Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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Just out of curiosity, did you have an orgasm when you were typing this??

Oh okay. I'll stop using exclamations and upper case lettering.

But I still think it was great.
But to no surprise, Baez fucked up again being ill-prepared once again.
That was PERFECT of Baez to get in the 'pre-Caylee's birth' lies!!!!

Casey has been lying (it appears) much of her life. Not because she wanted to go out necessarily to party with her friends but...because she needed an escape from her brutal truth of living with a sexual predator!!

Excellent job Baez.

If the lightning (State) don't get her (Cindy) then the thunder (Defense) will!
Paraphrasing from the late great Jerry Garcia!!!

Cindy WILL eventually get caught up and called out on her lies!

Just out of curiosity, did you have an orgasm when you were typing this??

Tea=monitor=not a good mix.:lol:

Sorry. But that was funny.

No problem Daydreamer. Olive branches are cool. I do believe though that you are too wrapped up in this so I think I'll just talk to myself for awhile.
Wow. I can't believe this case can not be discussed here as adults without name calling, snarkiness and personal attacks that I've been seeing. . . and seem to be the target of by some posters.

Just because people have different opinions and views of the case and the people involved -- doesn't give anyone the right to attack someone over what they belief.

A spirited discussion? Most certainly.

A verbal beat down? Not so cool.
Just out of curiosity, did you have an orgasm when you were typing this??

Oh okay. I'll stop using exclamations and upper case lettering.

But I still think it was great.
But to no surprise, Baez fucked up again being ill-prepared once again.

Speaking of Baez fucking up . . . both George and Cindy state various concerns over Baez's abilities and lack thereof in their jailhouse letters to Casey. I wouldn't be one bit surprised if this case goes South for the defense that those letters aren't used for an attempt to garner an appeal.
These photos are photos of Casey Anthony during the time her little girl was missing.
She sure doesn't appear to be very worried *tsk* *tsk* *tsk*
She was drunk and puking in the commode in one and passed out in the other.


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Wow. I can't believe this case can not be discussed here as adults without name calling, snarkiness and personal attacks that I've been seeing. . . and seem to be the target of by some posters.

Just because people have different opinions and views of the case and the people involved -- doesn't give anyone the right to attack someone over what they belief.

A spirited discussion? Most certainly.

A verbal beat down? Not so cool.
It's a volatile case. Emotions will run high. Some will see it this way, some that way.
Personally, I'd rather concentrate on the case, keep the discussion about the whys and wherefores and watch the trial as it happens. We all have own opinions and we are sharing them but we also need to remember this is a trial and the end has not been reached yet. We could all be wrong, attrnys included. The butler did it in the pantry.
Just one question. How could any MOTHER not know where her 2 year old child is and NOT call the cops? How? Simple question.


She DID know where she was. She KNEW she was dead.

What part of this are you missing???

This is not MY opinion but it's the defenses explanation!!!!!!

The defense is paid to get their client cleared. Do you believe everything the defense SAYS without back up proof?
When does knowing she is dead and claiming to not know where she is the same thing?

Isn't the defense she didn't know what her father did with the body?, therefore she was being honest when claiming she didn't know where she was.

It's too conveluted and twisted to take at face value imo
You know what I hope for??
Seriously, is for the truth to come out....whether it be this person or that person or whomever, somebody, the real guilty party, please stand up and admit to what has happened, so this case can be settled.
I will not change my stance on Casey, she is guilty of something. If she didn't kill her child, she knows what did happen, and for her to not step forth and tell the truth, it makes me sick.
But if it was an accident, or if the neighbor did it, or God forbid one of the Grandparents did something, I just wish they had the fucking courage, and respect to just speak the damn truth.
Wow. I can't believe this case can not be discussed here as adults without name calling, snarkiness and personal attacks that I've been seeing. . . and seem to be the target of by some posters.

Just because people have different opinions and views of the case and the people involved -- doesn't give anyone the right to attack someone over what they belief.

A spirited discussion? Most certainly.

A verbal beat down? Not so cool.

:doubt: I can't believe you just posted this.

Anything that comes out of Casey's mouth cannot be believed. That much is clear. To me, and to the jury. So her bullshit about WHY she did whatever the fuck is she did, you can't believe anyway. The truth will be found out by everyone else testifying and forensics, etc...but they damn sure will never find out via Casey.

She DID know where she was. She KNEW she was dead.

What part of this are you missing???

This is not MY opinion but it's the defenses explanation!!!!!!

The defense is paid to get their client cleared. Do you believe everything the defense SAYS without back up proof?
When does knowing she is dead and claiming to not know where she is the same thing?

Isn't the defense she didn't know what her father did with the body?, therefore she was being honest when claiming she didn't know where she was.

It's too conveluted and twisted to take at face value imo

RD!! ~~ We finally agree on something. It's a beautiful thing.
I am really trying to listen to this objectively but please, someone tell me why would she ride around with a dead body in her car and....alert her friends to that???

