Casey Anthony

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No. You are on the hate warpath against CINDY. Your posts have become very clear on that. George as well, but not as much as your vendetta against Cindy.

We are all having opinions. The difference is, none of us are jumping your ass and foaming at the mouth. We are discussing, trying to figure it all out. YOU are insisting YOU are correct and what is wrong with US for not seeing it YOUR way.

Just sayin'

So what? I do NOT like this family. I don't have an invested interest or stake to have a vendetta.

I AM discussing this trial. As of Tuesday, after hearing Baez's OS, I am leaning towards the Defenses theory.

This thread isn't a "We Hate Casey" thread. So what's your problem?

There is NO evidence showing she killed her daughter. If there is, please show me because I missed it.

As far as chloroform? I don't know too much about its effect, side effect or long time effect but so far no one has ever said they saw Caylee lethargic or dopey or more tired than the average 2 year old.
I don't believe someone just WAKES up from being knocked out and bounces back to normalcy. So again, I have not seen nor heard any evidence backing any murder including but not limited to an overdose to chloroform.

What's my problem? Being spit on with foam.
Just one question. How could any MOTHER not know where her 2 year old child is and NOT call the cops? How? Simple question.


She DID know where she was. She KNEW she was dead.

What part of this are you missing???

This is not MY opinion but it's the defenses explanation!!!!!!
Can someone toss me a link to the fact that George Anthony took a paternity test and was excluded as the father of Caylee?

I don't have a link, but I was watching the news, in fact I had all my TV's on different news stations at the time they were discussing the DNA testings on Lee and George, because I was on the edge of my seat when the results came back, because I was feeling sicker by the minute to think either one could be the Daddy.
BUT, the news reporters brought forth news that Lee Anthony and George Anthony were neither one the Father of little Caylee.
I am almost sure that's why the subject of those 2 being the Dad hasn't come up anymore, it has been dismissed.
I'm not leaning any way, so far. I am musing. Thinking. Putting what's been placed before me in this trial, in perspective. Wacked family? Yep. Can't believe a word Casey says? Yep. Which takes a MAJOR role in what my final analysis will be. Like I keep saying..the trial just started. CASEY is on trial. Not her parents.
No. You are on the hate warpath against CINDY. Your posts have become very clear on that. George as well, but not as much as your vendetta against Cindy.

We are all having opinions. The difference is, none of us are jumping your ass and foaming at the mouth. We are discussing, trying to figure it all out. YOU are insisting YOU are correct and what is wrong with US for not seeing it YOUR way.

Just sayin'

So what? I do NOT like this family. I don't have an invested interest or stake to have a vendetta.

I AM discussing this trial. As of Tuesday, after hearing Baez's OS, I am leaning towards the Defenses theory.

This thread isn't a "We Hate Casey" thread. So what's your problem?

There is NO evidence showing she killed her daughter. If there is, please show me because I missed it.

As far as chloroform? I don't know too much about its effect, side effect or long time effect but so far no one has ever said they saw Caylee lethargic or dopey or more tired than the average 2 year old.
I don't believe someone just WAKES up from being knocked out and bounces back to normalcy. So again, I have not seen nor heard any evidence backing any murder including but not limited to an overdose to chloroform.

That's because NOBODY saw Caylee -- until her little dead corpse was found.
I'm not leaning any way, so far. I am musing. Thinking. Putting what's been placed before me in this trial, in perspective. Wacked family? Yep. Can't believe a word Casey says? Yep. Which takes a MAJOR role in what my final analysis will be. Like I keep saying..the trial just started. CASEY is on trial. Not her parents.

That's great that you're not leaning.

I am.

Does that make me a worse person than you? I am getting lost in these posts and their point.

Nuff said. Back to trial
Just one question. How could any MOTHER not know where her 2 year old child is and NOT call the cops? How? Simple question.


She DID know where she was. She KNEW she was dead.

What part of this are you missing???

This is not MY opinion but it's the defenses explanation!!!!!!

The defense is paid to get their client cleared. Do you believe everything the defense SAYS without back up proof?
I'm not leaning any way, so far. I am musing. Thinking. Putting what's been placed before me in this trial, in perspective. Wacked family? Yep. Can't believe a word Casey says? Yep. Which takes a MAJOR role in what my final analysis will be. Like I keep saying..the trial just started. CASEY is on trial. Not her parents.

That's great that you're not leaning.

I am.

Does that make me a worse person than you? I am getting lost in these posts and their point.

Nuff said. Back to trial

This isn't all about you, ya know. Get a grip.
I never said Caylee died in the pool. Just because the cause of death may or may not have occurred in the pool, does not exclude its existence from being a potentially painful trigger.

