we do not know who fathered Caylee. Am I correct? I was waiting for Baez to infer that George is the father. Maybe that is yet to come.

A minor irrelevant thought, but for the life of me I cannot understand why the Anthonys still have that pool in their backyard. As stated in George's letters, they had done renovations on the house and yard so its not as if they had been living unproductive non-participatory lives. So why keep that painful questionable reminder?

Who said the baby died in the pool??
George and Cindy have not said she died in the pool, therefore, why should they remove it??

I never said Caylee died in the pool. Just because the cause of death may or may not have occurred in the pool, does not exclude its existence from being a potentially painful trigger.

Maybe George and Cindy might still like to take a swim sometime, perhaps??
No harm in that.
They have to relax too....and it's not their asses on trial for murder.
And for the record....I STILL think the whole family is wacko. But being smothering (pun not intended) grandparents is a far cry from murdering that child. HER MOTHER is responsible.

The trial has just started. Forsenic evidence may have not been plastered everywhere. YET. That's why we have trials.
Can someone toss me a link to the fact that George Anthony took a paternity test and was excluded as the father of Caylee?
Who said the baby died in the pool??
George and Cindy have not said she died in the pool, therefore, why should they remove it??

I never said Caylee died in the pool. Just because the cause of death may or may not have occurred in the pool, does not exclude its existence from being a potentially painful trigger.

Why? Caylee loved swimming and that pool. IF she died in the pool and George brought her body in, dead, then yeah. Painful reminder. But she DIDN'T die in that pool. Therefore, it is a reminder of better days when caylee was alive and having fun in it.

We know this?
We can only go on what evidence has been submitted, true. But if you take the time to read the published forensic reports, it would appear they have no direct forensic evidence to tie Casey Anthony to an intentional murder. And even though opening statements are not considered evidence -- the State offered up no direct forensic evidence that would be testified to to do so, yet the defense plainly stated the fact there was none. Only time will tell. I'm waiting to see how the hell the Defense is gonna tie Roy Kronk into possession of the body. :confused:

Again I just don't agree.
Just one question. How could any MOTHER not know where her 2 year old child is and NOT call the cops? How? Simple question.
No. You are on the hate warpath against CINDY. Your posts have become very clear on that. George as well, but not as much as your vendetta against Cindy.

We are all having opinions. The difference is, none of us are jumping your ass and foaming at the mouth. We are discussing, trying to figure it all out. YOU are insisting YOU are correct and what is wrong with US for not seeing it YOUR way.

Just sayin'

So what? I do NOT like this family. I don't have an invested interest or stake to have a vendetta.

I AM discussing this trial. As of Tuesday, after hearing Baez's OS, I am leaning towards the Defenses theory.

This thread isn't a "We Hate Casey" thread. So what's your problem?

There is NO evidence showing she killed her daughter. If there is, please show me because I missed it.

As far as chloroform? I don't know too much about its effect, side effect or long time effect but so far no one has ever said they saw Caylee lethargic or dopey or more tired than the average 2 year old.
I don't believe someone just WAKES up from being knocked out and bounces back to normalcy. So again, I have not seen nor heard any evidence backing any murder including but not limited to an overdose to chloroform.
I never said Caylee died in the pool. Just because the cause of death may or may not have occurred in the pool, does not exclude its existence from being a potentially painful trigger.

Why? Caylee loved swimming and that pool. IF she died in the pool and George brought her body in, dead, then yeah. Painful reminder. But she DIDN'T die in that pool. Therefore, it is a reminder of better days when caylee was alive and having fun in it.

We know this?

We "know" it about as much as we "know" she did, that incest took place, that Casey worked for universal studios, that the nanny stole her kid, yadda yadda.

We know nothing. Yet. It's all speculation. It's all opinion. So far.

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