Texas Writer,

Do you think George could've put Caylee in the trunk, unbeknown to Casey for reasons unclear right now?

I just can't see why she'd do this and calling attention to it (bad smell. think I hit an animal) No one would've been the wiser to the smell so why mention it???
She's not that dumb. I'm starting to think she didn't know Caylee was in the trunk.

What say you?

Something isn't making cohesive sense.
The defense is paid to get their client cleared. Do you believe everything the defense SAYS without back up proof?
When does knowing she is dead and claiming to not know where she is the same thing?

Isn't the defense she didn't know what her father did with the body?, therefore she was being honest when claiming she didn't know where she was.

It's too conveluted and twisted to take at face value imo

RD!! ~~ We finally agree on something. It's a beautiful thing.

Anything that comes out of Casey's mouth cannot be believed. That much is clear. To me, and to the jury. So her bullshit about WHY she did whatever the fuck is she did, you can't believe anyway. The truth will be found out by everyone else testifying and forensics, etc...but they damn sure will never find out via Casey.

Grace -- I am in agreement that Casey is a pathological liar. But I have to disagree on your statement above "To me, and to the jury." You can not state that you know what the jury believes. Because you can't possibly know what is going on in the jury's mind. You can state "To me, and hopefully to the jury." . . . I guess you can state it. I mean you did. But, how could you possibly know what the jury believes or disbelieves?
What the hell does it matter if Cindy knew or did not know Casey was pregnant?
DUMB cross examination.
Doesn't matter if she was or was not. What's that got to do with CASEY not reporting her missing child for 30 days and the kid winds up dead???

The defense are tards.
But I have to disagree on your statement above "To me, and to the jury." You can not state that you know what the jury believes. Because you can't possibly know what is going on in the jury's mind. You can state "To me, and hopefully to the jury." . . . I guess you can state it. I mean you did. But, how could you possibly know what the jury believes or disbelieves?

Nothing for nothin' (this will come back to haunt me I'm sure) I was not convinced, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that OJ was guilty (and I am a white female adult).

So I would like to think, I can become totally unbiased at the time of a trial and listen and garner information ONLY from what's said during said-time.

And erasing all that I heard before May 24th, a drowning makes the most sense......for now. Until proven otherwise.

I wonder if Baez is trying to throw this trial on purpose? I think he has way too much on his plate for one person to handle efficiently and effectively.

Time will tell.


Yeah, I am totally into this case. And I can't apologize for that. I do apologize however for my overt opinions though.
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What the hell does it matter if Cindy knew or did not know Casey was pregnant?
DUMB cross examination.
Doesn't matter if she was or was not. What's that got to do with CASEY not reporting her missing child for 30 days and the kid winds up dead???

The defense are tards.

It proves how unattached she is to reality and how deeply set she's in denial. It's crucial to make the jury be aware of her demeanor.

If she can deny this obviously 7-month tangible pregnancy then she can deny what her husband allegedly was doing to her daughter.
Anything that comes out of Casey's mouth cannot be believed. That much is clear. To me, and to the jury. So her bullshit about WHY she did whatever the fuck is she did, you can't believe anyway. The truth will be found out by everyone else testifying and forensics, etc...but they damn sure will never find out via Casey.

Grace -- I am in agreement that Casey is a pathological liar. But I have to disagree on your statement above "To me, and to the jury." You can not state that you know what the jury believes. Because you can't possibly know what is going on in the jury's mind. You can state "To me, and hopefully to the jury." . . . I guess you can state it. I mean you did. But, how could you possibly know what the jury believes or disbelieves?

How? Because I'm in the same boat the jury is in. The jury heard about this case before, but about as much as I did. So pretend I am a juror. This is all mostly news to me. MY opinion only, I'm taking what is presented before me and I just don't see C and G as "reason" for that child to be dead and her mother lying as much as she did while she partied. All this is going thru my head. I'm pretty sure the same thoughts are floating around in the juries as well.

I'm going to clarify something for the last time. I don't give a rat's ass what you or anyone else thinks, either in agreement with my opinion, or not. I'm not here to bicker and demand. I'm here to try to make sense of it all and discuss at the same time. Believe martians came down and did it for all I care. I'm going with what is presented before me on what I'm seeing on the tv trial as it progresses.
What the hell does it matter if Cindy knew or did not know Casey was pregnant?
DUMB cross examination.
Doesn't matter if she was or was not. What's that got to do with CASEY not reporting her missing child for 30 days and the kid winds up dead???

The defense are tards.

It proves how unattached she is to reality and how deeply set she's in denial. It's crucial to make the jury be aware of her demeanor.

If she can deny this obviously 7-month tangible pregnancy then she can deny what her husband allegedly was doing to her daughter.

Possibly. But it carries no weight with me at this time what the defense said at opening of the trial. I'll wait for the shrinks to testify, and more evidence to be presented.
And on the other foot, it can also be shown she is detached from reality because she's a bad seed, a nutbar, a sociopath and narcisitic. Right? That shoe can fit both feet.

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