Why? Caylee loved swimming and that pool. IF she died in the pool and George brought her body in, dead, then yeah. Painful reminder. But she DIDN'T die in that pool. Therefore, it is a reminder of better days when caylee was alive and having fun in it.

We know this?

It was your scenario. And based on the evidence so far yes.

We "know" the prosecution and the Anthony's do not consider the pool the manner of death, therefore it's not a painful trigger they need to rid themselves of.
That was PERFECT of Baez to get in the 'pre-Caylee's birth' lies!!!!

Casey has been lying (it appears) much of her life. Not because she wanted to go out necessarily to party with her friends but...because she needed an escape from her brutal truth of living with a sexual predator!!

Excellent job Baez.

If the lightning (State) don't get her (Cindy) then the thunder (Defense) will!
Paraphrasing from the late great Jerry Garcia!!!

Cindy WILL eventually get caught up and called out on her lies!
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I'm not leaning any way, so far. I am musing. Thinking. Putting what's been placed before me in this trial, in perspective. Wacked family? Yep. Can't believe a word Casey says? Yep. Which takes a MAJOR role in what my final analysis will be. Like I keep saying..the trial just started. CASEY is on trial. Not her parents.

That's great that you're not leaning.

I am.

Does that make me a worse person than you? I am getting lost in these posts and their point.

Nuff said. Back to trial

This isn't all about you, ya know. Get a grip.

I apologize. I thought you were directing that at me (seeing I was the one who used the word 'leaning' after all)
My bad.
Here's an Olive Branch.
For clarity's sake, we do not know who fathered Caylee. Am I correct? I was waiting for Baez to infer that George is the father. Maybe that is yet to come.

A minor irrelevant thought, but for the life of me I cannot understand why the Anthonys still have that pool in their backyard. As stated in George's letters, they had done renovations on the house and yard so its not as if they had been living unproductive non-participatory lives. So why keep that painful questionable reminder?

Who said the baby died in the pool??
George and Cindy have not said she died in the pool, therefore, why should they remove it??

I never said Caylee died in the pool. Just because the cause of death may or may not have occurred in the pool, does not exclude its existence from being a potentially painful trigger.

Why? Should they move too?
Who said the baby died in the pool??
George and Cindy have not said she died in the pool, therefore, why should they remove it??

I never said Caylee died in the pool. Just because the cause of death may or may not have occurred in the pool, does not exclude its existence from being a potentially painful trigger.

Why? Should they move too?

Oh good grief. It was a thought. Not a proclamation of circumstance. We all handle emotions in different ways, I shared My thinking.
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That's because NOBODY saw Caylee -- until her little dead corpse was found.

I beg to differ. People saw Caylee all the time. Up until June 16th as a matter of fact.

What some people are alleging, if I that Casey used chloroform ALL the time (or at least, on more than one occasion) when she didn't have a sitter. They're alleging she'd often knock Caylee out, put her sleepy little listless body in her trunk and go off to rock-n-roll with her friends.

I don't buy that personally mainly because people who did see Caylee (like her grandmother, or Lee, or Anthony, or Amy etc) never said Caylee appear overly tired.

I'd be interested in learning the effects of chloroform. I just can't imagine a 2 year old child simply waking up once it wore of and going about her life with no signs of being drugged.
Now THAT is hard for me to picture.

And let's say she DID die that way? Why bring her back to her home? If Casey found Caylee dead when she returned back to her car after 'partying'...why not just throw her body in the nearest dumpster (seeing how heartless and selfish she was)?
Why drag the DNA back to your own home????

It makes no sense.
That was PERFECT of Baez to get in the 'pre-Caylee's birth' lies!!!!

Casey has been lying (it appears) much of her life. Not because she wanted to go out necessarily to party with her friends but...because she needed an escape from her brutal truth of living with a sexual predator!!

Excellent job Baez.

If the lightning (State) don't get her (Cindy) then the thunder (Defense) will!
Paraphrasing from the late great Jerry Garcia!!!

Cindy WILL eventually get caught up and called out on her lies!

Just out of curiosity, did you have an orgasm when you were typing this??
I never said Caylee died in the pool. Just because the cause of death may or may not have occurred in the pool, does not exclude its existence from being a potentially painful trigger.

Why? Should they move too?

Oh good grief. It was a thought. Not a proclamation of circumstance. We all handle emotions in different ways, I shared My thinking.

I wasn't attacking you

They deny the drowning so I was asking an honest question. You made the connection not me. It sounded just like a opinion based on believing the defense theory.

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